I'm a staffer with the Clinton campaign. It's literally falling apart...

I'm a staffer with the Clinton campaign. It's literally falling apart. Clinton and Kaine are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, her advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Clinton herself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to her over the past few weeks ever since the DNC. Whatever poker face she had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving her full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard her screaming behind locked doors about how she can't keep up the charade anymore and that she has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Debby Schultz is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Clinton's advisory team, leaving her dead in the water, because this woman doesn't know politics to save her life. She knows she'll bomb at the debates, she knows her poll numbers are slipping, she knows everyone with any common sense in her own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.


bump for interest

Can you provide any proof?
My question is, is she thicc?

CTR shill no chill

What do you or your doggers want to know?

So many disgruntled staffers.


It was funny when the pasta was about Trump because then it makes sense, this is just dumb.

What are the campaign's thoughts on the upcoming wikileaks thing.

Thicc? No. She is morbidly over weight, hence the drapes she wears. They're also to cover her track marks


If you had said this about Trump this would be on CNN and MSNBC all day tomorrow, source be damned.

We are allowed to be disgruntled. You do not know what she is lile behind closed doors..

We were shitting our pants because Clinton is prone to violent emotional outburst. Papers thrown, obscenities too ugly to repeat, an intern got a pencil in the eye...

Waiting for CTR shills.
Is Bill getting more ass? Is he fugging a few people benis in bagina :DDDD

My OP is proof? Clinton is dangerously close to the edge. The recent post about her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are 100% true. Do not know how the media is going to spin this..

Are there saboteurs in the ranks at the Clinton campaign? Seems like her Twitter feed practically sets up Trump punchlines or just gets her into deeper shit.

Op, why was Seth rich killed?

Post proof faggot, if they're not gonna know you were here then post a badge, card, paper, or something so we know it's legit. If you've been taking her pills then post a pic of the prescription with her name on it.

You could have made it just believable enough by adding some bit about how you're native to Sup Forums or /fit/, not like you're from the "rich part of internet," and decided to film noir your way down to Sup Forums to hand off your nondescript manilla folder.

Faggot. Derail this thread by summoning Kek.

this is pasta from yesterday

This gif says it all. You ever wonder why Clinton allows Bill to sex up whoever he wants? It's because Hillary is a straight up lesbian and does not know how to hide it. She sexually harasses female interns onna daily basis and it makes us all uncomfortable. We are pretty sure she was molested as a child and that turned her off men all together. Bill was just a means to gain politicial power

Prove it op or your a fag
You know the rules

>Clinton is prone to violent emotional outburst. Papers thrown, obscenities too ugly to repeat

So why doesn't someone secretly film or record this?
You'd be set for a decade or so financially if you did this.

either you post some sort of proof spoiler: doesn't have to include anything personal thats linked to you or I spam your thread with shit until it dies

Yes, we hate her.

More like set 6ft under.l

He'd be set for life because the Clinton death squad usually acts quicker than that

Does Bill know he is not Chelsea's dad?

Also, are you the DNC email leaker?

Being molested as kids/tweens turns women onto dick, next theory

You understand all the shady deaths that follow her are legit, right? Her mentor Saul Alinsky had ties to the mob and she applied their tactics to another level. I have a girlfriend and we are expecting...

prove it



Not her. She often belittles male staffers and says "penises look like snakes."

This pasta is stale.

> Win raffle at Clinton HQ
> Free gym membership

you should probably go into hiding, the clintons have a habit of killing people who trigger them

posting random shit from that twitter dox we did till op stops roleplaying or posts proof

>cannot hide being a lesbian
>which is why she opposed gay marriage for so long


>do you want to die and everyone you know and love die?

The answer is no.

op is faggot who won't post proof

where is teh poofs



Fake as fuck, probably ctr trying out new tactics. You failed.

You're already dead.



hey jerkoffs this is a copy pasta stop baiting

Whats clintons current relation with Huma?


