>Implying Clinton's the one who's hiring shills
Implying Clinton's the one who's hiring shills
Other urls found in this thread:
>looks like
>looks like
>looks like
Just end me now.
where are the proofs.webm
>ignore the content of the DNC email leaks because Russia is a big bad supervillain!
Why do Democrats think that anyone is buying this? Who cares if Russia is responsible for the leaks? What matters is the content and the fact that the Democrat Party rigged the primaries.
The biggest shills on Sup Forums are the ones pushing that retarded scamcoin.
>implying it's implying when it's actually true
Hopefully Hillary nukes Russia when she's elected.
I always hate articles like this. Either it's fake made to false flag or discredit someone. Or it's real and I've been missing out on sweet dosh by doing it for free.
haha looks like Russia is at it again! We have actual proof that the DNC is doing this from their e-mails but lets just run with the made up story about Trump instead!
What ever fuck tard. You can't post a reference, so it's obviously fake.
Adrian Chen
>born 1984
>Implying she's not
fake and gay
fuck off faggot
>no evidence
>nothing but speculation by leftist propagandists.
>Wasn't NYT the paper that fabricated the last anti Trump story with that girl he dated
>Weren't their reporters called out for outright telling lies?
>yes it was
Liars exposed
t. American
>make allegation
>end article with a question mark
>ha-ha can't touch us because we only asked a question
is OP retarded?
>The Jew Yorker
>0 evidence for claim
really made my cranium twirl
I'm fairly certain this is leftists actually mistaking us for Russians, saw in the paper an article saying this and it mentioned all the jew journalists getting attacked by anonymous users and they linked it to Russian behavior.
>it looks like
not a fact
Wasn't Chen a gawker/gizmodo writer?
I'm pretty sure he purchased a stolen iPhone 4 and Steve Jobs went after those faggots for it.
That makes a lot of sense actually. I mean, I knew Trump voters hate America, but the pro-Russia stuff seemed over the top.
Dems seem to blame russia for everything.
Dems are making massive fools of themselfs
Literally every single NGO (from politics to pharmaceuticals to energy to agriculture) and half the government organization engage in shillery on all kinds of platforms.
This still surprises people?
A little too obvious.
You guys are slow learners.
I bought into it but I haven't seen a single thread on it.
It's growing slowly, but it doesn't look like something to make money on 2bh. I just wanted to own trumpshekels.
promise no shill senpai
>woah man, how dare you influence the election by exposing the fact that we're influencing the election
Anyone who gives this "muh russians" theory enough of a thought to seriously talk about it is clearly defending the DNC.
ITT, Trumpcucks' minds break as they go incredibly deep into denial over being duped by dirty slavs
>i liked trump from day one
>russia thinks half way thru trump would be great for russian american relations.
>wew i get used by the eternal slav
We like Russia. We will protect Putin's Trump shills like they were our own.
>freelance journalist
>independent investigation
>unnamed sources
>well, you have understood
This just ties in with the shills new tactic of taking traditional Sup Forums memes and catchphrases and using them against the regular posters
Shouldn't Putin be doing his annual stunt where he shuts off your electricity about now, kraut?
See stories like this, which I know for a fact to be FALSE, just reassures me.
Because this is LITERALLY projecting, and if they are projecting on bullshit stories like this, they MUST be preojecting in the other bullshit stories like trump having mental issues, dropping out, and campaign officials scrambling around to find another candidate.
Praise KEK shillary be TOAST
>Adrian Chen
>ex-gawker shill
Took me a minute to remember where I've heard of him.
Democrats have resorted to McCarthyism.
>looks like
>it could very well be
>it's very possible!
>experts say:
>Is Russia doing x?
>Russia and Trump supporters, is there a connection?
Don't fall for modern journalism it's a joke.
Live here 35 Years. Only once the electricity went off.
When a Tank drove over a mast.
The fact that the MSM is trying to vilify Putin and also put Hillary in the White House is genuinely terrifying.
These fucks are literally trying to start WWIII to make some sandniggers happy.
>Accuse others of what you've been accused of
The Clintons need a new play book they've been doing this shit their entire lives.
Whoah, really makes you pontificate.
This is absurd news, comrade.
Glorious a Premier would not do such things, he is to benevolent and compassionate to involve his self in politik of other country.
No Russian is being paid to shill for Trump. Its a Democrat-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear his campaign
You bought a pump n' dump ponzi scheme. Congrats. You wasted your money. We already made our dough on it MONTHS ago but now the bagholders are trying to salvage their shit investment by shilling it to Sup Forums. There's a chance that you could actually see a ROI if these NEET autists shill hard enough and get some normie media sites to give it attention but its not going to happen.
