You realize that you're being scammed by this guy right? And that he's not a real conservative, right?
You realize that you're being scammed by this guy right? And that he's not a real conservative, right?
Who cares?
Trump? I hate wtf now!
Deep down, we all know he's throwing it for Clinton, but we're hoping he actually wins.
wtf im a #cruzmissile now
oh dude youre right. Hillary would never scam me.
>said no one
>it's another "real conservative" thread
>implying Trump won't scam you harder like he does to all the people that loan him money
whoever shopped that hat did a horrible job
>being scammed to kick out illegals and stop flow of rapugees
nice try
Wow, really makes you think...
That's it, I'm #MentallyHill
There are delegates underneath
I am not a conservative. I am a nationalist.
Yeah but it just proves Sup Forums is full of idiots, which isn't really surprising.
Now excuse me while I collect some (You)'s.
He is not a real conservative, thats why I support him. Do you think that I want another Christian fanatic who hates gays and women to be president ? Trump just want to be appealing to conservatives, he is more progressive than the whole fucking Democratic party combined
Were Caesar or Napoleon "conservative" enough for Southern Republicans? Who cares. They were great leaders.
Anything a leaf says is irrelevant.
There it is.
Neither are neocons like Bush or Cruz
Jokes on you, we aren't real conservatives either.
This election is about globalism vs nationalism, not Christcucks vs faggots for a change.
>pro faggotry
>pro choice
>pro racemixing
>b-b-but we're gonna close the borders guys
yeah great change from the conservative party that at least pretended to have virtue
Vote Trump or Die!
>not a real conservative
I sure hope not, because conservative = controlled opposition. Trump advertised himself as a nationalist, and that's what I'm after.
>You realize that you're being scammed by this guy right?
Not me personally but damn the Sup Forumstards are buying the snake oil medicine like C R A Z Y.
Here's a thought: Donald Trump gave that cunt YUUUUGE amounts of money that she's now using to basically run unopposed. She's got all the money and the zionist media, and meanwhile your Cheeto Jesus is lashing out against the Republican Party.
Paul Ryan endorsed that wrinkly old cocksucker, and now he's endorsing Democrats to run against him and John McCain.
That scam artist is not using his campaign contributions right now to put some ads out and try to put his floundering campaign back on track, but to pay back his campaign loans, which he used to reserve his own hotels and lease his own jet.
You guys are morons, and he played you. He saw what this board helped Ron Paul do for the past 8 years, and he's been hiring people to fuck with this board for 13-14 months now and subvert Ron Paul's earned media into a forced meme.
Thats all i want desu. I could care less about actually stormfaggotry i just want that g-d dang wall
And that is why your wife doesn't let your cock out of the cage, you pathetic cuck. Go have fun watching her get gangbanged by niggers. At least she's not getting dicked by spics, right?
>You realize that you're being scammed by this guy right?
Pro tip, if you end a sentence in "right?" you're a faggot. And we don't need to listen to fagots.
You are a moron, cruz was a neocon plant who was designed to subvert gullible randlet fools like yourself into supporting his neocon policies by stealing rand's base.
Holy fuck, that's some elaborate fan fiction you got going there.
He's not even a randlet. He's a CTR faggot using the same images. Throw that jimmy d.jpg into any Sup Forums archive and see for yourself.
>Sup Forums is conservative
Protip- who the fuck is "we?" You Trumpfags are all alone in this, and everyone is slowly but surely beginning to desert you.
Take that from a guy who made his own Trump T-shirt about this time last year, and started using it as a rag to wipe his fiancee after he finishes when he realized Trump is a fag-loving Putin-fellating fraud who gave $$$ to Hillary and thinks grown men should be allowed in the ladies' room.
If I were marketing, it wouldn't be here. You kool-aid drinkers had your mind made up. I'm just debating this shit here to (a) vent and (b) warn all the newfags rummaging thru Sup Forums that you guys are only marginally less blue-pilled than the polygenderbiqueerfags on flooding "edgy" feminist e-cards on tumblr.
A conservative party that also hasn't won a presidential election since 1988.
Bush lost in 2000. He won in 2004 only because of the Iraq War.
>that he's not a real conservative, right?
I should hope the hell not
Only took you twenty minutes to craft something that looks like it could be from an user. I'll start tracking your turn around time in future threads.
>to vent
I'd imagine your pathetic life is pretty frustrating.
You seem like the type of who listens to nirvana and complains that the lyrics are hard to understand, then you watch south park and complain about the animation
we got an undercover shill here
If Caesar was so great, why is he dead?
I don't want a "real conservative"
>No response
>Calling people out because they no no virtues is "edgy" now
Enjoy your liberal president guys. At least the white people can now commit suicide in peace.
Caesar isn't dead. He's out in Cuba with 2pac.
Bush won in 2000
>I'll start tracking your turn around time in future threads.
You do that, cuckboi. Meanwhile, Trump and Hillary are hatefucking ala Lemon Party on a pile of what little money you make.
As for that jimmy d picture you dumb fucks are bitching about, that's Jim DeMint. Him and Ron Paul are spending their old age running paleolibertarian think tanks while your grandparents are sucking money out of medicare and social security.
Yeah, if he was a REAL conservative, he would care more about tax cuts.
And tax cuts.
Oh, and he'd somehow reverse a Supreme Court decision in the Executive branch. Then he'd go and send more kids to die for fucking jews in the ME.
>Random strawman
So this is the 4D chess trump taught you to play ?
