Legality of using gold coins to avoid taxes

Ok question for you Sup Forums

say I wanted to buy a car in Canada

The car is worth 30,000$

or approximately 21 oz of gold

Can I pay the merchant 21 1oz Golden maple leafs which have a legal tender value of 50$ Canadian each or 1050$ altogether.

That way the merchant only has to pay income tax on 1050$ and I only have to pay sales tax on 1050$.

I could use this scheme to haggle down the price of the car since the merchant is saving immensely in income tax?

Is there a law stopping me from doing this?

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Probably not. BUT if you were in the US and tried the same thing with an individual you could call it an expensive gift exchange and be good to go. Then depending on your state you would just have to pay registration/inspection fees. Unless of course you kept the vehicle on private property, then you don't pay shit.

There is a law against almost every good idea when it comes to money, at least in the US.

To answer the subject, in the U.S. its illegal, ask this guy

Yeah somebody on /biz/ showed me the story of the guy who got jailed by the irs.

But canada is actually really free compared to the usa.

we even have dog blowjobs.

he would make a loss on the car even though he had new assets. I don't know how bartering works in account books.

Barter / non-cash transactions are valued at fair market value for the purposes of Canadian taxation.

So no.

This; every time you swap pokemon cards you're supposed to report that to the IRS.

You have dog blowjobs?


True capitalism is dead, fucking government intervention leeching a cut at every opportunity to stick its fingers in others cookie jars because they say "well its a regulation"


Gold coins ARE cash.

They're legal tender.

If i go to the grocery store and get 50$ of groceries they HAVE to accept my 1 oz gold coin.

For face value of the coin, not the market value of the weight of the metal.

Which is why 1oz maple leaf silver rounds have a face of $5, it's a safe bet no one will be spending those for face value


Yes ok but if the guy just sells me the car for 1050$ on the books and I give him 1050$ worth FACE VALUE of gold coins.

we've both fucked the government over but we haven't really broken the law right?

>1 oz gold
>1 oz


The gold coin is 50$ of LEGAL TENDER

you still have to pay 1400$ for one

but it's legally worth 50$


Face value is what they mint them at. Obviously, they sell on ebay for spot price + a few depending on year of mint and rarity of face design

Sorry, I missed the part where they are technically legal tender.

There's a problem tho, given that the dealer is eventually going to need to liquidate the coins, at which point he would be subject to a taxable gain of some sort, unless they want/are able to sit on $30k worth of bullion.

Because of this, the person receiving the coins is disincentivized from participating in such a transaction, such that I doubt you'd be able to exercise much leverage, even if there are no other technicalities that make it off-side.

What the fuck Canada. I mean, I don't want to be a dick but c'mon. That's a little fucked up.

I'm surprised Vice takes issue with dog blowjobs desu.

but why would anyone pay $1400 for something that's only worth $50...


this is the problem with our legal system.

Some women got arrested for having her dog lick her pussy.

The judge let her off because she's a woman and the judge is a SJW cuck

but because we operate under english common law that means oral sex with dogs is now legal for everyone.

I hate liberals

It's worth 50 bucks as it is but it's also worth it's weight in gold

>That's a little fucked up
Just the tip of the iceberg here m8

Fair market value of vehicle is considered for taxation.

That's why you can't 'sell' a car for $1 on paper and take an under the table payment.

Tag office compares your stated sale price ($1) vs the retail value of the car and taxes you on whichever is higher.

Thank you america-san

Good post

In Ontario it costs you about $400 in fees before you can even begin to sell your car used, and the buyer has to pay tax on the used car, good times here

No one forces you to make transactions traceable. You can pay for a car in chickens if you can find someone to accept that deal.

Its only 13%! The royal dyke needs that to pay for the billion dollar factories she abandons

>a thing is literally not listed as illegal
no, it just was not illegal at the time. iirc, legislation has been pushed through to sew up that hole

>mandatory sellers package - $100
>must get safety check - $130
>must get emissions check - $50
>seller must pay tax on used vehicle you've already paid tax on
i need outta here

Wasn't her step-dad smearing peanut butter on his underage daughter and filming the family dog licking it off?

I don't know how strict they are in Canada, but here anyway you could list $500 as what you sold the vehicle for and pay tax on that and no one would care.

In America if you try this, and the feds find out about it, you will go to jail or worse. Don't even try it.

I mean you can own gold as a personal asset. But don't be paying your employees gold, or buying cars with gold. The car dealer will rat you out the same day and you get a ticket to club fed.

If the merchant eventually turns the gold into actual currency he has to tax the difference of 50CAD and scrap value.

time to get me a pupper

I was thinking about this myself with uk sovereigns though. They're basically £1 coins but in gold and a bit thinner

Legal tender £1 coin