PART 2 LEAKED: Hillary’s Private Meetings With Muslim Brotherhood Officials Secretly Recorded

>It has become widely known that Huma Abedin is connected directly to the Muslim Brotherhood. As it turns out, she has been secretly recording meetings with Hillary Clinton and some of the videos have been intercepted by anonymous black-hat hackers.

>Julian Assange, infamous hacker and founder of WikiLeaks, has been announcing for weeks that more leaks are coming soon. He foretells that the next leak will be enough evidence to convict Hillary Clinton of treason and it looks like he may be right.

>We have been able to confirm that the substance of the leaks will be evidence of a vast conspiracy within our government. It appears that Huma Abedin secretly recorded Hillary Clinton giving names of everyone involved in this conspiracy to subvert our nation.

>Huma Mahmood Abedin has worked with Clinton since 1996 where she began as an intern in the west wing. For most of the past 20 years, Huma has served as Clinton’s “body–woman”, which is basically a glorified lady’s maid. She now sits as the vice chair in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


>The only other pieces of information that my source was able to give is that the “meetings will show treason and they will show who is involved. Hillary names names.” The source also says that this scandal is worldwide and that Angela Merkel is one of the names spoken by Hillary Clinton.

Other urls found in this thread:


If your balls itch and dubs this is true

>mfw another false happening
>mfw blueballed again

>huma abedin
wtf I love muslims now.





I keep hearing this shit, and y'all got me hyped up, but I also know OP is a faggot, and nothing will be delivered.

Nonetheless, Kek's will be done. Bless us with dank Happenings.

any good links?

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when I come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face.


Sage this tinfoil hat cancer. You guys are worse than CTR.

It's nothing. And even if it was what does it matter at this point?

Post the horse you'll ride off into the sunset on after this

I would give my left kidney for this to be true.

Kek pls









Well with an official sounding DNS Suffix like .news it must be true.

Thanks for bumping ya fuckin clinton cunt shill lmao

Reminder that blog is sourced back to us, so we are officially fabricating our own happenings now

>.news domain

Saturday is over and they didn't drop them, I'm afraid our friend at Fury News doesn't have as good of a source as he thinks he does.

That said I would love to wake up tomorrow to an audio recording of Hillary illegally selling weapons.


My dick itched and no dubs. So close.

Comfy year

Link to the articles:


She didn't mean to, she was just being careless.

Enjoy your 8 years madam President.

Posting in epic thread. Fuck Hillary. Trump 2016

If your dick is hard and dubs this is true.

It's not bait. I want to believe. Pls be true.

Oh holy God pls be true.

Please please be true.

Anyone have an actual source or are we just crying wolf right now?


Let it begin


Even if she wins, is not gonna be 8

CTR is strong in this thread

Hillary dindu nuffin, she was gettin her life back on track, going to church,

Hard to have a source on an announced leak. All we can do is wait until tomorrow for the video.

Where were going we don't need polls.

They are basically using the FBI user conversations as their sauce.

So in other words, there's not a single shred of broof to what their article claims.

They have literally created an online news site based on Sup Forums.




as much as i would love to believe this, and it does make sense with the guy in DC getting executed, are there any other sources on this besides one random article on the internet?

I might be starting to feel a wee tingly in my scrotum.

Kek em

Wish granted

I actually think Assange has something, but from the way this all looks, this isnt it.

wake me up when anything happens

I want this to be true but it makes no sense as to why they would record a secret meeting which implicates themselves and everyone else involved and then decided to share the recordings of the meetings over a file sharing network which could easily be hacked/intercepted

I know we are talking about Hillary Clinton here but I'm not believing this stupidity until I actually see it with my own eyes. No doubt that she's an idiot, but what are the chances that everyone involved would agree to this idiocy? Attempting to just hide in plain sight?

Witnessed. Include me in the screenshot.

>user on Sup Forums said it's true

Why do fags believe every person who says they are FBI on this board?


