What's your honest opinion on Colombians?

What's your honest opinion on Colombians?

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Does the cartel murder and kidnap indiscriminately or does it leave the hot ones alive?


Cocaine and Hookers

They make the best trannies

I hate that stuck up bitch. She comes here and makes millions and then proceeds to shit on the USA. Fuck her and fuck all of you shitskins

This particular Columbian or all other Columbians who ever existed?

Because the answers bear no relationship whatsoever to one another.


All Colombians

I like them.

Of course I have family from Colombia, so I am biased.

But everybody I've met has been cool.

Also FARC sucks ass, so kudos for killing those assholes.

Uribe is the best Colombian.

Don't they fuck donkeys down there? There was a documentary about it on youtube, I think?

Some blacks from the caribbean coast do fuck donkeys

My only experience with a Colombian is this THIKKKKK qt Colombian girl at my school. So they're pretty alright.

Tits and then gtfo

Trump will make this into law.

10 times better than Mexicans that's for sure.

Good cyclists, lovely big arsed women, Carlos Valderrama and cocaine.

Probably best country of all time fambalam.

What would happen if you legalized and taxed cocaine like some do with marijuana? Would that end drug traffic and guerrilla? Would that boost tourism and GDP?

Don't know enough about you to really make a judgement. Your girls seem great though.

Colombian pussy is made for white dick

I recognize the name but Idk why she's famous, I kinda checked out of pop culture 10 or 15 years ago .

I know personally 1 Columbian woman. She's a catholic, very sweet and generous. 60 years old. Working 65 years a week to put her son and daughter through university, and caring for her other daughter who is severely retarded.

I know she's legal because one of her jobs is working with me in a provincial government job that requires background checks. She fled Columbia (legally) because it was so fucked up, then when they got here her husband went full retard, put her in 100k debt, and fucked off back to Columbia leaving her here with the debt and the kids.

Yet she perseveres and even donates her spare time to helping her churches set up events and shit. Her oldest daughter just graduated with a stem degree from uoft a couple weeks ago.

She's literally the best human being I know.

And ill tell you one thing, on a totally sexual note. I'm 33, she's 59. She looks better face and body wise than 80% of chicks my age. From a distance in a sexy outfit she could pass for 22.

She always tells me that Columbia is a horrible place that no one should be forced to live in. She only go backs to see her mother who is too sick to be transported from her bed in some seniors hospital type complex and has been that way for nearly 9 years. Every time my friend goes back there she asks us all to pray for her because its such a terrible place and people get murdered on the streets for no reason

If it's too regulated and too heavily taxed then there would still be black market activity. For example cigarette smuggling is still common in the u.s.

This place sucks, why would anyone come here as a tourist I'l never understand

Not really, since not a lot of people here consume cocaine, what would help would be if US and Europe and other countries with high demand legalize it and we where allowed to sell it

to snort cocaine off big latina butts and go to the bar and talk about Uran Uran

One more thing. I've transfered to a different job site recently, but she gave me this cross necklace type thing that was carved and blessed by some Columbian priest or some shit, I always carry it with me because for what she's gone through and what she does I believe she's blessed or some shot.

The Ethiopia of the Americas

I get why she says that, she must have lived the Pablo Escobar era, but those thing have reduced a lot since then

They are cool in my book. Plus i have a half sister who is Half Colombian/ Half Puerto Rican.

this reminds me of a joke

once I become Mexican dictator I'll murder 2/3 of the population and replace it with Venezuelan and Colombian count on it friend

if you guys marketed the legal coke to the rest of the world I'd bet it'd increase some tourism.

it would be a hilarious scenario.. "Come try our coke - finest coke in the world"

who is this bak weejau gris pappy?

if you regulate all drugs the simply develop other drugs.

is not the drugs is the market that need to be regulated and the market is America

>big latina butts

im not convinced such things exist, can you post some evidence please

Beautiful people but violent and not very smart

Judging from cam4 they spend a lot of time putting things in their butts

I would eat her farts

Always nice breasts.

A period of your history is literally called "The Violence" and it involved hundreds of thousands of rapes, torture, and murder for petty political reasons.

That tells me all I need to know.
Stay in your fucking country.


I tell you what, we should all go there and do a little compeition who can fuck the most big latina butts and/or snort the most coke.

Bonus points if you get shot/stabbed and survive.

dont cuck us u fucking jew

Had a colombian girlfriend for ~5 years. Irrational, emotionally unstable, very paranoid, amazing cook, amazing sex, very defensive of those she loved including me.

Basically every fight we had ended with me apologizing even if she was in the wrong. I gained ~20lbs with her because she'd always cook amazing food.

Overall was a fun run but I want something a bit more stable. She was too crazy for me.

To have sex with Columbian prostitutes.

