Stick to your containment board fucktards this is what happens when people like you take your shit to real life
Video Shows Woman Beating Man on Long Beach Train After He Yelled Racist Epithets
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Wow Nazitards scared as shit to look how they are handled irl
Nigs get the shit kicked out of them by superior whites every day. Take your nigger faggot shit somewhere else
You wish caveman, best fighters of all time Floyd Mayweather Jr., Muhammad Ali, Joe Foreman
Weak ass white bois cant even compete
What did he say? If he said africa is a black continent and was ruined by blacks. He yelled facts and she proved him right.
You people wonder why you're all in prison, no self control
There are gooks from third world villages in Thailand that could kill any of those niggers in seconds.
>no self control
No cause you crakas keeping brothers down and never want to see strong determined black people put an end to oppression
All I saw was some drunk bum beaten to an inch of his life by another man. Or was that a woman?
Gooks beat the shit out of Amerikkkan white devils in Vietnam and you caveman forced our brothers to fight for an imperialist nation that hates
>Amerikkkan white devils
you're trying too hard
But are those gooks gonna save your pasty anime watchin ass from gettin stomped on by superior black beings?
Dat ass though
She can stomp on my balls if you know what I mean
Glad that cracker got he ass beat.
You been trying the hardest to oppress colored people fo to long
I notice you didn't mention Joe Louis.
>violence is a-okay if my feelings are hurt
Thanks for reinforcing the nigger stereotype, doing a real service to the POC around the world
getting called a bad word gives niggers the right to stomp the shit out you.
so brave so powerful
After she kicked him and started stomping I would have sucker punched that bitch so hard
Reminds me of the lefty claim that "if we don't let Muslims into our countries because we say they're too violent, they'll get mad and kill us".
Yall been beating, oppressing, and raping us for centuries and for no reason and we tried to be peaceful but no more we are rising to tear down white supremacy
>Gets called a mean name
>Chimps out and validates our criticism of her race
typical nigger
>Nearly beating to death some intoxicated/mentally ill fat dude in the back of the bus while wearing pants with marijuana on them.
Yup that's blacks for you
The guy honestly had it coming for being an ass, but the negress didn't do any favors for herself by chimping out completely. One good kick or punch would've sufficed.
>forgetting mike Tyson
Fuck out of here.
your trying to hard to play the victim angle. it doesnt work when your violent. maybe a cop will have to shoot her one day. maybe a cop will have to shoot you user
in either case they wont go to jail. we wont let them
What kind of a cuck wouldn't kill that nigger the first time she laid a hand on them?
Yeah, but by a woman?
Devils like you violently and ruthlessly handled our people for centuries with no reason other than skin color yall the real mindless beasts of this world
fuck off cis white male
You can be racist without being rude to people you know.
Talk shit get hit.
>Talk shit get hit.
I agree. Case in point: Emmett Till.
I know you're a troll, but I'll tell you this anyway - try that shit here in Texas. I dare you. I double dog dare you.
Niggers will be genocided at some point, probably the Chinese will be the ones to do it.
This is why you always carry a weapon.
I don't have the patience or will power to continually beat someone for a couple hundred years, it creates daddy issues, something I'm not into myself
> murdering a child makes me tough
Brother in Texas Micah Xavier already did and had all white boys pissing they pants only a robot could stop brother. Weak ass white bitches thats why white women flock to us
Yeah, we should kill you off.
You're worth nothing and you contribute nothing of true value. You aren't even capable of being good citizens.
Black people are the most primitive people on this planet and they just can't help themselves.
You need to go to Africa and make something there if you think you're better than that.
FFS it only took one black president to put this country on its death bed.
You niggers drop the ball every chance you get.
Don't bother replying to him, this isn't his first rodeo here
I'm always armed, every time I leave the house. I have a gun next to the bed when I'm sleeping. I honestly, truthfully, look forward to a nigger fucking with me so I can George Zimmerman them.
>You aren't even capable of being good citizens.
Black people are the most primitive people on this planet
Being good citizen in a Nation that despises you fuck off limpdick Neanderthal, ypu whites call black folk primitive but most pedophiles are white males hahahaha pathetic shits yall the real muh dick retards
You're new to pol aren't you
Nigger, y'all can't even behave in nigger run cities.
You're fucking hopeless.
he isn't even a cracker
wtf is this troll smokin
Lmao you think you're hard kid? I'll fucking demolish you. Not shit you can do with a holstered weapon that has the safety on. Good luck even sneezing before I load you up with lead you pussy whitey lmao. Whites can only spew hate on the internet. Your species is weak as fuck and you'll be extinct within 500 years.
