do schools still do this with the PC culture floating around? genuinely curious
Do schools still do this with the PC culture floating around? genuinely curious
They do
Yes and if you don't the entire class will harass you into doing it.
I remember my class had a few edgelords who wouldn't stand for the pledge
Not in my state
t. californian
yup i got in trouble a few times in the tail end of my schooling
'you dont have to say it but you have to stand up and show respect'
Here in Texas we say the Pledge of Allegiance and then have a pledge for the Texas flag as well.
i didn't know that. that's pretty based
i just came into the room late, so i was already standing. Fuck if ill pledge allegiance to a (((globalist))) country
when I was a kid we used to sing my country tis of thee every morning too
I grew up in California and we never did it.
yes God damn it
we live in America even our California schools salute the flag
otherwise what is the fucking point of being taxed to death
The school district that I went to stopped doing it in 2002.
Well, that's something good to hear for a change
Former calli student reporting. Went to three different high schools in three different areas ranging from hyper liber to hyoer conservative and they all had you say the pledge. Granted that was 4 years ago so things mightve changed.
Most schools do. I know of one school district that doesn't and it is literally run by actual hippies.
I've often heard that some schools require their students to pledge allegiance to other flags. I think one story was a school in Texas required their students to pledge allegiance to the Mexican flag. What is more PC? Allowing American students to not pledge to the American flag or requiring them to pledge to the Mexican flag?
I had a faggot called Jake who punched me in the arm because I didn't do it. Jake from my science class, you are a bootlicking faggot and I bet you grew up to be a pathetic manlet not even close to 6 foot tall. Jake you think you could have gotten away with assaulting me because I didn't pledge my allegiance to a state? Fuck you Jake kill yourself.
Do schools still do this?
Reminder that if you didn't say the pledge at school the teacher wrote down your name and sent it to the government and now you're on a list somewhere that says you're a potential traitor that should be shot or imprisoned if there is ever a war on American soil.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag... one nation, under God, indivisible, something something something... I don't fucking remember this shit. I said it every day for 5 years and that was like 16 years ago.
Not for much longer.
Same. One bitch said she thought it was "creepy", and I thought WALL.I would deport her if I could. She would be better off joining the british sluts. I felt great honor every day we would do the plege to live where I do, I would give my life for our country, apparently its hip to hate America among this fake social never do nothing fucks. I love my country, those people really anger me.
nah not really
In my high school it wasn't like that, only a few kids did it while everyone else just sat there. My principal walked by once and yelled at my class for not doing the pledge and thanked me and one other kid for doing it. Felt pretty good not to be a self hating commie. Graduated 4 yeas ago btw, east coast state.
I will someday provide you a favor. Thank you user for your service to our country
Surprisingly, yes.
I did it in kindergarten in Iowa in the 90's.
Here you go you faggot:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I wonder if even Commie children pledged allegiance to their flag at school.
This shit is straight up brainwashing desu
"Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, dass ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes, Adolf Hitler, dem Obersten Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will, jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen."
Thats a long pledge I guess
Plenty of edgelords that don't say the "under god" part. Me included.
They do in my son's school here, in Indiana.
if I was American I would say "under Trump" instead
Mostly a bible belt thing these days.
But he did get away with it
I used to go to a majority mexican school (in the usa) and each friday they played the mexican national anthem after the us nat ant and everyone in the class stood with their hands diagonally across their chest. One time, a white teacher told us off because everyone was more eager to sing the mex nat ant than the US one. We also used to make fun of the white kid in the class (from mexican descent but abnormally pale).
this is your future america. Anyway, did anyone else have to sing another country's anthem in their school?
they did when i was in highschool 5 years ago. Illinois
>hur dur my loyalty is to a state that views me as a source of revenue and disposable
I did. I grew up in the last years of the USSR though
I really regret following my parents here instead of riding out the 90s in Russia. Even a full on communist nation was far more based than Canada is now
They did in Virginia. They don't out in California though.
