On pissing off feminists: a comprehensive guide

Oh man, you people would not believe the triggering, the rage, the salt, the pure, distilled anger and even racism and intolerance from 'the tolerants'.

>made a social media profile on a site with high traffic of mostly western chicks
>had pictures mostly in nature, in traditional/nationalistic clothing
>described myself as a traditional, said I disliked feminism because it is built on debunked myths, hypocrisy and nonsense, listed a bunch of reasons why it is bullshit, mentioned men are a minority in society, have higher suicide and rape rates etc
And holy shit what happens next:

>some landwhale feminist says "only the dumbest guys go for these unrealistic body type east asian and east european girls, i hate that our immigration allows so much of them to come here and corrupt the already fucked up self image of young girls" or something like that
I call her out on her racism, site basically explodes.

>another one calls me a typical eastern european gender traitor that sells herself short to the trump voters
I ask her arent feminists supposed to be all inclusive, especially of the trans people? Are trans people gender traitors as well than? They underwent an existential ideology meltdown crisis

>said that I am studying engineering because going multiple digits in debt over an unemployable education is stupid, because economy works on jobs and not on hobbies, and because everyone who thinks that they can live on a hobby are extremely sheltered and likely to end up on minimum wage and poverty, also said women studies and communications/art is completely useless in the job market
This one hit hard too. I think this one made them realize that not only they wont be able to live off of a man because they are disgusting, but they probably wont be able to live at all. At this one replies were mostly "no you are wrong" but literally nothing else.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Tyranny-Politically-Correct-Totalitarianism-Postmodern/dp/1910881163/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1465393563&sr=8-1&keywords=keith preston&linkCode=ll1&tag=thomacom-20&linkId=3609355795b2729e19e850689f094db8

Now this is classic Sup Forums right here. Well done serbianbro.

I have never had a whole bunch of people write really invested comments in such a large numbers at me. It really felt glorious.

I feel like some of them might have changed their opinions after reading my profile, and some hardcore feminist fat ones contemplated a suicide.

nicely done.
Didn't know it is so easy to trigger them. I don't really use social media stuff.

Well done. How many death threats did you receive?

Can you copypaste some of the exchanges? Or is it in some shit language that isn't english?

this pls




>feminism because it is built on debunked myths, hypocrisy and nonsense

This is not true for feminism in entirety. Of course you got bad reactions when you wrote something this stupid.

> mentioned men are a minority in society, have higher suicide and rape rates

You have to be literally retarded to think men are underprivileged in Serbian society. Serbia actually needs more feminism and not less. It's not one of those cucked super progressive societies, it's still patriarchal as fuck.

Also, don't shill your profile.

>Serbia actually needs more feminism and not less. It's not one of those cucked super progressive societies, it's still patriarchal as fuck

You do realize how we got here, right?

t. Triggered Landwhale

Show me your tits.

>my country needs more feminism
Gentlemen, i think we've found the first, living serbian cuck.

Nice b8 m8

Patriarchy is a fictional boogeyman. You're making his point.

It's arguable how bad "here" is. The impact of "bad" feminism on real life honestly does not seem to be that big. When you go past completely trivial shit like the witch hunt after sexist things in culture and privilege-checking, there isn't much left other than perhaps dubious systems regarding rape cases and divorce suits. Fuck if I know though. I just know any sensible person would rather have to worry about 1st-world problems like using politically correct terms on the internet, rather than worrying if the neighbor is beating his wife too much.

You are all worse than tumblr. You make such retarded kneejerk reactions every time someone challenges your views even slightly. This is literally why people started hating SJWs, and you are doing the same thing.

t. never met a Serb. This country couldn't be more cucked.

>Patriarchy is a fictional boogeyman

Maybe in your country. Try sending your sister to live here for a while, see if you change your mind.

shes so fucking hot


>retarded kneejerk reactions

You will inevitably come to the conclusion provided you dwell on this topic for some time that egalitarianism and even feminism ends up with authoritarian/totalitarianism. That's how it shakes out.

whats wrong with her armpits

>mentioned men are a minority in society, have higher rape rates etc
I thought that's only if you count prison rapes.


