How do you handle being 'redpilled', Sup Forums?

How do you handle being 'redpilled', Sup Forums?
Obviously the MSM, social media and society in general pushes convenient narratives that can easily be countered with facts and reality, but I often feel like I live in a world that is totally divorced from reality.
My friends are all secular, they hate on christians and religion, are pro gay marriage, are anti-guns, some are vegans that have become so due to being exposed to the reality of factory farming. But if I bring up the fact that gay marriage is only legal in majority white, christian countries, they dismiss is. They complain that senators who discuss holes in climate sciences "aren't climate scientists," but if i admit that I'm not a climate scientist either and can't definitively say humans are the cause, they dismiss it.

How do you survive in a bluepilled world, Sup Forums?

It's easy, because there's no such thing as a redpill. Sup Forums is just as wrong as the MSM about every issue

Idgaf, I'm proud to be white and I'm not afraid to show it to the world
>Pic related is me on a daily basis

i dont watch mainstream media

How the fuck do you stay friends with people this retarded?

Dont watch the electric jew. work out, read historical texts. Do martial arts. red pill normies on the sly by dropping some hard evidence here and there.

This. The only friend I have is my wife.

tfw no friends

Healthy, aka limited, stoicism.

i drown my sorrows in alcohol, vidya, and porn.

I never hide my power level

I can get away with it because I'm not white

since i cleaned up and retook the redpill ive been losing friends fast

Got married, then redpilled, and it looks like she's forever willingly bluepilled. Wat do?

Smoke a lot of weed, have a warm mouth and cunt to blow into, drunk bantz, just try not to get drunk around normie friends or you eun the risk of exposing your power level


>How do you survive in a bluepilled world, Sup Forums?
alcohol, gallows humor and lots of profanity

I don't use Facebook or any other social media sites.

I don't use dating sites.

I stay as anonymous as possible online.

I try to speak the truth on news' comment sections (which I have noticed, many of you also do :DDDD )

On a personal level, I don't try to influence anyone in real life. I just keep to myself.

I treat my redpilled self like a character in DnD or something.

Its fun being redpilled when i browse Sup Forums, but when im done I go back to being a "normal" person

i have no idea what being 'bluepilled' is like.

All of these. Friends? what good have bluepilled friends ever brought to your life, other than to bring you down? For the longest time, I was probably like you user. Believing every lie under the sun. #Notallmuslims, blacks just need a little help to get them going, Nazis were bad people. But now, after "taking the red pill", there is no shame.

There is nothing more satisfying than being right. Truth is the ultimate pursuit, and without it, we are blind.

Drop your "friends". They never helped you anyway, and they never will. Speak your mind when asked "lol what do you think about politics lol". Get some real redpilled friends, for they are 100x better than any bluepilled faggot.

How do I survive? Don't think about fleeting things so much, such as the concept of "friends", "popularity", "social acceptance". Relish in the fact that you are right. You aren't crazy, you are right.

There are redpilled brothers and sweet girls out there user. Go find them, and Make America Great Again together

Concealing your power level is always a good plan. Honestly, this applies everywhere.
Remember, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
When you do argue, or assert, or command, or anything, each of your words should be like sharpened knives, and you shoukd be willing to back your words all the way.

Just wait until she follows your lead like all women eventually do. And don't be a faggot about it. Women hate it when you sperg about. Just install the coincidence detector on her laptop or leave kevin macdonald books lying around. Be at least kind of subtle about it.

>How do you survive in a bluepilled world, Sup Forums?

I barely fucking do.
I think about suicide every day.
I'm tired of living in a world where the values I believe are dead, and the corpse is being paraded around the streets so a mob of neon haired hipster retards can make a mockery of it.