Do you respect minimum wage workers who don't beg for hand outs, and just work more hours or are contempt with what they get?
Do you respect minimum wage workers who don't beg for hand outs...
>niggers actually working
hahahahahahahaha thanks for the laughs gb
Yup, to each his own.
There is no such thing as a shameful job, only shameful people.
Absolutely, nothing shameful in taking a low wage job if it's what you need to do.
People who leech off the system when they're perfectly capable of working are the worst though. Those people should be euthanized or at the very least sterilized.
Most successful people started out doing minimum wage jobs, myself included.
Can you open up another fucking register already or put in more automated registers? God damn, why are the automated registers closed? Hurry the fuck up, cunt.
I like mocking them knowing they can't say shit
Mostly jabs at their IQs and life choices
Honestly I believe they need to get paid more.
I've never made only minimum wage but can barely make it making 19 an hour.
No idea how bad people at minimum live but I imagine since I don't live that great as a supposed middle class they gotta be living like shit.
Also I home cook all my own meals and never go out and buy coffee or anything. Just house payment, car payment, health insurance, auto insurance, home owners insurance, cable bill, electricity, phone bill and ect.They add up fucking fast and zap all my money.
If I made less I'd be riding a bus living in the hood for sure.
>auto checkout
u wot m8, why would they ever be turned off
>contempt with what they get
Holy fuck, you niggers invented the goddamned language. Cut that shit out!
Minimum wage is only liveable if you have more than one job or live with your parents, don't know anyone that can afford to live on their own on minimum wage that doesn't either house share with housemates or get housing benefits like a fucking sponger
I think there are shamefull jobs. In Australia there's this big scam where these companies are paid by vocational training providers to door knock people to try to sign them up for courses. My mate did this for a a week before he left. The salesman gets $1000 if they can sign you up, and they give away ipads and shit. Most of the people signed up didn't realise it was a binding agreement and they had to pay for 3 years of college and get whether they did the course or not. So there are jobs that a shamefull. Jobs that prey on un educated people who think "hey, it would be cool if I had this and this gut infront of me is so trustworthy." but having said that minimum wage jobs aren't normally bad. As long as the person has a good attitude.
I have no reason to respect or resent a minimum wage worker by default.
Charities do a similar scam here
Absolutely, the world will always need ditch diggers and some people aren't built for more complex work, but they're still working.
To empty the cash.
That takes like 5 minutes at most, there's literally big supermarkets that are now 24 hours because they have tons of automated checkouts with some skeleton crew graveyard shift shelf stackers to monitor them
It's management's fault. I worked at trader joes for a few years and we had a really good system for opening up registers to meet customer demands. Simple. You just give your people the autonomy to hop on when they're needed. Ever since whenever I shop at Target or some shit it drives me up the fucking wall to see them using two of 30 registers, both of which are manned by the slowest shittiest octogenarian cashiers. Agonizing to watch and there's no reason for it.
I fucking think union shit.
It doesn't make sense to close down your auto registers and only leave manual. Especially when 1 person can run 4 self checkouts.
They can't exactly just pull it out and toss it in the safe, there's other things involved.
They could have them set to card only and still be turned on
They have to count out and check the purchases. If there's any discrepancies, which is admittedly unlikely, they need to have the stations available to check.
I respect anyone that works for a living.
Could they not rotate them so that there's always at least some on?
I'm only guessing, but I think they always check them before the manager with access to the safe leaves for the night, and since they only do it once a day it's a liability to have that amount of cash just lying around.
Do most people use cash on them there? Most people here pay by card for anything over £10 on the auto-checkouts
We typically use cards too, but cash is still common enough, and most of them have a cash back option so that has to be checked as well.
Don't think I've ever seen one that was turned off here that wasn't out of order though
Do you go shopping at 11PM?
When I lived in the city centre I did, I would go at 3am for breakfast sometimes
Then I don't know, that's typically when I see it done here.
No, I do not. I treat them like shit and try to ruin their day whenever I have to interact with them.
I'm sure the one's that close at 11 do but the 24 hour ones use the automated ones because they're cheaper and they're jews
That is the 24 hour ones. Most places don't give every manager access to the safe, and almost none of them give it to an overnight manager.
Of course
They still have them turned on until they close though
Can't they empty it once before the manager goes home and then turn them back on at night, emptying again when the manager comes in next morning?
It never made sense to me. We have a 24 hour grocery store and during the day there is one person presiding over 8 self checkouts. At night there is 1 cashier presiding over 1 manual checkout. Why not speed things up and have only 8 lanes of self checkout at night?
Fuck no, I take any kind of 1up i can get. When i go to the drive trough I always follow up my order with "Be thankful you got to talk with me scumbag".
They do turn them back on, they just have them off while they count out, and they count them all at once so the manager only opens the safe once. They typically do it at the end of the manager's day because that's a slow time.
Good way to get semen in your mcflurry
That's literally exactly what we do though. take out the money and take it to the safe, replace it with new money. Takes about 3 minutes for a self-checkout station or 10 seconds for a normal register.