Anyway i just looked his tumblr, and it's a guy
nothing to see here.

Feminists don't always shave their armpits. It's like the one stereotype everyone knows, get it together dude.

Check western birth rates, patriarchal systems are the only ones that survive for a reason user.

>Allowing women to vote
You know why this board doesn't like them voting right?

There is no merit in feminism you damn idiot.

Sup Forums is, believe it or not, actually the less circlejerk board on the chans. Now, whether you were triggered or not, that is for you to deal with it.

What did she mean by this?

Who is this semen demon?

You did this to them. This is just retaliation from decades of oppression.

I doubt anyone gets triggered by anything these days (I don't). I'm just shooting the shit.

>that egalitarianism and even feminism ends up with authoritarian/totalitarianism.

Even if you were right about this, you cannot reasonably prove it. So I don't know why you believe you can act like your opinion is common sense.

Here's an example, and you try to explain to me what's wrong with egalitarianism being applied to it:

A female friend of mine, top of her class in physical chemistry, tried to apply at a lab once. After passing all written and oral exams, at the final interview, they told her that the job was such that "there was a lot of moving of stuff around and a girl like you would have a hard time with that." This was for a research position which included no physical labor of any sort. They just randomly decided that a girl was somehow too weak to pick up Erlenmayer flasks and she did not get the job. Keep in mind she fulfilled every formal requirement and was a very good fit for the job. Tell me how egalitarianism would not fix this ridiculous problem.

>Check western birth rates

Numbers are not everything. Differences in birth rates are normal in nature. And even if you could argue that lower male birth rates are cause for concern, it does not follow that women should for some reason be put into inferior positions because of that.

>You know why this board doesn't like them voting right?

Because some women vote irrationally. Boo-hoo, like you've never seen men vote irrationally.

Stellar argument.

The fact that you are all mentioning triggering is proof of how circlejerky you are. There's no cause for that, other to band together and try to discredit me.

You should all read up on confirmation bias.

I meant the serbian poster not you

Yeah, only the ones who don't agree with you can get triggered, right? Fucking closeted tumblrite.

Men and women are fundamentally different.

Different bone density. Different lung capacity. Different muscle mass. Different upper body strength. Different grip. Different reproduction. Different mentality...

For example, let's say you have a tribe of 10 males and 10 females. If you send 10 males into battle, and 9 of them dies, the 1 remaining male can inseminate all the females, and tribe loses 0 people in the future generation.
If you send 10 females into battle and 9 die, tribe lost 90% of the future generation.


Only one person mentioned that user.

Can you post some screenshots of what they sent you?

I'd say she's pretty good at making bios for normal people to back the fuck off from.

This is Sup Forums not Facebook, we are fully aware of what confirmation bias is you condescending cuckold.

Western birth rates are so extreme their populations will halve every 1.3 generations, giving women control at all is unsustainable in a mostly liberal utopia.

Post tumblr pls.

>the 1 remaining male can inseminate all the females, and tribe loses 0 people in the future generation.
This is true but remember it's all fucked up now with inbred genetics.

>There's no cause for that, other to band together and try to discredit me.

There's no conspiracy against you. I'd suggest reading Preston as an introduction.

amazon.com/Tyranny-Politically-Correct-Totalitarianism-Postmodern/dp/1910881163/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1465393563&sr=8-1&keywords=keith preston&linkCode=ll1&tag=thomacom-20&linkId=3609355795b2729e19e850689f094db8


Today you learned that women are stupid and never should their opinions be taken seriously.

Still rape.

> anecdotal BS
Not an argument

Women are not put into "inferior positions"
Sitting on your ass while males work their ass off in physical labor is somehow a disadvantage? Gimme a break.

All the so-called equality and empowerment has brought to the west is less marriages, unstable families, single moms, promiscuity, etc etc.

Women are not men
Men are not women
Trying to pretend we are equal is retarded.

Women also have more white matter in the brain which causes them to be more emotional than men.
Which is a reason why womens' abity to decipher facts is lower than mens'
(Might be gray matter, always mix up the two)

If one or a few males do all or almost all the breeding, there'll be inbreeding. Not to mention that we're not tiny tribal societies.

