This bitch is the last person to have lived during the 1800s

This bitch is the last person to have lived during the 1800s

That's crazy

When I was a kid growing up in the mid-60s/early 70s, we still had lots of World War I vets and even some Spanish-American war vets. I used to see them all the time at parades, parties, and other functions. All these guys are long gone by now.

You old nigga


Have some respect for the elderly, cuck.

Hey, look on the bright side. People being born today (and hell, maybe even people under 50 alive today) may never die a death due to aging.

It's already been predicted that the first person to live for 150 years is alive today, and the first person to live for 1,000 years should be just 10 years younger.

Cryonics will almost certainly work (it all depends on if we can develop the tech, not if cryonics is viable) so we may encounter people in their late 90s who were put into suspension around 1980 come back with the bodies and minds of healthy 20 year olds.

With molecular nanotechnology and our focused efforts on figuring out how aging works, there's the potential we may be able to reverse or completely stop aging within 40 years.

Shit's getting better senpai, don't get depressed.

God damn, women will do anything for attention

>It's already been predicted that the first person to live for 150 years is alive today, and the first person to live for 1,000 years should be just 10 years younger.

This is complete and utter bullshit. It's magazines and scientists trying to gain recognition and money, that's all.

Sounds like absolute horseshit along the lines of having flying cars by the year 2000.

I hope to Christ none of that ever comes to be, either. We live too long as it is.

You would think more respect would be shown too.
Not very "redpilled" or "Conservative" of you homes.

What do you think her pussy smells like

no its not. the oldest person alive is like 120 or so i think 122. its only 2016

Fuck you nigga

> being frozen is being alive

>tfw you post on Sup Forums alongside guys older than your parents
[worried laughter]

You faggots really have no clue do you

No clue of what?

>implying that will be accessible to the common man

See: human nature

Case in point

Can someone help me communicate with this thing?

Damn, she's seen the whole 20th century, and then some 19th and 21st century action.

Yeah, and now we're seeing the last WWII vets going as well.


Stop reading Wired

The oldest verified person is her**