>some arbitrary clickbaiting site
>"lay siege on liberal ideology!" popup on landing, something that would be liked by Sup Forums, aside with a fucking viking
>story is literally written an hour or two before it appears on here
>the same guy who posts the link to the site with all the SEO text ALSO happens to be the guy who posts an already cropped pic of the supposed informant several days ago here , as fast as a minute after """another""" guy asks him to post it, like he had it prepared
>the source for the story written in the article is as follows:
"We have been able to confirm that the substance of the leaks will be evidence of a vast conspiracy within our government."
So basically, according to that article, someone leaked the leaks specifically to this LITERALLY WHO website.

I am sorry to break this to you newfriends, but this is yet another clickbaiting marketer advertising the site above. Sage and report the post for breaking the site rules

ffs you stupid fucking faggots i just looked at the article and its some dumb nigger that sources Sup Forums for his claims

baka what a let down

KEK, and the powers beyond, stir in the great darkness.

Prepare for the happening.


please assange shitpost this into reality you sick aussie cunt

literally nothing is happening. This article has no sources, its just some autist bashing his keyboard together.

Way to dissapoint Sup Forums

In other worse, it's fucking spam.

Always knew that Saudi dyke whore was behind it all.

Based Huma bringing down Hillary for great justice.

3 hours left. It better happen tonight!

because we are all actually fbi

I really really hope this is true.

That is kek, teasing you with his forked tongue

Even me?


Just report all the people posting it before the cancer is spread and the newfags soak it up for dat ad revenue

This is a board, not a fucking billboard. I'm getting tired of the shit-tier advertising, especially for youtube channels, that's going on recently on this place

I am FBI, can confirm everyone else is as well.

>Hillary gets escorted off in handcuffs
>"Et tu, Huma?"

You're a dipshit and you're a minority here. Nobody believes the user claiming to be FBI.

tits or gtfo

if he does this canada has to forever admit australia is the superior shit posting country
>literally shit posted a presidential candidate to jail

>tfw you're the only non-FBI poster on this board
I fucking hate you all


Why do I keep seeing people in threads on Sup Forums talking about the greatest kart game of all time?

Weird its almost like you are on a satirical Vietnamese origami aficionado site.

my name is jack bauer i'm an fbi agent set to be killed in the next 30 minutes. the aliens leaked the info and hillary is after them as well. can confirm.

No one even regards Canada. Their shitpost attempts are terrible. Desperately crying for attention. It's pathetic.

Nice double dubs though.


Hey guys, Norwegian here. From a completely outside perspective I think former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will win the upcoming election. I'm saying this having done my research of course. Furthermore Donald Drumpf almost lost when he made fun of the handicapped reporter. But he literally went out and dug his own grave when he made fun of a strong Muslim woman who stood up to his hatred (DNC). If you are voting for Drumpf you might aswell stay home at 8th of November.

Politically Incorrect - Sup Forums is really an FBI hangout and other intelligence agencies throughout the world.

I hope the liberal mainstream media especially CNN doesn't see this message.

Legendary scenario.

Jack Bauer worked for CTU you pleb.


Attempt at blackmail. If there is a secret meeting going on with high profile leaders you can bet anything that someone, somewhere has a recording of it for future use if extortion is needed to settle a deal/treaty/trade agreement.

This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy. Any videos or audio files release are fake and created by hackers. All of hillarys travel and meetings are heavily documented.

Owl church

I couldn't agree more.

What a disgusting looking nigger.

>this is fake and b8 for FBI/CNN
>FBI wastes their time and CNN reports on it
>many keks

no i work for the fbi

good point there buddy

The suspense!

Post a link to the Part 2 that was leaked then.

Everyone that pays attention knows Huma is a radical muslim handler that dictates almost everything Hillary does.

What we need is some evidence.


Thanks for giving me something to reply to. My record has been correctord.


Not true, I might vote for Hillary because even though Trump loses I want the feeling of winning. Hillary 2016!!

fake and very gay


Reminder again to not fall for advertising and read this:

Daily reminder not to click on .png images