Is grand torino a movie about the way he thinks the world should be

After the recent statement from Clint Eastwood saying we are a pussy generation which we would be right in assuming he means just Americans,. Does it seem know that the movie he made a while back called grand torino, instead of being a feel good family flick about an old vet hating gooks and nigs it is a story of Clint Eastwood wanting to live in a world which he thinks is right. A world were a bad ass old man can get away with calling people gooks, and being able to joke about with your barber about beating a blacks guys heads in. A world were you can own a shotgun in case any lefties step on your fucking lawn looking for Pokemon and you can blow their God dam heads of!


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i enjoy a good meat pie nigel

Clint is a known conservative. It's pretty obvious that he misses the days without political correctness, where people were called out for cultural shortcomings.

The revelation was blue pilled but the amount of racial slurs made it funny

This is how it is at my grandpas in flint... It is not a fantasy but a reality.

I wish I lived in that time

Hmong people are bro-tier.

I think he thinks that it should be acceptable to do those things when you have to live under the circumstances that live under. When the world gets better I don't think he wants people to be like that, but right now his actions are an appropriate response to what we're experiences


It's an M1 Garand you limey.

You guys have freedom of speech. Why not fucking USE it instead of being scared about the PC bogeyman?

Gran Torino is a commentary on post-9/11 America. Former white working class neighborhoods being filled with immigrants, white men being phased out, boomers being such pricks

Listen you Aussie prick, your people are made up of the worst of my kind, and that includes the scots. Your people are rapists,murderers, thief's, and the rest of the undesirables

Clint Eastwood hates racism and the movie was clearly against it; you don't have to use racial slurs to not be a pussy, his complaint is how much people get offended by meaningless shit and statements that ate not racist such as "illegal immigration is a problem".


Nah Clint Eastwood is clearly a closet racist, and rightfully so

he is most likely a race realist though. Imagine if these scene were in a movie today

The kind of rice niggers in the movie.

I love how Americans can tell exactly what every gun us yet can't tell that fucking your sister is wrong.

Why are they bro tier? Why are you talking to me your country is so unimportant I don't care enough to know what it is

It's pretty fucking illegal to marry your relatives


You know that America is larger than Alabama right?

now you niggers put those guns down

>Hmong teenager earning the respect of a politically-incorrect war vet
>gives his Gran Torino to teenager instead of rotten white gaijin granddaughter

Keep in mind Walt shit on whites too in the movie, not just Asians.

They helped us in Vietnam


Says the brit. Who do you think taught the hillbillies that 1st cousin marriages were ok you buck tooth git? It was you. Fuck all you Europeans thought incest was a good idea

What's wrong with that scene? I don't see why it couldn't be made today

Didn't help you during pearl harbour though

We taught you everything you would be teepee living mother fucker. The Indians would probably be the dominant race in that shithole America if we didn't teach you how to men.

He shits on everyone. The whole world has gone ass backwards and old men like him wanted to go back.

it would be considered racist for portraying blacks as criminals, and for having the white cop shoot the black criminals

Yeah, cause they were living in French Indochina, which Vichy France gave to the Japs, dumbass

You will.

The age of Trump is nigh.

Poorest quality bait I've read in a while. Go eat sons fucking curry "Henry"

This is the car of a man who is tired of your bullshit. With a big rip snorting 427 and an even meaner carb to feed it because fuck you, men are driving. Clutch assist? Hah, you little fairy, work that fucker like a man. The damn thing is so heavy it's literally impossible for a woman to drive it. Four speeds like God intended and and a rear axle as straight as the stripes on old fuckin' Glory herself. Sure it handles like a boat, but so does the USS Iowa. That's good enough for me, you and America. Vinyl roof, hood scoop, a glow in the dark stripe on the side and yet it still comes off as classier than your average nipmobile? That's no accident you goddamn commie gook. That passenger seat has seen more hot tail than the entire male tumblr userbase. Hashtag trigger warning, there's a Garand in the trunk.

Sure helped us save you.

Caught myself 2 fat juicy Yanks though

saying mean things is racism


This movie should be banned.

You're right, they'd probably throw in a white dude as the gang-leader or something.

Their mistake was taking you seriously when you're obviously baiting them. Step up your bait game senpai. If I can see through you, then there is a problem.


Fucking a sister is wrr-
Fucking a sister is wrrooo-
Fucking a sister is wrrroooonnnn-
F-fucking a sister i... is wrr-wrrooooonnnnnnng.
See? Easy peasy.

Us and mother Russia won that war yank, you cowards only turned up when you let the Japs bomb the shit outta you how embarrassing. Then years later you let the mudlslimes do it too.

Your fucking empire is built on incest. Your royal family has same facial structure as our trailer trash lmao.

