The Days That Were

This photograph was taken in 1930s Germany. Notice anything, Sup Forums?

what no caption claiming its hitler and ava braun?

There's a lil' nig there for some reason

She's a big girl.

Indian kid second from the right.

Hitler was black?


what do you know....


Radical Larry!

Yeah, those little boys have bigger jawlines and chins than most full-grown adult men today.

The nigger on the right

They separated the boys and the girls but put the black boy with the girls.

How can white bois even compete?

for all of us

This lol. Those boys on the left look manlier than most men today.

Too much estrogen in today's food.


We must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.

> mfw I never wore a Lederhose as a kid

But at least immigrants still were openly mocked. Scheiß Kanacken.


We were ahead of our times

i was watching a nazi propoganda video from the 30s the other day, it was pretty much them showing off all the retards and explaining how euthanising them would save money

one of them was a 'idiotischer negerbastard aus dem rheinland'

Aww, although maybe you didn't miss out. I heard you have to piss in it to make the leather supple.

The S in Diverſity should be a long S, btw.

That's a myth. But you have to wear it for a while. Like your indians' moccasins.