Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

>the average price is lower by far in red states
looks right to me

what does that have to do with anything?

>30% of one minimum wage can't support living alone.
> this is somehow a bad thing

Fuck off commie.

Why highlight this? Of course you only need one bedroom. If you have a family, then you'll have two paychecks coming in
>average price
Why would a bottom-of-the-barrel worker deserve an apartment as goid as "average"?
>40 hour work week
I'm an engineer and even I don't get the luxury of a 40 hour work week. Why should some burger-flipper?
>30% of salary

>living alone instead of having a roommate
>expecting your rent to match your income and not the other way around

Maybe if you didn't major in liberal indoctrination studies at a private out-of-state university you'd have a real job instead of drawing faces in latte foam.

whats wrong with it?

>one bedroom
If you are living alone, then you only need a studio.
>average fair market rent
Why do people literally making the MINIMUM wage deserve average?
>40 hour work week
So not only are you unskilled, but also lazy?
>30% of income
Who the fuck decided on this arbitrary level? Oh right, I forgot you needed the other 70% to buy expensive junk food, Air Jordans, and the latest iPhone.

>States are the size of most countries, so cost of living carries depending where you are
>What are roommates

What job pays minimum wage besides McDonalds or food service? Even cashiers make around $10 an hour. If you become a waiter expecting to live on your own, you're retarded. Waiters are for kids and the retired.

less fucking taxes, getting raped in the ass in PA

>waahhh i lose 30% of my income to bills on the minimum wage

jesus christ is this satire ?

that's how much they'd have to work WEEKLY to have 30% go to an AVERAGE apartment

They only have 70% of their income left to use on weed and alcohol? Oh the horror.

Why do people working the MINIMUM wage deserve to get an AVERAGE apartment?

CA, FL, IL, NY, VA, CO, HI are all very popular places to live. has nothing to do with whatever bullshit youre selling.

IN and KY are extremely red at 65-61 and no one gives a shit about those states.

because 40 a week = full time
Anything after that is just because they made you or you were forced to work more.

>40 hours a week is lazy
good slave

Should be bottom 10% of apartments instead of average which will be skewed by apartments in high property value areas.

>only dubs

Work harder sl- employee!

Shit like this totally grinds my gears as well.

Like, there is some validity to the argument that our (((financial system))) is broken and unfair in a lot of ways.

A person working a minimum wage job should arguably be able to live in a modest apartment, with a roommate, covering bills while upgrading their skills in some capacity, with the occasional indulgence and a bit of room for saving.

However, it seems like these living wage fags want a bartender and a burger flipper to b able to support a family of 4 in a divided house in a suburb with two cards and a white picket fence, because they work full time.

Minimum wage isn't intended for what you think it is intended for.

lefty memes are all shit except the capitalist pig one. Folder drop ?

The minimum wage should cover the cheapest home in the cheapest place to live. Minimum doesn't guarantee comfy, just something.

On a different note, something's fucky when two people have to work 40 hours a week to support a family when one man could do it working possibly less before. With technology growing and displacing more and more jobs, logic would follow that we would gradually be beginning to work less, not more. Somebody is pulling some strings in this operation.

Yeah that one really brings a smile to my face

>one bedroom

Try a studio. Minimum wage means minimum life style.

Not an argument.

Present an argument or the thread will die due to no argument.

It's like the idea of somebody getting a roommate or two is foreign language to these people

California also has a $15 minimum wage and the second highest rate of homelessness