Let's discuss gun control.
What common sense measures would you implement to help stop gun violence? I'll start:
>Kill all the gun-grabbers.
Let's discuss gun control.
What common sense measures would you implement to help stop gun violence? I'll start:
>Kill all the gun-grabbers.
>legalize killing minorities
Kill all gun-grabbers.
Expel all of the niggers. Problem solved.
Spay and neuter democrats.
Mandatory shooting classes in schools.
Require open carry in public.
>inb4 whites are the new minority.
Ban whites like South Africa did
>If I say "common sense", my point becomes valid
Stop the drug war, which is causing a shitload of inner city violence, gun owner ship becomes a much less controversial issue once gangs funded and organized around selling drugs evaporate over a decade or so following legalization, ta-da, I solved it.
Literally just make owning a gun like owning a car.
You need a training and safety coarse and to be over the age of 18. When you pass training you get a license and can buy anything.
The only thing to worry about with people getting guns legally is retards not knowing how to handle or respect them, that is literally all. Make safety coarses mandatory and you wont have to have any other laws whatsoever.
>(((common sense)))
>common sense
Deport all blacks and Mexicans. Our homicide rate is now on par with Britain.
Because nobody dies from mishandling cars. . .right.
Exactly?.. that is why you have coarses and tests you dumb fuck, to avoid mishandling of either lethal tool.
And who will be the instructor for this coarse?
Reform your retarded mental health system so that crazies are treated and kept off the streets.
Hand grenades for niggers, pins are $17.50
People who are qualified to teach others about firearms just like people who are qualified to judge a person's driving ability
Honestly I havent the slightest clue where the street guns are coming from but until that leak is plugged there will be no slowing of gun violence.
>what is the NRA basic pistol course required to get a ccw permit
Straw purchases by gang initiates with no record and Jamal's cousin who never been in trouble with the po po
There is no reason for these gangs to exist outside of our own bullshit, pointless, and counterproductive drug war
>Stop the drug war
That's kinda vague
Do you mean legalize Marijuana?
What about:
Legalizing weed has become increasingly popular, legalizing meth not so much. Very few voters will support "ending the drug war" if that means allowing meth and heroin to be given a pass.
>"Let's make a DMV for guns"
I'm so tired of liberals spouting this idiotic position and parading it around as if it's some sort of compromise that benefits everyone.
How about I enjoy the Rights recognized (not given) by the constitution, and you fuck off.
Legalize all of them. Most of the harder drugs are only as popular as they are because the black market for other drugs leads them into it, and its doubtful they would be popular at all (if they really are dangerous) in an open and informed marketplace (see whats happening to tobacco currently).
Many drugs would be much less harmful if they were made with regulations preventing the use of harmful substances (i.e. not cut with toxic shit, compare black market moonshine to legal alcohol for example), and finally all users would be better off if they felt free to get help when they needed it, and if they didnt have their lives destroyed by the justice system if they get caught.
Also all NON-users would be better off without having these people who got fucked by our retarded drug laws causing drag on society. Massive amounts of money would be saved on legal bullshit and incarceration, the for profit prison system could be wound down, and so on.