>Sup Forums says race isn't a social construct
>can never agree on who's white or not here
Explain yourselves.
>Sup Forums says race isn't a social construct
>can never agree on who's white or not here
Explain yourselves.
Their flaw is trying to create a line of what is and isn't "white." Whiteness is a social construct, but the concept that humans have developed physical and psychological changes over centuries of evolution is still valid.
There are individual humans with valuable traits such as high IQ, but trying to create racial categories is a futile effort. Our species is too intermingled to try and find some sort of "pure breed."
Green or yellow?
white is not a race you mongolian apefucking monkey
Damn, you ended my thread pretty quickly. I was expecting you guys to argue a little more about this. Anyway, it was exactly the kind of answer I was expecting. "Being white" is indeed just a social construct since nobody can agree on which groups are white or not. It's outdated shit that has no basis in anthropology or genetics and these threads about "whiteness" are an absolute waste of time that never leads anywhere. Glad you admit it.
I know, Sven. I was just testing to see if there were people here who were smart enough to know that. Back to your cuckshed now.
Obviously E9FE00
I'd say green.
It's just memes my man
You also can't agree on what's black and what's gray. Doesn't mean white and black are the same colors.
Race is real but the idea of a white race is a social construct, and a modern one at that.
>can never agree on who's white or not here
That's literally just jews trying to disunite Whites.
The behavior of a race is completely reliant of the culture of that race. Some races have an innate tendency to do more degenerate things than others but a strong culture should be able to offset this or mitigate it. What Sup Forums is talking about is genetic breeds of whites and not actually their behavior.
>Sup Forums threads "are an absolute waste of time that never leads anywhere. Glad you admit it."
Man, it's almost like a psychotherapy session that just got you to admit a personal truth. Now we're getting somewhere.
Actually there is a very clear definition of the White race which includes everyone of unmixed European descent including Celts, Nordics, Mediterraneans, Slavs, Alpines, Dinarics and Balts.
Most White Nationalist organizations agree on this definition, which is also used by geneticists as well.
When Sup Forums says shit like
It's trolling by some butthurt shitskin hiding under a White Nation's flag, and you should ignore it.
only after we're done raping you
>Argentina is whiter than New Zealand
This really made me think
if you pass this test then you're white
A mutt of the two.
Bone marrow transplants.
It's green, most LCD's don't incorporate a yellow pixel element.
The issues lies in the fact of what of the european societies are the most ethnologically defined. You have the Germanics, Gauls, Nordics, and Slavs, showing overlapping "white" features. The reason most mediterranean people don't express this feature is because they are locating in a region afflicted by numerous muslims invasions to the Iberian and Balkan peninsulas.
There are a lot of different reasons someone might come on Sup Forums and talk about race realism.
because they are an idiot racist rednecks
because they are trolling
because they are trying to ft in here
because they think being edgy is cool
because they have read a lot of research on the topic and have genuinely concluded that race is real, and are smart enough to never ever hint that they believe that anywhere buy on anonymous image boards
Of course motivations that wildly different will lead to difference in final opinion.
Nice meme