@caromua2230, she is a webcam streamer

I guess easy women is one of the few valid reasons

Are you aware that it's much easier to come across cocaine in America or Europe which are the big consumer markets, though?

she fine
post nudes

I believe he's been here for 16 years, wasn't Escobar era well over by 2000

90% of the people I see daily are very ugly

yes, but over there its a tenth of the price and not mixed with chalk

goes for both the women and the charlie hehe

I met TT Boy once and talked to him about shooting porn in Columbia. He said some guy got shot in the head standing next to him. I should have asked him the rest of the story.

how much are the hookers?
I know a white columbian guy here. Married an american for some reason.

Self-hating fag

I really wonder why Colombians on Sup Forums tend to act like pimps. Do we have a secret cuck fetish or is it just our inferiority complex acting up?

>opinion on Colombians
Like everything between us and USA, a "narcocountry"


She also has a fucking dick lol

Self-hating fag

Get hid of fucking FARC already you fucks. Its very easy to turn a terrorist organization into a political party when you are not the one suffering from all the drugs they shoehorn in our country.

i act like a coke lord

I'm fucking one
Her family is shit and I hate being around them
Fuck you jungle nigger

> Argentina attacking Colombia

Don't fellow white people need to stick together???

I was expecting a benis under that apron
what kind of amazing food? Is it vastly different than Mexican food?

Sudamericanas. Mmmmmm

Best trannies no lie.

Colombia is really not a narcocountry or ruled by the "cartels"or anything of the sort.

The real Colombia is composed of a vast mass of mediocre, low to middle income people who just try to make a living in informal small businesses or try to get attached to the formal economy and become wageslaves.

I think we have a flair for business and making money though (legally)

We are very isolated and unremarkable and hat's why so little is known / heard / spoken about us

prettiest women

everyone i know from uni that has gone there as an exchange student would say "you don't know whether to fall in love with your girlfriend or their mothers"

Can I have her #?

>Married an american for some reason

Colombians are like Russian of South America, they love marrying Americans for their citizenship.

how much does it cost to bareback trannies there?
>I'll test them first, of course

60% narcos, hookers, sicarios, negros, thieves really human scum, 40% decent people

Colombia is not white.

If they are from the white minority AND/OR they post here on Sup Forums they are bro-tier though.

the only reason i don't like sofia vergara is that fucking horrible accent.

Most South Americans on Sup Forums (even Colombians) hate Colombia, and will go against it irrationally everytime it's name comes out

uncle Tom

dunno just chilling here

just stating facts

US-born Colombian here, how easy would it be to go down there and find a qt? My Spanish is passable.

I can confirm this

El peruANO seƱores

Colombian chicks are kinda slutty. Like i said here so very likely.

Los CONGOlombianos

I'm Irish and I live in Colombia. I honesty like most of the people as they're friendly and hardworking. There are unfortunately a lot of undesirables here too however. Education levels are quite low which makes working here frustrating at times. But considering everything, here is much better than Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and all of Central America. The women are amazing and its really easy to get with them if you speak Spanish, are not autistic and are above 7 out of 10.

I wish we would let more Colombians into Ireland instead of Pakistanis, Somalis, Syrians and the like.

Nothing like mexican food or the texmex you probably imagine. Actual columbian dishes.

Sorry bud but shes studying in europe right now. She mightve died in a habbening who knows

We (spic) are the next one in jew chopping table.

This guy pretty much nails it desu
t. Colombian

Very easy

>But considering everything, here is much better than Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and all of Central America.
I have a hard time believing this. You say even better than Chile, Argentina and Uruguay?

you still didn't describe the food mayne. What makes it so good

you never seen passinos adventures?

Colombians are probably the biggest gold digging whores of Latin America, y'all also have some serious complex

>still asking this

The only race in the world that needs true annihilation is the black one. Colombians, Mexicans, Indians, Asians, no problem. Good people mostly, niggers are the ruin of humanity and never should have existed. They are devils among us all.

Colombians complain about Colombia but hate when foreigners have negative remarks about Colombia.

Also I know it triggers Colombians when you spell it wrong, so... COLUMBIA COLUMBIA COLUMBIA

The girls may be often beautiful, but it's not like you can walk around and see hot people everywhere. Also there's a lot of retards for sure, but I wouldn't say we're not smart in general. My family moved here through my dad's engineering job and I'm studying to be an engineer as well. Also all our Colombian family friends have engineering/techy jobs.

he just wants fuel for his masturbatory fantasies involving big-dicked Colombian ladyboys

what is your job?

Yeah but no one get killed in the name of cigarettes or have cigarette smuggling submarines.

Half spic half white here. I will say, because I am handsome, does not mean I am prejudice toward my own ethnicity or other skin colors for that. But why whitness does show.

You caught me

Why do so many Colombian girls have the same look? OP girl looks at lot like the pornstar on the left and the TLC reality show '90 Day Fiance' contestant on the right.

Someone told me it's because there's rampant plastic surgery and they all request the same featues.

Founder effect and the looks vary by region

because they know it looks hot and they try to appear feminine and attractive likes most 3rd world women do? And they probably don't have a huge influx of diversity because no non-Colombians want to move their and enrich their gene pool? Just guesses

That's true but the ones who are genuinely qt also look similar, i don't really know why

No I left out those 3 countries intentionally. We can perhaps say they're more European than Latino.