
Will Obama pardon him? Should Obama pardon him? Is he even alive to be pardoned?

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Why the fuck would he be pardoned? No one left wing or right that actually has knowledge of the situation would pardon him. Go watch more CNN. He's a fucking traitor.

The jews WILL pardon him eventually, he's already sucking their dick.

>Sup Forums logic
>assange is a hero for going after democrats
>but Snowden is a traitor because trump said so once

Also he should be pardoned, but only because living that long in Russia is truly punishment enough.

Snowden is a cuck because he accomplished nothing.

The NSA is still spying. The public still doesn't give a fuck.

This. Only idiots who know nothing about the case are pro Snowden. He is a traitor five times over.

The NSA spying on Americans was a tiny fraction of the information he stole. It is irrelevant.

Snowden leaked the info for personal profit and not patriotism.
Traitors should hang

He's done less then certain other politicians who walk freely right now.

So yeah no if they can get away with trying to conceal lies and getting people murdered then he should go free for spreading a little info.

Sick of these fucking double standards.

Be upset that Hillary isn't going to prison not that Snowden needs to hang. He needs to hang.

>government commits unconstitutional, criminal acts.
>someone exposes it
>they are a "traitor"
You and people like you are the reason why the government is criminal and above reproach.

no it would piss off the intelligence agencies too much

>Snowden leaked the info for personal profit
lol. he lost everything and lives like shit.

You're a fucking moron. Like less than 1% of the documents he stole had to do with the illegal NSA program. He has revealed shit loads of information not connected to that program at all. The most famous of which is that we were tapping Merkel's cellphone. That majorly hurts our national security and was perfectly in line what the NSA and CIA's jobs are. Fuck off loser.

I think he should be executed just for being an SJW. Tired of defending the rights of my enemies. They don't do the same for us.

Fry him.

Still not convinced he is not still working covertly for the CIA.

>The most famous of which is that we were tapping Merkel's cellphone.
That's illegal
>That majorly hurts our national security and was perfectly in line what the NSA and CIA's jobs are. Fuck off loser.
The alphabet agencies do fuckall except waste taxpayer money on their bloated programs and classified budgets. The vast majority of the information collected by the agencies are never seen by people, irrelevant and ignored. Both organizations that you mentioned create more national security problems than they solve.

They are keeping themselves in business, not "protecting national security".

>I'm stupid fucking cuck who doesn't believe the CIA is allowed to do its job

And what is the CIA's job? Arming and funding terrorist organizations, realizing "opps! we fucked up" and then proceeding to kill the terrorists?

Or all of the irrelevant spying that leads to nothing? The information they have is useless and the information they don't have is fucking scary dangerous. What's the fucking point? Why kiss their ass?

Edward Snowden is a hero.

Go masturbate to returning to the gold standard you neckbeard degenerate

>Will Obama pardon him?
Should Obama pardon him?
>Is he even alive to be pardoned?

>The NSA is still spying. The public still doesn't give a fuck.
Neither of those things is his fault.

I'm not a libertarian. If you like wasting your money, cut me a check and kys.

>exposes unconstitutional programs aimed at American people in an attempt to warn the american people
>hang him for betraying America

>And what is the CIA's job? Arming and funding terrorist organizations, realizing "opps! we fucked up" and then proceeding to kill the terrorists?

You only ever hear of the CIA's mistakes because when the CIA does their job correctly you never know they did it at all.

Exposing how corrupt we are is reason to hang?

I think not, unless you want another Jesus on your hands.

I disagree with you. He exposed traitors. You have a 4th amendment that is suppose to protect you from unlawful search and seizure. The NSA tapping your phone is unlawful unless they have presented a judge with reasonable evidence to suspect you and the judge agrees. If your NSA taps my phone, they did nothing illegal. If they tapped your phone (which they did) they broke one of the founding laws of your country.

>personal profit
>living in Russia

>You only ever hear of the CIA's mistakes because when the CIA does their job correctly you never know they did it at all.
Suddenly Sup Forums is pro-government. Snowden showed the chuckle-fuckery that was going on beyond the horseshit we know about.

Given the state of our country, the world and our elections, I'd say the CIA is doing a shit job on national security or their aims and goals do not have American citizens or the future of this country in mind.

Snowden Defenders: He exposed an illegal NSA program!
user: Yes, but that is a tiny fraction of the documents he stole and has released. He has definitely made Americans less safe.
Snowden Defenders: He exposed an illegal NSA program!
user: Did you listen to a word I just said?
Snowden Defenders: He exposed an illegal NSA program!
user: Fuck off.
Snowden Defenders: He exposed an illegal NSA program!

brown ID, so where is your outrage at the government for violating 4th amendment? If you want to hate Snowden fine, but where are the mechanisms internally or externally to hold our govt accountable to any kind of standard for shit like this? Leaking to the public for public outcry is one of the only ways to maybe possible change something.

