Do you think she did it on purpose?

Do you think she did it on purpose?

I've shown this pic to over 1000 people and still NO ONE got the joke.

I don't get it



"Make love not war"???

"Make love not wall"???

R... L... SHE'S ASIAN???

Put 2+2 together for fucks sake.... I laughed so hard when I saw that pic and I can't believe NO ONE else in the world finds it funny/ironic without me pointing out what's funny.

Terrible bait my friend

>Make not love wall

what did she mean by this?

i dont get it portugal

No, they replace L with R.

So it would be
Make rove not warr

maybe because it's a crappy joke.

Fuck you're autistic. She's turning it into a pun. You're the joke.

>free the nipple
>covers nipple

>be a chink
>best known for chink food and building a fuck huge wall
>arguing against building a wall

japs don't replace the R with an L sound, you fucking RETARD.

slanty ping pong nip nong zipperheads do it the other way around, they replace L sounds with R sounds when they try to talk like real humans.

It's not a terrible joke. You're being unfair.

Asians replace R with L and L with R.

It would have been funnier "Make rove not wall" but what I found funny is that I laughed without thinking about it when I saw the pic and yet no one else finds it funny. Guess I'm just easily amused.

Make not love wall.
Okay, no one will make love to the wall. Thank you for your support for building the wall though.

Is she? Because I don't think she is? She doesn't particularly strike me as the humorous type, you know?

She seems more like the kind of person who would point out my "white privilege" for laughing at this.

You onry reprace the r to r you retard

>japs don't replace the R with an L sound

Well, maybe not in English. Thought it was the same everywhere.

t. alberto barbosa

>free the nipple
>nipples not free

>make love not wall
Did you want to get raped and murdered by the mongols? Fucking cunt

Its also funny because shes asian and the chinese build a wall to fend of the mongos

Ah? Don't get it mate.

Make love not war --> make love not wall

It's fucking wordplay.
You mean LETALD

how has this not been posted yet

i dont get it
PR confirmed for autism

The obvious solution is to put lots of glory holes in the wall so you can do both.

You are a disgrace to your country...

According to japanese people I've met they can't hear the difference between the l and the r sound, it sounds the same to them.

>"free the nipple"
>proceedes to not free the nipple

I want to get behind them but they make it so hard.

I would have released my hound on her if I wasn't afraid that she may eat my hound.

Portugal, you unfunny stupid shit. Your taste in jokes is garbage. Fucking kys

>Make love not war --> make love not wall

Yeah... that's not what's I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fact that she's asian replacing the R in WAR with the L in WALL. Because she's asian.

It's not an award winning joke but it's a joke.

>muh country ;___;

I see your point with your post.
My only grievance is: Can't these fucking femtards find womyn who actually have tits worth looking at?

>Spanish intellectuals