> you will never be with your classmates saying the original pledge with that salute
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
My high school is 90% latino (Im included there) and the only guys that dont do it are whites. MFW FL is the less cucked state despite having a lot of latinos.
but what if they are doing it to pledge to the original meaning of the USA, and not the shithole that it has become today?
the original USA was amazing, before the central banks and giant federal government, welfare states, open border bullshit.
Why would you do it in the first place, your life is useless in the eyes of the gov.
yeah it was so much fun being forced awake at 5AM 5 days a week to catch a full bus of 100+ kids with them trying to pack us 3 to a seat and obese women got seats to themselves and of course I was the last stop so that means kids had to wake up at 4AM and I had to sit in the aisle, which is illegal. then coming to school when you are half awake having to sit in the cafeteria for another 2 hours before school started. while sitting alone at a table for 2 hours because you are trying your hardest to stay awake, people saying I look like a depressed school shooter because I am not a morning person. then to come to the first class not even conscious to be told to stand up and do a cultish like chant to the flag of a country I don't even believe in anymore because the prison/school system broke my spirit years ago.
school was miserable for me, so fuck your pledge of gayness
The one time Mexicans tried to fly their flag in my rural Kentucky town it caused an uproar and the police made them take it down. Mexicans are an invading force, much worse than the other Hispanics.
They still do it at the high school I work at.
Yes, and it's still fucking retarded. There's not really a purpose for it, aside from Christcucks masturbating furiously to the idea of atheist kids being made to say "under god," which isn't even suppose to fucking be there.
New Yorker here, was in school mid 90's to 2009, we did the pledge then. once I got to high school I became an edgelord who didnt want to stand for it because 2kool4school but I got over it.
what they DID do in elementary school that Im pretty sure they probably dont anymore, was play God Bless America on the loudspeakers after the pledge and before the morning announcements.
I always used to think as a kid, that "white with foam" was saying "wiper phone"
good times.
I realize however, that College doesnt do the pledge. probably due to the hectic structure of college classes not being focused around a normal schedule. (((pure coincidence))), no doubt.
i pledge allegiance to thee texas, one state under God, one and indivisible......its drilled into my brain now
We never said the Pledge. Instead, we had the national anthem play over the PA system and didn't have to put our hands on our chests or anything of the sort, just stand if we were so inclined.
>just stand if we were so inclined.
How much do I want to bet that you little shits busted the balls of anyone who did?
back in high school we used to beat up our classmates who didnt sing the national anthem or recited the patriotic oath and the pledge of allegiance to the philippine flag mostly the kids of the communist rebels, we tease the ones who got their parents killed for the whole 6hours of classes.
I live in central Texas and no one said it after 6th grade.
Just to clairify the school played the us pledge, then the Texas pledge, then a moment of silence. No one would say the pledges but we would stand for them, then sit down for the silence, and ignored the "silence" thing if they felt like it.
Actually, almost everyone did stand. Some people stayed seated but it was usually the ones that were so tired they didn't give a fuck, or rebels that would do it for attention.
The pledge literally meant nothing to me as a kid. It was just the morning routine. I don't see why they ever thought it was important when most kids probably felt the same way I did.
>be homeschooled
>parents never make you do the pledge
>go to school in highschool
>they didn't do the pledge either
People were against it from middle school on and it was always a lowkey thing. Like most teachers just didn't do it but every now and then one would try and get shut down by the class and it would become an "issue" again among dumb teenagers/
It's stupid to force kids to pledge allegiance to their country every single day. I don't think anyone was actually mad at the country, we just didn't like being forced what to say and think. I suppose it could have that sort of backlash, by forcing kids to love something they might resent it someday.
If anyone should have to pledge allegiance to the flag everyday it should be our "leaders".
Yes. But one time I remember sitting down during it because I was trying to do my homework from the night before and some librarian coming to yell at me, to which I responded that I have the right not to stand.
I never stood again after that even if I wanted to just to send a message.
Fucking mindless North Korea tier brainwashing. I know I sound like an edgelord but I can't help it.
My school still did it earlier this decade if that's any help.
They are most likely still doing it.
I live in Dixieland, however.