Whats your alternative, because i'm all ears if we can avoid having to air our dirty laundry as a nation i'm game for that

>I'd say the CIA is doing a shit job on national security

Aside from lone gun shootings from home grown terrorists (not the CIA's job), when was the last time there was a terrorist attack on US soil?

>He has definitely made Americans less safe.
lol, you really believe that.

What would make America more safe would be if the agencies would stop funding and training international terrorist organizations and calling them "freedom fighters". Also they should stop fucking with foreign nations, making them hostile in the first place.

thats an ugly design
why don't westernshits learn that they will never surpass 2d?

besides the Merkel phone, what else are you claiming makes us less safe?
I would argue that there is a better case for that with Chelsea Manning

fairly sure that's a Japanese video game

>Did you listen to a word I just said?
Yes, it was complete bullshit. You can tell us what documents he released that made america less safe and did not relate to an illegal surveillance program if you want. Just telling me he did that without proving he did that is not an argument. It is just childish.

Yes, he also sold military secrets to china and russia. Or did you think he escaped there for their glowing human rights records? There are legally protected whistle blowing avenues, for example he could have sent it to every congressman, ron paul and a few of the others would have raised a shitstorm.

>Chelsea Manning
Bradley Manning*

How has any of the documents he released made America less safe? Do you have any examples?

He exposed more than just one Illegal program.

Also the only reason anyone dislikes him right now is the fact that hes turned into a SJW. I really have no fucking clue why he has decided to speak is mouth off about anything. At least Assange sticks to being a figure head and keeping his own political shit out of it. Also ASSange is also a dickhead he withholds shit for hype its kinda shitty BUT thats just how they work.

Yes it is. The public are "reassured" by Snowden's "heroic betrayal" that there are no more important secrets to discover.

"Based Snowden figured it out!"

It's an extended hangout false flag. The most obvious I've ever seen. They fucked up when they used a redditor to play "Snowden"

no. his last year is basically playing in the hands of the DNC so that he doesn't get raped after retirement. Pretty sure he wants his own foundation of some sort too.

yes. Snowden should be pardoned. There shouldn't even be a debate about this.

yes. You make it tht big and killing is out of the question within 10 years. Keep the lights on though.

Orlando was a terrorist attack u FUck

>muh metadata that requires a court order to access

retards like you were too busy being manipulated by a well executed active measure to realize that 99.99% of what he leaked was purely foreign intelligence operations, sources, and methods

>Fast and Furious
>Arming Syrian rebels that are fucking crazy/ISIS/sell to ISIS/ Mysteriously lose our shipments

Gee isn't it great just giving guns to hostile groups? I love just watching literal billions of dollars flow out of our children's pocketbooks

>Aside from lone gun shootings from home grown terrorists

CIA operates internationally. Orlando with clearly the FBI's fault.

Name one incident where America was harmed by the information Snowden has exposed.


It was workplace violence, dipshit.

It's the "The government should do whatever it wants to, because terrorism" argument that the Bush administration started, post 9/11.

It has more to do with wasting budget money on expensive shit and surveillance than it does with actually stopping terrorism.

When the agencies stop creating terrorism rather than prevent it, then they'll have legitimacy. Otherwise, they are a pipeline for private contractors to war-profit off of tax payer money.

Do you really believe that happened? There just going to "pay him" ? LOL if anything they would strung him up and torture him until he revealed every damn thing he knows "for free"

Well for one he exposed how the metadata is used that they track terrorists they knew what to do to get off the grid.

I'm just an edgy memester
He and Jane Fonda will go to the 9th circle of hell

This thread is a perfect example of disinfo agents and shills.

>99.99% of what he leaked was purely foreign intelligence operations, sources, and methods
yeah, spying on our "enemies", which, you know, means our allies and nobodies around the world.

I really don't give a fuck if a Singaporean grandmother is having phone sex and the NSA shouldn't be recording it "to prevent terrorism".