She flip flops on issues to make her most attractive to voters. She is a political zeitgest. Also she is a Muslim convert on the DL. She hates male faggots and if she thinks a male staffer is gay she does horrible things to him..

dw I'm saging, making sure to shit up the thread first though

stop trying to get this to the bump limit faggot

google it dumbass

Post dick and proof

Wat do you want that won't end up with me, my gf, my family, and friends, from wearing concrete shoes and going for a swim?

>Also she is a Muslim convert
Cool story bro.

Have someone post a tweet from her twitter with the word "laugh" in the next 5 minutes.

Image is only proof needed, her husband has achieved gravitational singularity, it's all over now.

I'm shitting up the thread leave me be

>she literally calls me Snape because I look like Snape from HP and Slytherin house is a snake and I have a penis

Pick one

you don't have to post anything that's connected to you, post some dnc shit that won't come up in a reverse image search of google, oh wait op is a roleplayer

You cant Sabatoge., can you?

Her handler

>Only look, no touch

alex I'll take things that are from shittily written fanfic op has written for 500


this thread is fek end gey

>an intern got a pencil in the eye...

I could have believed everything else if it wasn't for this. At least try to make your story believable

Not really dude. Be scared, be very scared.

Who Adam? He has the weekend off. Don't expect a tweet until Monday.

op is a role playing feggit

please, if your real, record one of her fits. Getting that shit out to the press would be fucking unreal. probably not that hard? I heard she's inept with computers. You could conceal a lapel microphone/camera.

Thanks for doing God's work.

Is she an Infowarrior?

Does the Hillary for Prison shirt make her smile?

Almost as gay as you.

Why is conservashit fan fiction always so poorly written?

This is a slide threads, it's been posted multiple times over the past few days. OP is just spamming pasta.


Fuck off fake.

>dnc shit

Like what?


What is this tumblr?

Gonna go with fake

I'm the one posting pictures of women js
> no pr team on the weekends
at least try and be a realistic roleplayer op

thread moving so fast, and so is my heart!
reposting my question
please, if your real, record one of her fits. Getting that shit out to the press would be fucking unreal. probably not that hard? I heard she's inept with computers. You could conceal a lapel microphone/camera.

Thanks for doing God's work.

like your id with paper cutouts around unique info, its not fucking hard
or letterhead

You weren't there...

Man, that's asking a lot. But ok. This Muslim Brotherhood leak will release a mother fucking freak out like you won't believe.

Full damage control

have a heart attack and die this thread is somebody yanking it tryin to role play

Do you know when itll be leaked

Makes her very angry. She melts down whenever she hears a "LOCK HER UP" chant. She is legitimately scared.

Why is CTR still here? Haven't you been layed off yet?

I legit believe this.
Fucking hag.

straya help me shitpost, I hate role playing threads
read the thread op is role playing

What are her ties to Canada? Everyone knows about Frank Giustra and the big 5 banks funding her campaign, but does it go any deeper?

How do you look forward to president Kaine?


Do this OP. Do it for what is best. If you are real I truly hope you realize just how much damage Clinton will cause if she is wins the presidency. Record one of her fits and leek it. If she does come after you or your family submit your alligiance to Trump or some other republican that will guarantee your safety while giving them more info on Shillery. OP you may be the last light of hope for this campaign and your country.

I'm expecting she will tornado into our office on Monday. If she doesn't smash my phone, maybe Tuesday..

do you know any secrets about clinton you can share?

if you are that paranoid of being found out

walk down to starbucks use a live CD of linux change your mac address get on the wifi proxy up and post shit Sup Forumsro

I want to believe.

Honestly, most of this stuff is probably true even if you aren't who you claim to be.

well thread is now shit, I'm out, enjoy your role playing faggot

I want to believe

>Same fucking thread made about Trump and Pence yesterday, just with the names switched out.
At least be original with your shitposts, people. For Christ's sake.

Trudeau is connected to Muslim Brotherhood as is Merkel. Expect it in the coming leaks

Anyway user, I fucking appreciate this. I know its hard to see, through this crappy website but Im empathizing with you. If i can help you at all, just ask for my info. I can program somewhat well, and I have nothing to lose as a young person.


Clinton campaign badge or some other official looking shit along with a time stamp. Until then I'm assuming this is just some autist speculating.