Thats is bros. Buy lots of guns, ammo, traps, cameras, Shillers is sending hit squads to all who spread the truth. It is not crazy to assume she may try coming after some of us.
>implying we are important enough
I wish they would try, I am surrounded by creeks on 3 sides, I have a dry ditch with a bridge for my driveway. Their is only one way at me and I would take damn near all of them with me if they tried it.
No reasonable prosecutor would look into this.
t. Loretta Lynch
It's only a matter of time before these crazies fucking off themselves and their loved ones, hopefully Alex Jones is next.
Jones is controlled opposition. The 'hour of the time' guy. He was killed right after sept 11th for telling the truth. He was real. Jones is working for the establishment or else he'd be dead already. Fact.
>Labeled as a murder suicide
Why would two kids and their father suddenly have the urge to commit suicide? Why are the police so quick to label this as a suicide? It's like they are intentionally sweeping this under the carpet.
this is a slide thread this man was suicided in 2013 do not respond.
>It's like they are intentionally sweeping this under the carpet.
That's exactly what they're doing.
And it will work.
I've been on Sup Forums far too long. I've seen articles of writers and filmmakers kill themselves and their entire families, everyone here basically knowing who's behind it but then nothing happens.
Remember that guy who was making a documentary about FEMA camps? Remember how he "killed himself" too? And his kids?
They always "find" a "history of depression and paranoia" afterwards?
I remember that, it's covered in this vid
Who is this guy?? What did he talk about?
>The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office reported that both children as well as the family dog were shot once in the head with a handgun.
they shot the dog too...
tfw i dont have a gun and live in jew york
>murder suicide
wew lads, lots of murder suicides lately
better buy stocks in murder suicides
Wow, nice fresh find OP. Great job
Holy FUCK they are REALLY trying to tie a lot of loose ends before they're fucked.
what info was this guy pushing?
Murder suicide my ass.
Here's another often forgotten.
I never looked into Kevin Krim can someone give a quick summary as to why they killed his kids?
what did he know?
>the family dog were shot once in the head with a handgun.
i wonder who can be behind this...
He reported on a 43 trillion dollar lawsuit against the bankers involved with the financial crisis in 08-09. His kids were murdered same day and the story retracted.
No doubt Trump knew about him, he builds giant sky scrapers and k does 911 was bullshit
With all the "suicides" going I'm so sure he was also murdered
>A possible motive for the shootings has not been determined but police reports indicated evidence that it was a murder suicide.
Looks like the ATFs handy work
He was a pilot who wrote a book on 9/11, The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror.
Allegedly he shot his son, daughter, dog then himself.
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks after he faked his death and got a little plastic surgery.
You're going all out.
You know what's funny? The libs are always bitching about how Putin allegedly kills journalists because they happen to go missing right before or after negative stories about him, but the thing is I'm pretty sure Hillary's body count is higher than Putin's at this point.
You're thinking of Bill Cooper who is absolutely based and his Mystery Babylon series is mandatory listening to understand anything about the philosophy of the ruling class.
However, Alex Jones is not all shit, he's hardly controlled oppo. His shotgun journalism has blown his credibility but he's regaining it slowly by doing actual news and hooking onto the Trump Train.
It almost certainly is higher.
Michael Connell
Deborah Palfrey
Damn, how many people will die, if she wins?
I'm legit scared for this country...
What's the best way to really start pushing these murders to the public? I know msm won't cover it but if they're constantly posted someone has to pick it up and make a story. There are so many that I think even normies would consider it
William Cooper was shot by police outside of a radio station.
Pale Horse indeed.
Victor Thorn, Shawn Lucas, Seth Conrad Rich, John Ashe, and others.
Best way is Facebook. I know it sucks, but that is the best way to get normies to view this information.
The worst part about Facebook is that it is a shot in the dark. If you are able to get it going viral, then you hit gold. Other than that, it just falls flat.
Not trying to say what's happening to people that investigate Clintons is not suspicious. Just saying OP linking 3 years old news and abandoning thread after posting the first reply makes this thread look like bad bait.
Gtfo with your clickbait.
It was tanned Germans.
It's always tanned Germans.
Article is 2013. Old news.
Implying they can't send some sneaky cunt in to go stab you in your sleep
who the fuck would have watched that though? ts Uwe Boll tier
Valid point.
>people just keep getting murder killed
>people on Sup Forums are the only ones who give even half a fuck about the truth
this is depressing on a level which shouldn't normally be possible.
america is literally in the state of 1984 and nobody can do anything about it, i don't know if i can keep going guys, trump is gonna lose the exact same way austria did and theres simply not enough people who give a fuck in america to overturn clearly false results.
>3 years old news
3 years is nothing
it's not like this game hasn't been going on for decades
Hillary has been building up for the presidency for a lot longer than 3 years
If you really want to go back recall the 2 for 1 comments from Bill when he was first running for president.
Even anonymice know this is old shit.
2013 guys