>Or did you think he escaped
He bought a ticket for a plane with his own passport and flew out of China. Your government, who you are okay with possessing an omnipotent understanding of you via your data, was to stupid to cancel his passport and also got his middle name wrong when they requested China arrests/hold him. He is still in Russia, so not sure about that escape.

snowden is a top of the line spy sent into china to help america spy on them. he was outfitted with a subdermal microwave transceiver set to a very specific range . it was made using the highest quality electrically reactive polymers and special ceramics that nasa could develop to bypass metal detectors that also use trace amounts of copper and zinc but not in high enough concentrations to set off a metal detector

but the chinese knew. he was given some special treatment in a room that is in a cellphone dead zone that they interrogate people in if they suspect they have a bug on their clothing

its their version of mkultra which is radically different. no lsd its just sodium pentothol and meth with some interesting white noise played at 1200 hrz . not just any white noise will do. its a series of tones but its not a repeating pattern .after a full day no sleep the subject becomes malleable. after 3 days non stop no sleep repatterning as the cia calls it is possible. they have to have multiple doses administered without human contact so its a drip while they are strapped down . they shit them self

he was turned into a mole that was in their posession and handed to russia after they though they got all they could. his movements around the planet were faked. every one knows he didnt go to argentina now but he didnt go to russia when every one thinks

it just makes us look like assholes who spy on everyone

you are assholes who spy on everyone

so where do you think he is now user? What do you think his purpose for existence is?

Fuck that chicken neck coward, he is a traitor through and through.

well no shit we didnt really need snowden to tell us that

maybe the Europoors but china and russia were not stupid

this. Snowden is a "problem" for these organizations because he embarrassed them more than uncovered their uselessness and criminal activity.

>you were betrayed by your government
>you still defend your government because of your dipshit tribal mentality
"useful idiots"

Is there any evidence of this, though? And is there any evidence that this has led to an increase of terrorism in the US?

Because, if not, it might be a little over the top to say that this, specifically, has made us less safe.

Don't you have to be convicted to be pardoned?

Do they even have any charges on him?

He exposed they were looking for terrorists in World of Warcraft.
They didn't find any terrorist and I can only imagine how expensive this shit was and how much manpower was wasted.

>Don't you have to be convicted to be pardoned?
No. You can be given a complete pardon from any and all past crimes.

Doesn't everyone spy on everyone

Secrets in the open make people nicer

It's that American spying was exposed as aimless and without merit.

We weren't just spying, we were spying on everything and everyone all of the time. What's the fucking point of that? They were collecting so much data they couldn't do anything with it.

>They were collecting so much data they couldn't do anything with it.

You need to spend 15 minutes of your life understanding what dataminers do.

>implying the government is doing anything "useful" with this data
It's being mined and stored. That's it.

Golly, I feel safe!

>NSA metadata collection
>responsible for stopping zero terrorists attacks

>when was the last time there was an attack on US soil
>show example

Which is it chuckle fuck

> Clinton News Network

0.02 cents have been deposited into your account.

And look the shills are having fake conversations in this thread yet again.

This case is just really indicative of why you need think *real* carefully before entering "that world". The 'system' as it is, has its own set of enemies that may not be yours, and the 'system', has grown "Schizophrenic", in its dealings with the outside world, particularly, because the system tends to work for the shadowy and moneyed as opposed to some guy on the street.

CIA isn't responsible for stopping terrorist attacks within the USA. Look at Turkey for latest botched job

they should offer him a 5 year sentence and be done with it

So these people are even more worthless then it appears, why do boot lickers on this site defend them so much?

>Will Obama pardon him?

No, Snowden is in danger of being "renditioned" and tortured into revealing his info stashes.

That's San Bernardino and Fort Hood

And PS4 game servers

But it doesn't matter anyways if they're lone wolves

Even Obama made a comment at his last press conference that it just takes on person without a record or being on a watchlist to get a gun and carry out an attack.

He basically admitted the No Fly List gun ban wouldn't do shit. You think people would bring up lower 80%s and how easy they are to obtain.

>What do you think his purpose for existence is?
Fine Russian trim.

The NSA needs to be disbanded and CIA needs to be set straight.

Both groups have done a shitty job on national security. We're having a major terrorist attack on our soil once a year from people that should've been caught a long time ago.

Look at Orlando, dude was on the FBI's watchlist for how long?

San Ber whatever.. oh yes goy let those peaceful migrants in!

Fuck waste of my tax money. Billions of dollars to these incompetent shoot first ask later except when it comes to actual terrorists fucks.

Wiretapping everyone's phone but cant do shit

>Look at Orlando, dude was on the FBI's watchlist for how long?

He was being watched for unrelated things, one for claiming he's in Hezbollah and the other because a friend an hero'd in Syria for IS

>San Ber whatever.. oh yes goy let those peaceful migrants in!

That was a fuck up on the embassy overseas

But yeah, stop immigration.


ITT, cuckservatives trying to process their massive cognitive dissonance between Snowden leaks and Clinton leaks
Go ahead, cuckservative user. Tell my why Snowden is evil and should be executed but the cocksucker who leaked Clinton's emails is an angel.

Can you pardon a dead man?
RIP in peace