why don't your support poor refugees? user
They need your help
why don't your support poor refugees? user
They need your help
Kikes moved that dead kid around for the perfect shot.
That's not why I don't support the refugees. But it alone could be.
how the fuck did he drown lmao
that one doesn't need anything anymore, zipperhead
ocean seems to be doing a good enough job not to need my help
A nation should care first and foremost about it's own people.
Second to it's own people, it's allies should be given help so long as both are in a mutually beneficial relationship.
No one else should be cared for. Syrians should be saved by their ally countries that are culturally, religiously and ethnically connected. If not, they should be left to die.
Just remember, the Obama administration deliberately destabilized Syria during the tenure of Hillary Clinton as Secratary of State. The blood of every Syrian killed in the war or in flight from Syria is on their hands. They are responsible for the flood of refugees into Europe. Neither will held responsible, of course.
I don't care, too bad they didn't machine gun the little shit's boat.
-Bill Clinton
ISIS started with Bush and Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Yeah, let them into Japan, nip.
I support the ones who are genuinely fleeing countries who hate their guts. I support refugees who want to embrace my culture and start a new life.
I don't support refugees who want to rape my women because of some outdated and barbaric cultural norms from their shitty country.
I don't support refugees who want to exploit welfare.
I don't support refugees who legitimately destroy their doctuments.
The boat his family was traveling on was likely attacked and sunk by bigoted, racist, sexist, nationalist, white supremacist fascists.
Nip didnt you guys let in like 5 of them and they killed someone?
This, what pisses me off is that most who are coming in aren't even trying to escape the war they just want free shit handed to them.
Because over half the refugees from Syria that have come to my country have already been arrested or committed a crime.
never go full retard, user
here's where things go haywire with imports
you can pay for false gov in docs in some cultures
a bent worker will create the entries for you on the job
maybe throw in a couple of blocks of cadbury to sweeten the deal
and that's when things go haywire from reality, and immi get played like a fiddle
here's where things go haywire with imports
you can pay for false gov in docs in some cultures
a bent worker will create the entries for you on the job
maybe throw in a couple of blocks of cadbury to sweeten the deal
and that's when things go haywire from reality, and immi get played like a fiddle by people rauting the system
i am not their father or brother. i dont know them and dont care to. they can gofuckthemselves for being dirty savages
Because no good deed goes unpunished.
His dad was a human trafficker who overloaded the boat which subsequently capsized. That kid would have grown up to be another scumbag like his father. Score one for humanity that this little shit drowned.
You would have to be legitimately retarded not to """"""run from scary war"""""" these days though.
>laid-back law enforcement
>tons of pussy offering itself because "Muh poor refugees ;((((("
>can rape any pussy that doesnt offer itself
>much better living standarts
Why not? Dumb societies are paying these people to take over slowly through birth rates. Put yourself in their shoes, they are just a horse following the carrot.
>drowned refugee
>feel a little bit of pity
>crushed french girl
>feel nothing
What the fuck. Maybe it's the imagery that matters. That or I've been subconsciously cucked.
Maybe I'd feel something if there wasn't that stupid garbage bag over her.
Sad that one foreign boy can open a border, but 78 native borns can't close it.
where does it end
un-fucking real
Ehhhh just stick them all in the Mojave desert in a refugee camp or some shit. Or Utah. It's close enough to their usual environment and it's far enough from civilization so they don't cause any major problems.
What's that? That'll be a drain on our national budget? What's the big deal we already give welfare out to tens of millions, what the fuck are 10,000 sandniggers gonna do?
>attempting to differentiate between the puppets employed as presidents of the US corporation.
Obama is Bush in blackface. Clinton/Trump will be Obama in whiteface, and so on.