Why do everyone hate Millennials Sup Forums

Why do everyone hate Millennials Sup Forums

What's the reason to hate these people?

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Sup Forums is full of self hating millennials that didn't fit in with their hipster colleagues

because they look like that.

Because the Enterprisials are way cooler.

Wants everything, not willing to work for any of it.

Basically entitled manchildren.

Just look at their faces. They're so pampered.

>Beardfag spoon bracelet

What does he mean by this?

Millennials are self-hating.

Lots of SJWs and general cuckoldry
Ruining technology with shitty hipster UIs and assorted garbage

The concept of a generation as a tool for generalizing a group of people only gets you so far.

Think of the teens of the 90's as an example.
You can lump them all together as "Gen X" but in reality, they had their own separate little cliques, the jocks, the nerds, the goths, the punks, etc etc etc.

Well the millennial generation is the same way. You can only make extremely broad generations, and literally anybody that gets butthurt about those generalizations will just go "but...but...but....thats doesnt apply to everybody!"

That being said, I hate millennials. They do as little work as possible, and sit on their phones 90% of the time.

Media representation that they're degenerate and lack moderation, the greatest red pills knows this is just to appease gen x, the last generation taking the mainstream media seriously. There is no harm in denigrating millennials as they source their media from alternative, usually digital, sources.

Literally lies they want you to believe.

You read thinkpieces about millenials and they all say shit like
>millenials have creative and tech-related jobs
>they often freelance on the side for extra income
>they enjoy shared living and value experiences not possessions
but this is just describing London dickheads. Or New York or San Fran or wherever. I'm 24 and no one I know lives like this. We all have jobs and degrees and we're just normal

>Literally lies they want you to believe
Not really, look at political polls.
Look at how liberal colleges tend to be.

Yes, show me polls sourced from liberal arts campuses. Show me polls that avoid obvious STEM types, which is actually what millennials are studying in the desperate attempt to escape the massive youth unemployment.

Polls are corrupted. You will not find accurate representation from a media with an agenda. Digital media is special because the impartial can simply find multiple opposing viewpoints, this is why millenials are simply not as extremist as a media pandering to gen x will represent them as.

Somehow, all millennials make as much money blogging about restaurants as some people do actually owning a restaurant.

I think it's the smug cocksure attitude they have.

They were coddled as children and now want to be coddled as adults. Using intellectual tyranny and twitter shaming to get their way. The same way they did to get their shitty diapers changed or get the tit. They want to live life pain and consequence free, Hiding scared in safespaces and hugboxes substituting virtue signalling and circlejerks for true challenges to their worldview, it's sad, they're a waste, a complete mess.

pussy generation.

The Greatest gen came of age in the Depression, and fought in World War 2, as did the Silent Gen, which also fought in Vietnam and Korea.

They bred the Boomer Generation, that while in it's prime, reaped the rewards of the postwar economy boom, courtesy of their parents who gave them everything. But they did things for themselves not thinking at all about the future. They were the hippie generation, who protested the Vietnam war instead of fighting in it, and who were all about free love, man, before they settled down in the 80's to become normal members of society

They spawned Gen X, which became cynical, as they grew up in dysfunctional boomer marriages and families, often being latchkey kids, and coming of age in the shadow of the climax of the cold war in the 80's, and later globalization in the 90's

the Boomers then remarried and had the Millennials/Gen Y, which are, also caleld echo Boomers because they are much more like the Boomers than Gen X were. Gen Y had a similar upbringing to the Boomers, benefiting from the strong economies of the 80's and 90's as children, and being raised alongside the advent of the internet and the tech boom. But being raised in perfect environments, are also echoes of the negative sides of the boomers. They are the neo-hippies. the SJW craze is the natural repetition of the hippie craze.

we can only hope that like Boomers, the millennials will settle down in the coming decades

The daycare generation. Loudest one wins.

The 2 on the right are dressed well.

This. Especially when they have no reason to be so arrogant. Their future will be one of misery.

The problem of this generation is no repercussions made for these people.

Something seems wrong about a """"""""""man"""""""""" having a beard while looking that young.

>Why do everyone hate Millennials Sup Forums

Your stereotypical numale hipster is an ungrateful little shit like all new generations but what makes them uniquely insufferable is a toxic combination of things :

- thinking they somehow have the moral high ground and their sense of unwarranted self-importance like the boomers had

- autistic-tier social skills, the majority never learned to interact socially with people not part of their tribe without somehow shitting on them.

- crazy levels of entitlement, wanting all of the things without doing the work or giving something back.

- narcissistic as fuck, putting that much effort in your looks s a young person is just faggy and unhealthy.

They're comparable to the boomers in many ways but without the creativity or anything tangible to rebel against.

They grew up listening to Kayne West and calling him a genius.

I just hate them. They are like Canadian shitposters. They can't even perceive how badly they suck. We all just have to whiteness how fucking much of a dickless, car crash of a generation they are.

I was going to write so much but actually I don't even fucking care anymore.

Let them suck.

Fuck them.

>all millennials

You can too, though, through page ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

Millennials are all right. They get a bad rap because there is a vocal minority of degenerates, the reddit/tumblr crowd, that gets all the attention, so everyone thinks this is who they are.

At my college most people look more like pic related (or even dressier) and are fairly redpilled, but the engineering fags and the liberal arts queers post the most on the internet, so most people think that's what millennials are like.

The silent majority is real, people.


it seems like 21st century whites want to return to paganism

Millenials are shit, but so are the people who fucking raised them. You have a generation of kids who were raised inside the box, while their parents indulge in all manner of fucking narcissism and self-celebration. This narcissism was passed down to their children, and they blame guns, video games, fucking anime, anything but themselves.


Listen to this complete faggot and tell me that it was a fucking video game that turned the little cuckold into a self-absorbed psychopath.

Generational segregation is just a form of scapegoating. It evaluates the result, without looking at the decades of societal rot that lead up to that point.

Last, but not least, don't talk too much shit about the Y babies. The boomers and generation X received a great nation and squandered it. Y babies are going to inherit a declining nation, and they'll (hopefully) save it.

I can confirm. Sometimes I wish I was as stupid as everyone else. Dumb people have it better.

Can confirm baby boomer parents really ruined this country for the long run.

Most millenials are overwhelmingly left, far more so left than i can imagine other generations in their youths.
I mean like "please give out country to the migrants, we dont deserve it" far left
t. millenial
