First they came for the Fantastic 4 and I did not speak out

First they came for the Fantastic 4 and I did not speak out.
Because I was not fan of the Fantastic 4

Then they came for the x-men and I did not speak out.
Because I was not a fan of the x-men.

Then they came for deadpool and I did not speak out.
Because I was not a deadpool fan.

Then they came for me.
And there was no one left to speak for me.

>Because I was not fan of the Fantastic 4
Pleb. You get what you deserve.


Go take a walk!

christ, why do you want a persecution so bad

>being a characterfag
You chose your fate

How is liking the F4 or x-men being a character fag?

>First they came for the Fantastic 4 and I did not speak out.
You have no one to blame but yourself.

Nope. I'm safe because I'm an Avengers fan

Fuck your shit books.

>all these anons missing the reference

Don't worry, OP, I got you.

I jumped ship long ago. The Marvel Comicaust is real.

>tfw this glorious new age after the crushing reign of Bendis

Feels good man

They came for the guardians of the galaxy i mean guardians of earth.

That stopped being good years ago. No skin off my nose.

>Ultimates lives
Oh thank God. Pity about the relaunch though.
>Thanos #1
FFS no
Unless it's also by Ewing to set up Eternity War

>Then they came for deadpool
Deadpool's kept both ongoings and another 3 are being launched spinning out from them.
What are you on about?

Nope, it's by Lemire with Deodatto on art.

Teamfag then, whatever. Point is you're reading books for who is in them and not for the writer.

>Nope, it's by Lemire
Ehhhhhhhh guess it could be wor-
>with Deodatto on art.

>Marvel cancelling Guardians ever
there's a reason why they insist on keeping Bendis

On the plus side, Starfox is going to be a main supporting character. So there's that at least.

>Marvel not relaunching it's entire Line
>Only Number 1's for C listers
>Big changes to the A list titles
>Following an event that is being largely ignored

Where have I seen this before? I honestly don't think Marvel will feel it as hard as DC did but I really can see a MarvelYou situation playing out



>Bullseye number 1

Goddammit they fucking got me. I just HAVE to get that #1 for my boy Bullseye since the current DD run is shit

Do pushers of this anti-Marvel meme understand that when they have a favorite character, that character IS a part of Marvel...?

Hasn't there been a call for that ever since he shined in Dark Avengers?

Has Bullseye shown up anywhere after Waid's run?

I would guess either way that they're gonna fix him back up since they left him as a vegetable more or less, but still I don't remember him being in a book since Secret Wars.

He got fixed in Elektra's solo.

Im pretty sure anons just extrapolating.

I wouldn't know, all I cared about was watching the Molecule Man strip all the clothes off of Victoria Hand

Which one will be cancelled first?

I really can't believe that Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is headed into a second year...

( sigh... )

Are we placing bets? because I don't have any idea who Mosaic is but I still think Solo will fail first.

Mosaic is some new Inhuman asshole Marvel is pushing. He's never appeared anywhere before at all. He's guaranteed to fail.

Shunt the xmen to battleworld. Think of the settings and wars over land with no humans.

Where is antman? And is renew your vows a reprint or a rehashed title?

Can we talk about this?

>And is renew your vows a reprint or a rehashed title?
Ongoing sequel to the mini.

What's going on in DD? He's my favorite hero, but I'm not caught up. Last issue I read by Soule seemed boring. The sidekick is a good idea in theory though. I get my fix from the TV show now.

Are there even DD storytimes here anymore? I never see them on Wednesdays.

He's training that kid from Chinatown and I think the Hand and Elektra showed up

You mean Thanos? It's Lemire/Deodatto. Not to excited about it until a new artist comes on.

Starfox being a supporting character is nice though.

Talk about how you drew a big butthole on your list?
Yeah, someone probably needs to talk to you about that.


I mean, kys but yeah I'm really surprised. I'm shocked they aren't relaunching everything

I would like to point out that -Death of X- is just a four issue miniseries, so either X-books come back full force later on ... or we should cherish these moments we have with the current runs while we can...


Would u really want to read a current GoTG ?