Anglos are delusional about how awful they are.

Ever hear the saying

"It takes no wit, to outwit an America"

>The Indians would probably be the dominant race in that shithole America if we didn't teach you how to men.

You couldn't even keep a bunch of farmers from breaking away from you.

No I actually haven't.

Your empire is built on handouts, our empire was built on conquest.

We reap what we sow, then gave you hillbillies the scraps.

You have a revisionist recollection of what that movie was about you fucking shill

a copy pasta is born...

That's because I made it up because I am a British aristocrat, while you are a dumb fuck American with no creativeness nor intelligence.


I am having a laugh watching you lead the people foolish enough to take you seriously on a wild ride though.


>fuck we've never gotten to live that


Serious discussion brings with it serious discussion, retards like you are unwanted.

Everything tends to move in cycles. People will revolt against this hippy, all-encompassing shitshow, soon enough.

Then a time of conservatism will take root. And probably, eventually, it will go too far-right, and people will revolt against THAT. And then back to leftism.

That's been the pattern of recorded history, anyway.

It seems like the left is somehow winning this war by a large margin.

>Why are they bro tier?
How should I know, I just answered your question. I'm not the guy that claimed they were bro tier.
You talking big like that would mean a bit more if you weren't too retarded to follow a simple conversation.

I'm Canadian and even my youngest brother knew what gun it was... Did you really think that was a shotgun?

The left is definitely winning the cultural wars on the media front. They control the media. And I hate to say it, because it's extremely cliche, but international Jewry is behind the media in USA. They have ran Hollywood from the start. And own the major media conglomerates. Their opinion is the opinion that is dictated on TV, printed media, and in movies.

Yet, despite all the attacks on Trump through these media, he's still very popular. "The people" are seeing through the media smokescreen. Trump is the first instance of this populist uprising in USA.

you guys are delusional. you get de-friended and blocked on facebook just for liking trump


You're fucking retarded.

Sounds like a great place to live. Oh wait, I already live there.


They are the ones who get Germany in trouble all the time and start a shitload of european wars.

Sounds like you're still stuck in 18th century london, n'yeah? We are the ones enjoying the steak while you chew on the trimmed fat, that is if your muslim masters deem it halal or not....

It would have to be white criminals getting shot by a black cop who was super smart and everyone liked him and he had a white wife and lots of money or else it would be racist


Stealing bread?!?! GTFO

He also died partially because he was racist and balsy as fuck. Which is a bit of a compromise to the hollywood jews of the "evil racist white guy" getting lit up, but based Clint using that theme to fuck over the gook blooded spooks with the law.

thanks fonz

I would say yes given that in the same interview where he called it a pussy generation he also said

"And then when I did Gran Torino, even my associate said, "This is a really good script, but it's politically incorrect." And I said, "Good. Let me read it tonight." The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, "We're starting this immediately."

Somehow the worst of your kind made a paradise out of a hell-hole, whilst you guys are floundering around in paki semen like little kids in a jumping castle.

Listen you dirty mutt, your from a nation of mongrels you brought up the gooks and bro tier whatever the fuck that is.

You mean Grand Tokino?

Did you just call Australia a paradise. That is the funniest statement I have ever heard in my entire life, and that includes the time your mum told me how she traded you for a safari hunting trip.

Link to the post then, dipshit. Go on.

I don't care enough to converse with your kind mutt

It's not my fault your mother is considered big game.

Then you should've kept your stupid whore mouth shut to begin with.

Your mum must've wanted some lesbo action after the trauma of your dad molesting you.

Laughed heartily.

Hes not my dad, he is my mothers husband

Lucky fucking bastard loved in the age of westerns and nigger hating

It's about to swing back around again. Your kids may get to enjoy cultural conservatism.

Of course your mum's divorced. Oh wait your Australian out of wedlock bastard?

Thanks for pointing out how new you are

Bunch of pussy millenials in here, grow a pair skinny jeans fucktards


That Aussie is busting up your hymen

The white relatives in that movie might've well have been niggers the way they acted.

gran torino was shit

Was it too far?

Only good leaf opinion, is a dead leafs opinion

We can do all that shit you said here in America.

Clint Eastwood isn't racist. He's a civil libertarian who believes people should be judged on individual merit. It just happens that if we judge most black people on their individual merit, they're worthless pieces of shit. :^)

Political correctness doesn't just censor racist remarks. It's the politicization of speech in general which limits discussion to only what's appropriate and acceptable for fear of causing offense. It makes it impossible to talk about important subjects, such as mass immigration or black criminality.

What? if a leaf is dead he wins though

Go onto your Facebook and say "I don't like Asians and black people" and see how far your American freedom of speech gets you.


This is quite literally unlike any election. This one might be going down in the books whichever way this goes