For you Sup Forums

Dropping redpills on the masses
like tequila in shot glasses
Or Tila Tequila with Twitter hashes
about the absence of Auschwitz ashes.
Sup Forums is satire, we're not real fascists,
we just come here to watch as the narrative crashes,
with no survivors, just one of us
in the wreckage, brother, for you; JUST

O! Kek, mighty frog god of chaos and dubs,
Give us the happening we've all dreamed of,
A new Molymeme video the next day,
And give 'not an argument' power to sway,
Leave all the shills, but just for a day,
but take all their two cent deposits away,
For in our hearts, you are the lone ember,
We pray to you that Trump win in November.
he winds of change feed that ember- the fire rises,
with each day, a new crisis. The ire of ISIS,
until all degenerates swing from the rope,
the trannies, the mudsharks, the hookers on dope,
As Kek strengthens our borders, pour you a drink,
And if nothing else - it really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kil yourself faggot

Kill yourself faggot

Why are you bullying me? I worked hard on this for you guys? I thought you would like it...I'm just trying to contribute...Would you rather me just spout over used memes and shitpost?

Christ you're an autist

You guys are the autists! It supposed to be a joke! IT'S JUST SATIRE!


Well played, OP.

naw its good, sing it in talent contest or open mic day or something


that's good shit my dude

Thanks fellas. I might sing it and upload it. But really, I want to be the poet laureate of Sup Forums.


Good use of slants, decent flow that could do with a little tightening up. Needs more multis. Some bars feel a little strained, always try to consider that the rhythm and melody is the main focus. Your mouth is an instrument, you arn't talking.

Keep creating dont let the negativity win

I like this thread

Oh look it's the autist who comes to Sup Forums daily calling other people autists.

so offbeat its like vocal shitposting

yes glad I stuck around

new kek theme:

You are no Soothslayer, fool. For I am Hermes Trismegistus, god of thought, time, and rhyme

TY based shitposter

kek It's not supposed it be a rap. It's just a poem. But thank you. If I'd meant for it to be rapped/sung I'd have done it differently.