>call slut a slut
>treat her like the child she is
>watch the fireworks
Women are hilarious, especially the ones with baggage

user no! Dont bring scientific proven facts! You might get him hurt!

Wait no, we are all conspiring against womyns so he'll have his safe place secured.

Grey matter is the hardware, white matter is the cabling (putting it crudely)

As for vote patterns, they are not "some women", they are the vast majority of women, they overwhelmingly vote for larger government, more state handouts (for their own safety) and less border control.
I describe them as "a neccesary but subversive element that must be controlled to at least some extent for the advancement of human society".

I am aware "not all women", but individually targeting some women is way too much work, you simply can't do it unless say, you implement neccesary military service for voters.

I know faggots from your country, they hate it there and I understand some individuals would prefer a western style society, but the same can be said for individuals here.

Also, stop watching molyjew, he's literally a cult leader, he is sociopathic in his manipulation and control over his viewers. He might have good arguments but that's only the start of the trap, Google "Stephen molyneux con artist" and you'll understand his past.

i secretly hoped the nato bombings got all the manginas

apparently not

>that last message

you dodged a fucking cannonball m8 never mind a bullet

>Prison rape doesn't count as rape
Burgers everyone, not even once.


Yes, to keep stupid, gullible bitches like you in a servile position.

Biological differences, which exist, but are not dramatic (a woman and a man can basically do the same things, just with different efficiency when it comes to some), ESPECIALLY IN A MODERN DAY SOCIETY WHERE PHYSICAL LABOR ISN'T AS IMPORTANT.

Your line of thinking is not retarded, but the way you apply it is. The fact that 1 male can inseminate 10 females and not vice versa does not mean that females need to have arbitrary (There's no conspiracy against you

No one mentioned a conspiracy. You cannot deny that most of the posters had a hostile attitude towards me, and didn't bother much with arguments as they did with insults. I do not take this personally, but I will not ignore it.

>> anecdotal BS

Treat it as a hypothetical scenario.

>Women are not put into "inferior positions"
Maybe not in America.

>Women are not men
>Men are not women
Never said this, don't strawman me. No one needs to pretend that women and men are equal, but there is no sensible reason to not give them equal opportunities in most areas that aren't dramatically influenced by sex. Such as most relevant labor-market issues.

>Even though it's twenty fucking sixteen

I couldn't care less if the birth rate becomes "sustainable at some point", I'd prefer it to be sustainable NOW.

Are we going to wait 200 years for liberals to be bred out of our population or what? Invite half a billion immigrants into Europe to do it for us?

I'll also suggest Herbert Marcuse's essay Repressive Tolerance. You can find that here. He wrote this back in the 60's which is around the time that socialism/communism as a whole lost the theoretical argument as well as the empirical.


He outlines the idea that in order to have true tolerance you have to have repression. This is because you can't really have tolerance if points of view that are considered intolerant are allowed to be heard. This includes beliefs and practices that are considered intolerant as well. In order to have tolerance you require great control over what people can and cannot do because then someone might do something intolerant.

If you read the essay he actually calls for suppressing free speech and freedom of association. There are more but these are all the traditional classic western liberal rights that took centuries of struggle to achieve.

Hope that points you in the right direction.

>they overwhelmingly vote for larger government, more state handouts (for their own safety) and less border control

These are not inherently bad things, even if Molymeme tells you they are. If you think people should be limited in terms of voting because they vote a certain way, then you clearly aren't interested in democracy and we don't have a good reference point for this conversation. By eschewing a democratic model, you're basically saying "everything goes."

>I know faggots from your country, they hate it there and I understand some individuals would prefer a western style society, but the same can be said for individuals here.

Yes, but could you just /imagine/ at least that sexes aren't treated the same in all societies, and that his could be considered unjust in most worldviews? If you can agree, then there's obviously room for more feminism.

Pay denbts.

Go make kids then. Are you going to try and convince me that women (and men) should get their rights abolished just so that you can establish your own breeding program?

Let me just say, not as an argument, but as a personal opinion you can just ignore: preserving "the Western society" the way you want to preserve it will make it not worth preserving.