If it takes 4 years of Hilary or 4 years of Trump to get conservatives to finally get there shit together than fine by me
>muh conservatism
You just stay still and do nothing while America burns, Trump will actually do something about it.
What is a "real conservative" anyways?
Because the modern definition of "conservative" is absolutely nothing like it was 100 years ago.
Educate yourself, OP.
And what will you do personally to stop the degeneracy and reverse modernism in YOUR life user ? Anything ?
>real conservative
I remember the last "real conservative" that was paraded around before this election season. It was Paul Ryan. How did making him Speaker work out again?
>random strawman
Random? You're complaining that he hasn't said anything about abortion and fags when both matters were settled by the Supreme Court.
What exactly did you want him to do to overturn their decision? Go sit on a dick, faggot. Conservatives are fucking traitors shilling for Israel at every opportunity.
>pro-Iraq war
>Heritage Foundation
LMAO You're fucking transparent, kid.
This kills the shill.
Webm, very related
t. George Sr.
*shill detected
Why did Drummppppfffniggerffft donate to Hillary's fund in the first place? What is the rationality/excuse behind that?
>when both matters were settled by the Supreme Court.
So you're alright with abortion and faggotry then ?
>Random Israel rant
alright kiddo
Gotta grease the wheels when you're dealing the big money user. Making every politician your friend is business 101 come on.
>So you're alright with abortion and faggotry then ?
I'm asking you what you want Trump to do about it, faggot. And I love abortion. Keeps niggers from overpopulating everyone else. It's the most effective method of genocide. You can go cry to your dunecoon god, I don't give a fuck.
>So, Is Marco Rubio correct that Trump is a “con man”? Yes, Rubio is 100% right. Trump is a con man in a party of con people running against another party of con people.
>He’s just better at it.
So you support a con man, knowing you have no reason to believe he shares your values or gives a flying fuck about your best interests?
Imagine being married to a manipulative bitch who who grabs every camera looking for attention, lies to you on a daily basis, and uses your money to take luxury jets and stay in upscale hotels? What would that make you?
That's right! It would make you a KEK!
>pro-Iraq war?
I went through all my posts, and I made no mention of the Iraq War, let alone supporting it. Did I miss something?
Fuck me. The alt-right tears would be absolutely delicious if this was absolutely true.
So you're saying we should support the con men who are particularly BAD at doing their jobs?
>Did I miss something?
Yes, you forgot to properly research your character before shill posting like a faggot.
Fucking lmao, I mean the HERITAGE FOUNDATION being paleolibertarian is just fucking rich, m8.
We're not talking about trump
>Openly pro-genocide
well at least we know whether you have any morals at all
>And that he's not a real conservative, right?
He's not a real liberal either.
He's one of those rare politicians who isn't a fucking sniveling sack of shit with his balls in his party's pocket. Both parties need to be whipped into shape, and Donald's the man for the job.
Conservatism is completely useless. Furthermore, the constitution is a defective document that is responsible for flooding the country with violent, stupid, impulsive third-world savages.
>well at least we know whether you have any morals at all
It's the same morals as the founding fathers who rightfully murdered the natives, if they hadn't, then this country would've been another mongrel shithole like mexico or brazil.
>We're not talking about trump
>yeah great change from the conservative party that at least pretended to have virtue
So you're talking about an unrelated change to the Republican party this last year in a thread about Trump?
Get btfo, faggot.
>he doesn't want to curb the nigger population
Well, at least we know you're a cuck. My morals are much more aligned with the likes of the men who built this country than you, faggot.
>when the vyvanse bender is full tilt.
Get some sleep.
There it is, the beta stormfag immediately resorting to cuck memes when he loses an argument. There's one every thread.
How many candidates do neoconservatives need to burn through before they realize people don't give a shit whether Trump is conservative or not and just want to torch the government to the ground?
>At work today
>Shitty sheboon tells us that she doesn't like Hillary, but she's voting for her because she doesn't want Trump to win.
>Tell her flat out "I'm going to vote for Trump just to cancel out your vote."
>She's visibly upset.
I don't care if I'm getting scammed. This entire election is a hilarious joke, and Trump is the perfect punchline.
> >Random israel rant
> >alright kiddo
You could not have exposed yourself more if you consciously tried.
> le Ron Paul revolution xd
Fuck off
Yeah, those are fair and logical comparisons for sure
It is all about the memes sweetheart.
Too bad you don't get it.
He could be anything as long as he speaks some common sense about borders and Islam without apologising.
more conservative than hilldog
wow... really makes... you... think....................
Shill's vision of gov is a whole lot less intrusive than donald's
$0.45 has been deposited in your account. Thank you for working for (REDACTED)
One minute Trump is too extreme, the next he's not conservative enough. It's almost like 'real conservatives' are controlled opposition that will never make meaningful changes in areas their supporters actually care about.
>Build Wall
>Remove Taco
>Ban Muslims Entry
>In a turn of events that shocked the political world and threw the presidential race into unprecedented turmoil, Donald J. Trump announced yesterday that he is quitting the race and endorsing Hillary Clinton.
>Trump said the only point of his campaign was to show how stupid and gullible many Republican voters are.
Lundy JOHN D. SIMMONS File photo
>“I’ve been a Democrat all of my adult life,” Trump told a packed and boisterous news conference. “But I knew if I ran as a Republican and said increasingly ridiculous, idiotic, racist and sexist things that I would get a lot of votes.”
The problem is that Trump is more representative for a conservative than many of the long-term members ofnthe Republican party.
that'd be amazing
the pure amount of tears and butthurt would be staggering, unprecedented