When will the West wake up and grab its balls?

When will the West wake up and grab its balls?

The most we can incur on those chinky, little rat-claws is an international ruling? HOW ABOUT INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS? I mean wtf? I know the world economy is becoming integrated with china's but fuck it. It'll hurt them more than it would us and the end result would be akin to withdraw from a bad substance. So lets look at the facts.

Let's say (in theory) chinas 'Nine-Dash-Line' has barely a fraction of legitimacy from its 500 year old claim; 500 years ago being the last time historically that they held at least (some) control of the area - that would still give the UK more right to reclaim the colonies, or Mexico to reclaim the American Western expansion, or Italy to reclaim most of Europe (as historically proven provinces of Rome).

It's utterly BASELESS! So why the fuck do we sit on our fucking hands while those commie chinks destroy entire oceanic (marine ecosystems) and ram foreign fishing vessels on their own fucking shores???

Are we really that greedy for Chinese cash or have we become fucking spineless?

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Anyone down to debate this?

Chinese cash rules. Hell, our government just let the Chinese buy one of our oldest and most prized cattle stations and then lease it back to us.
Neoliberalism and globalisation has brainwashed an entire generation of Westerners into accepting this shit because profits for private companies will magically trickle down to them instead of being sent offshore.

Our leaders are all so terrified of China they won't do shit. It's disgraceful. The funny thing is that with how vulnerable the Chinese currency is, global sanctions would probably destroy their economy. They're only so aggressive because they're so vulnerable.

You're wrong, it's actually called socialism with chinese characteristics, not capitalism

t. 邓小平

>profits for companies
>ending 65 years of world stability

Well noted. It is disgusting that the whole concept of an unregulated (free market) would benefit Western democracy, given that trade with china would turn them democratic as the few benefit off that 4 billion population and many suffer an economic downturn. All it did was make china powerful - the wealthy few, even wealthier - the world balance, a little less stable.

Wow! What a fucking concept that was.

Obama is a pussy and cannot handle difficult negotiations. The admiral over that area has all but said Obama's name on this issue.

no one cares, faggot

Get that filthy, pig latin off my computer screen you chink.

People should care because this is a very big issue. It can be the first domino to a geopolitical shift. Just like Brexit. You be careful and don't let your banks fail. It'd be terrible because that could lead to an Italeave

again, no one cares
call us when nukes start flying

It's not just Obama...its everyone. The whole fucking west. Cowards. Greedy.

Why are you in here if you do not care? What are you accomplishing by trying to derail a discussion? Please excuse yourself

Fight for it. Chinks can be broken real easy. They're historic cowards.

Yes it is the entire west, but Obama is the one who leads the west. From South China Sea to the Iran deal to pushing communism in Colombia. He is an absolutely terrible leader and I genuinely believe he is doing it on purpose

Typical western ignoramus. Never worried about a problem until it bites you in the ass. To much comfort to care about the future.

> It'll hurt them more than it would us

You can print more bills, but you can't generate goods out of bills.

Increasing prices on commodities lowers purchasing power, which results in stagnation on our side.

Meanwhile, china will have a problem of overproduction - decreasing prices on commodity, and allowing them to use excess production to stock up for war.

You're a fool. This problem is being handled in the best way possible: steadily and firmly. Just because the liberal world order is being challenged right now doesn't mean it isn't the best system we have for managing international conflicts. This is why we don't let Sup Forums run the world.

>its Obama who leads the west
Alright, you got me there. He is a spineless world leader...and that's coming from a dem. Hillary has more balls on her iron clad cunt than those little brown teabags dangling below his vagina.

Is China necessary for all of those things though? Plenty of trashy countries make products, they just cannot compete with China. We would pay a little more but we could probably still maintain. That trade route is worth $5.3T per year, China cannot have that bargaining chip. They won't stop at that area if we don't force them to. Isn't the United States capable of producing everything it needs to function all by itself? I have heard that repeated often but I never looked into it

Which means slight economic downturn for us and depression for them. Again, you contradict yourself...as expected from the envious cunuck. I know your bated at the breath for anyone to topple the American power so you no longer have to live under our shadow, but really...a Chinese hegemon is NOT in your best interest. There is a vast gulf between fiction and reality.

It isn't being handled firmly. China is even making actions to progress further as predicted. It is being handled very poorly

And china wont stop at the SCS. A lesson Europe learned in the 1930's, but apparently forgot.

not our problem

Yeah man he is an absolute joke. Trump is right, Iran crushed us in negotiations it seems. He paid $400M for a ransom and is saying it isn't that. He is a PR president and an absolute joke. I only focus heavily on the southeast asian area so I can't give my say on the rest of the world really, but these new findings about Iran nuke deal which was sold to us on a lie BTW are sickening, We already don't seem to be protecting our ally the Philippines who is ALREADY looking to move closer relations with China. Not only that, but we are also going to snub them on a new trade deal because:

>President Obama wants to make “a powerful contribution to lifting people out of poverty and supporting growth in some of the poorest countries in the world, while also reducing costs to American consumers and businesses.”

South Korea and Japan have already looked towards nuclear weapons because they don't feel we will protect them if necessary. This in my opinion will lead to all of our southeast asian allies moving closer relations with China or Russia because they will have no other choice.

>Passive Aggressive is the best foreign policy
It is? Since when? 1938?

The West is dead. Niggers satisfy their lusts on our wives and daughters who are sluts. No other race has such a subversive element. As White males, our best bet would be to join the Chinese race by immigrating and breeding local women.

Canucks who don't understand the Chinese mindset on suicide watch

Indeed. But I wouldn't put your money on Trump's foreign policy, who'd rather hand our the status quo to our enemies for a better golf course. Isolationist megalomaniacs and 'world policing' don't mesh at all.

The US is on it; we are working to get back into Subic Bay, and shoring up our allies. This takes years. The ChiComs will not win.

I believe Trump said he supports a free trade route in that area. This was before the ruling came out though so I don't know his stance now. I don't want to derail the conversation too much with Trump. That is a huge trade route and creates a huge difference militarily if this site is true. Sort of long but worth the read imo


>handled firmly
>China calls the UNCLOS ruling a worthless scrap of paper and doubles down

this is like Japan walking out of the League of Nations and proving that international law is meaningless when nobody is willing to actually enforce it

EXACTLY. Glad that somebody on here knows their history.

Being able to produce it and actually produce it are two different things.

Suppose I say "I am able to work 40 hour days for the rest of my life".

Am I able to? Yes.

Would I want to? No, because work isn't that fun.

The US has done this apprx. 9000 times. International Law isn't worthless, it just exists to suppress weak and defeated nations, and provide caucus belli to strong ones.

I appreciate Americans at least admit they are ramping up a Cold War 2 scenario with this battle between different Imperial Hegemonies. Now if only they can admit it's them, not China, who is the aggressor.