That's true but it's an important distinction to separate prison rape from other rape

I'm authoritarian, well done for pointing it out.

So let me get this straight, you use anécdotes and then feel insulted when anons start using statistics and science to stand their argument that feminism is a road to a totalitarian regime and will be the downfall of modern society? Oh I get it, kikebook, tumbler, reddit, even jewtube are there for you to provide you the safe space that you so evidently wants. Truth hurts, doesn't it? You are just a click away and you can make it all better.

Literally "it's the current year!"

They're so triggered by being called sluts. It's as if they think it's a bad thing.

Nuclear family is the only thing that passed the test of time. There is no better environment to raise children. These feminists want to have 50 abortions, sleep around, be sluts, have fatherless children, and demand the money from the state.

Its is just so sad to have so many fatherless kids with whore mothers, growing up all fucked up, their lives ruined before they even started.
A normal family and a normal mother and father have proved much better than this modern bullshit feminism phase that I really hope will just pass.

Also, I have never really watched molyJew btw, I recognised his bullshit instantly back when he was first introduced to pol.

Too bad Serbia isn't European you seem like youd enjoy to prepping bulls

The average woman is retarded just on IQ alone. Not to mention all their other terrible qualities like cowardice, lack of loyalty, unregulated emotions and narcissism. You have to be a special kind of magina retard to not see that.

Women have evolved for ONE function and ONE function only, to shit out kids. And they can't even do that anymore. They are literally useless at this point. Artificial wombs could come out in the next few decades and the female sex will be entirely obsolete. Men could theoretically kill/phase out every woman and nothing would change. In fact I'm all for it.

It sucks trying to have a single intelligent conversation on the internet. I did something similar on the steamforums of a videogame (Europa Universalis 4 to be exact) where I called out the losers buying DLC supporting terrible business practices.

It's remarkable how similar they act, most Americans when put under pressure or feel insulted utterly shut down and go into shell mode, they attack you not because what you're saying is wrong, but because if they don't attack you it chips away at their self-esteem.

In nature when humans are backed into a corner, they naturally fight to survive. Well nowadays everyone is sheltered, and the only backing into corners is that of arguing over stupid things that don't matter on the internet.

Keep fighting the good fight Sup Forums, they can pretend it doesn't bother them, but it does, and maybe soon our truthful ideology can spread to the SJW politically correct infested world of degenerates.


The last Serbian I met that used the internet was a fat male faggot who hated his country because he liked furry shit, dragon dildos and other degenerate shite. He wanted to move to Europe and help cuck us even more.

>CURRENT FUCKING YEAR user??????????
Jfc kill her m8


"Modern labor not important"
Yes, we stopped building infrastructure, wars, and electricity does not need to be connected to cables which are stored inside the walls.

Feminism is what brought the sexual revolution, so yes - you can argue that feminsm is the biggest reason behind it, moron.

No, i won't treat it as a hypothetical scenario since there is no basis behind it.

I am from Eastern Europe
Women are not put into inferior positions in Slavland, they are on a pedestal.
Adored and men always help them.
Just because their role is different than the role of men does not mean their position is inferior.

I did not strawman you.
Giving them "equal opportunities" only leads to more feminist bitching and blaming seeing as how women cannot compete with men in intellectual fields.
>see "sexist calculus"
>see "sexist stem"

Also, you ignored the rest of my post.. Are you 2cool4science?


You were making sense until you said you'd rather we have artificial baby machines then women.

Go outside kid.

We don't need to go into the pragmatic benefits of various restrictive concepts, it is obvious they exist.
Put simply, they, however, clash with the core values of most Western civilizations they are supposed to defend. Which makes the whole thing a paradox.

You do not live here. I used that anecdote as an illustration, and it still stands as a good situation in which you can explain to me how basic egalitarian treatment of men and women is bad. You just keep trying to insult me and aren't responding to my arguments. Please at least try to keep it at the level of other posters, who at least bother to bring up arguments, their own or others'.

>There is no better environment to raise children.

Citation needed.

>Nuclear family is the only thing that passed the test of time

Consider that the nuclear family didn't exist in some early societies, nor in some modern Muslim and tribal societies (which still exist, so the also passed the test of time).