>trying to manipulate another countries election
>trying to manipulate your own countries election
Slight difference.
ITT useful idiots
if thats true then how come i dont have any rubles?
shit. i dont even have any beets in my pantry atm.
>a freelance journalist working at a liberal news outlet discovered this!
>we can't show you any proof, but you can trust us, goyim!
They did a good job with all those proxies.
I wish somebody paid me...
>99% of the world is shilling for the wicked witch.
>1 country decides to throw their support behind Trump.
>looks like
>we KNOW about CTR and breaking barrier
Damn that majestic aerodynamic hair
I guess Russian spies are the ones who fill up trump rallies to the point when thousands have to be rejected at the door due to overcrowding
>Last week
>Take any Hillary allegation
>Make them in to Trump allegation
Much OC, nice campaign. That's why our memes are stronger.
Sup Forums exposed as commies
China is worried about Trump on trade so they lie about Russia to help Hillary.
I do it for free
Cyka blyat. We've been caught.
Back to Russia comrades.
I take offence to the fact that you'd call me Russian or hired by Putin.
I cannot confirm or deny the statement of me being a paid shill.
Man, with all this shilling the left is doing, Russia is going to go back to being the final boss in video games pretty soon.
Muh Russia boogeyman
Why do Americlaps always find a way to blame everything on Russia?
Everyone is shilling everywhere
That totally doesn't sound like an attempt to point people away from Hillary's paid marketing. Nope, not at all.
Democrats are corrupt. Trump is good for Putin and thus bad for the west. I think you need to be aware of both facts.
It was one of your own that wrote the original story. Probably an agent of the Chinese government. We did have some spies from Chinese the Us just arrested a couple days ago.
Yes, last one is treason
The kids behind Hillary high school kids they forced to come to the school during summer break and fill the backdrop.
That was a plane crash that gave her a brain injury and possibly another stroke. Secret trip to Iran for nuke talks with Khomeini and Ahmadinejad.
>trying to vilify Putin
Bruh.... just... have you had your head in the sand for the last 15 years?
>discovered in june 2015
but trump hadn't even announced he was running then
what a bunch of shit
The Russians are trolls and libs took the bait, now it's free speech control in the police state.
This. Rusgols are much more dangerous than Hillary and Muslims combined. Finland knows about this better than anyone.
>implying they didn't
Take your pro-Trump Nazi bullshit out of my Sup Forums.
I think Ukraine has the most recent experience with that
the only shils on this board are the trump shills, its actually disgusting how THEY have the digitnity to call out people who don't agree with them or question trump, hillary shills when they are guility of such.
now to be clear, not all trump supporters are shills so if you are one don't take it too personally but look around you and realize how this place is used for agenta.
This. It's even got so bad that people in Serbia believe that Trump apologized for the bombing on Larry King, even though it never happened. They have funded several nationalist portals to publish it as "news".
They also never publish the story of Clinton foundation paying to rebuild the burnt down church and pushing for reshuffle of corrupt leadership. Or her acknowledging that Serbia is no longer their enemy.
>Take your pro-Trump Nazi bullshit out of my Sup Forums.
First I'll have to take my Nazi dick out of your mom, m8.
This is the thing about shills that make your shitty arguments fall apart. You don't even believe your own bullshit, yet you expect the rest of us to do so. While citation is needed for "the only shills on this board are Trump shills", we have actual evidence that there are Hillary shills all over the fucking place here.
>shill detected
.10 rubles have been deposited in your account
CTR is only working on social media, asshat. Link me to an article that says otherwise.
>Link me to an article
Mistake #1, shill. "Articles" are not an authority in America when truth isn't a legal requirement; your news sources do not have credibility. Wikileaks, however, does. And boy are those emails fun to look at!
Reddit even did something right for once: reddit.com
Now it's your turn. Show me one fucking thing that proves Trump has anything to do with shills.
Russian with British proxy reporting in. Yay Trump. Boo Hillary. Boo.
Lel, OK Albozerg.
Hillary pays $10/HR and there are hundreds of us. Just try and fucking drown us out with garbled English gibberish that will probably be auto marked as spam you stupid Russians.
And have some Correct the Record failure from just a week ago.
it literally never mentions Sup Forums, I'm not denying that hillary shills are out there on twitter and co but its not like Sup Forums is being affected. the majority of the pro hillary posts are just here to generate butthurt and are ironic or are written but trump supporters themself to create a immaginary foe.
You literally haven't proven a thing with this. There's no mention of Sup Forums anywhere.
Because that thread was totally not a Trump shill circlejerk. OK