Additionally, all and every form of feminism does not include the death of the nuclear family. The "modern bullshit feminism phase" is not as coherent and influential as you think it is.

>Women have evolved for ONE function and ONE function only, to shit out kids.

Ok God Emperor, it's how you say it is.



It won't be 10, it was probably hundreds, and all of the men but a few dying was rare, but enough to create an evolutionary tendency over thousands of years.

It's called evolution. Give me one rational reason to keep women around.

No one is insulting you user, if you feel insulted is because you feel like you are being cornered in a wall and screaming rape. Also, why did you ignore the fact science was mentioned? It really feels like low quality b8 now, what you're doing.

>citation needed

I am on my phone anons, someone post the charts which outline the divorce rates, happy marriages, etc etc.

Why are her hands so fucking big?

Women are companions to men.
Women in evolution are gatherers.
Women make babies.

I would bring up more points but this is obviously bait. But if it isn't, get help, you're literally retarded and haven't been outside in years.

>Ok God Emperor, it's how you say it is.
That's right, take things out of context and dodge the arguments. Like a true social justice warrior.

Tits or GTFO

>New York University

This is code for "I'm a fake profile."

>Serbia actually needs more feminism and not less
you're either a proxy or a shame to your nation

this graph doesn't look accurate at all. there are both more smarter men, and more dumber men, than women. Women pool in the center, while men create more outliers b/c of greater mutations affecting the Y chromosome.

Looks like this annoying bitch Katie Green from my grade ten English class. Literally the worst girl. Always had questions when the teacher said 'any last questions?'.

The worst.

I'm 27 and still hate her

>Women are companions to men.

Women hate men. It's called penis envy.

>Women in evolution are gatherers.

We don't live in the forest.

>Women make babies.

Artificial wombs will fill that niche.

>Yes, we stopped building infrastructure, wars, and electricity does not need to be connected to cables which are stored inside the walls.

Do you do all that manually in America? Do you seriously think women are incapable of participating in any of those? Was your mother disabled?

>Women are not put into inferior positions in Slavland, they are on a pedestal.

Ok, you know how it is here, since you have very good access to Serbian community and media. I'm sure you read about what happens here every day, and regularly Skype with a lot of Serbian girls to confirm your beliefs.

>Also, you ignored the rest of my post.. Are you 2cool4science?

I can't keep up with all of this.

>No, i won't treat it as a hypothetical scenario since there is no basis behind it.

There is no basis behind it? You seriously think I made it up just for the sake of this discussion?

>No one is insulting you user

I know, you're all my niggas. I just like to call people out on using words like "cuck" and "triggered" instead of responding in kind.

>did you ignore the fact science was mentioned?

I may have not responded to every post in here. Essentially, I will not agree that statistics and numbers in a vacuum somehow justify the fact that women are, in some societies, treated ARBITRARILY UNJUST. Keyword is arbitrarily.

>foretting if a girls hot online she has a dick
user, I

I speak for everyone in this thread when I says this: kill yourself immediately.

>implying all women are third wave feminists who hate men

You're telling me that women are good for one thing and one thing only. I see them doing other things every day, so how I can debunk your argument when I'm clearly blind and retarded?

I'm a bit of a maverick. Come here someday though. See for yourself.

Very good argument.

>needs more feminism
nowhere in the world at any point in time has this been a valid statement

>Essentially, I will not agree that statistics and numbers in a vacuum
Mate, you got blown the fuck out. When you start denying scientific studies without counterarguments, it's time to kill yourself.

So you are then accepting that you just want a safe space to blog while ignoring facts, science, and statistics? Okay, thank you for that. Pretty much what I thought from the start.

>We don't need to go into the pragmatic benefits of various restrictive concepts, it is obvious they exist.
>Put simply, they, however, clash with the core values of most Western civilizations they are supposed to defend. Which makes the whole thing a paradox.

It's not a paradox it's untenable. It requires and calls for full on state oppression which we already know what happens. Many ideals along these lines are already in place in Europe or the USA and require removal. You can look at Albania or Romania and the other Eastern European countries and their constitutions during the cold war. If you're really Serbian this should be easy.