>only took one black president to put this country on its death bed.
Ended Iraq war, Unemployment at 5%, cheapest gas in years, more people got healthcare, stock market booming.
Didnt notice this puts a nation on its death bed try again dumb caveman
>Black people are the most primitive people on the planet
You said it brother. So primitive that they aren't even technically human beings. They are animals.
Im quoting this caveman you retard
But you don't even get pussy. You're most likely unattractive, nonathletic and overall just an autistic cuck. Tell me again, why should an athletic, combat trained intellectual black male like myself be afraid of a beta white cuck?
you're a god damn nigger
you're a virgin. One is better than the other. Enjoy your pathetic life whitey.
>being so weak that the only way you can convince yourself of being a man is with pathetic power fantasies of confrontation and an unhealthy obsession with guns
Niggers won't do shit if they think you you'll stand up for yourself. A few years ago I wore blackface, dressed like a nigger, and went downtown New Orleans for Halloween. I walked right past 1,000 niggers and *NOT ONE* had the balls to say shit.
>being the nigger who is dumb enough to walk into his quest for power buzzsaw
the rest of us are gonna buy him a drink when he finally does it.
Why are black women so much more powerful than white men?
cause black woman have to defend themselves from black men constantly
Thats all you got that word i mean but its useless now and the white race is like a zombie: walking dead but does not even realize this. Richest man in History was black, Most powerful man on earth is black, Best brain surgeon in America is black, the greatest athletes are black. The oppression is going to end soon and all you will see the black star rise and never fall
new pasta smell
i'm actually not. I have white kids. nigger.
It wasnt the skin color that made whites enslave nigs, it's because they didnt fight back and they were cheap, just ask the african kangs we bought them from
>intellectual black male
Okay NOW he's trolling
the dude is clearly drunk out of his mind
>a nigger ruthlessly beating a disable, retarded white man
Just your typical day in (((modern))) America.
china is black?
The melanin and estrogen within our queens metabolize into new synapses within the brain allowing super charged intelligence
>In this post: things that never happened
White bois and their retarded fantasies
that's a homeless black out drunk drug addict. he's probably mentally ill.
she should be charged with attempted murder, i hope she gets the maximum sentence but she probably won't
>the word nigger is useless
maybe that's why cops are executing you, because the word doesn't work anymore. enjoy getting gunned down, the world will be a better place without you ruining the country with your violence and crimes, spook.
vids against the nigger. it only shows her assaulting a man.
It very much did happen. The shit I got was from white cucks.
>It's another OP roleplaying as a black person thread
Funny how posters only speak in ebonics when they have a point to make that they're "black." Outside of that you won't see that shit at all.
Because your bitch ass is outnumbered and outgunned here.
It doesn't matter what you think you can do because you ain't really shit and neither are any other niggers.
You're animals that can be put down the same as any other because you really are too stupid to stand up to the best of us and your people can't follow orders.
You can do little things like the Dallas bullshit but you'll always end up dead and we'l still outnumber you and you'll be out another of your best men.
We won't have to go to war with you because you'll either whittle yourselves down or actually try some shit and get your shit kicked in.
For an "intellectual" you're pretty fucking stupid if you think you're anything to worry about.
Enjoy it while you still can niggers, eventually the hammer will drop and there will be no mercy
>maybe that's why cops are executing you
Cause they're afraid of the greatness black people have in talent and Potential and want to stop it at all cost white people got two things left racist cops and the n- word your on your last legs and cant even do anything about it ha.
niggers are naturally aggressive primates. they're always looking for trouble and are eager to fight.
>Texas user confirmed
amen brother, right to self preservation. fuck these chimps
>some guy stupidly thought i could talk sense to a baboon.
What actually happened.
Maybe they had better things to do other then get angry at some edgeteen year old's desperate cries for attention
>Richest man in History was black
by selling fellow niggers like hot cakes. top kek
Isnt that what W.L. Pierce predicted in "Turner Diaries" to become the norm?
Whites being beaten or killed in public for supposedly "being rayciiis n sheeit" without sanctions for the attackers.
Oh what a world to live in.
What is with those festive G's in the titles?
>visit sister in law for easter
>she lives on farm in North Carolina
>talks about how it's been in the family for 250 years
lel, I will never cease to be entertained by the fact that members of my family literally owned black """"people"""" and it took a white man to free them
Yet another great thing about being white: anytime a nigger tries to talk to me I always have the defense that my family may have owned his family at some point
That's the ultimate cuckoldry, literally being owned as property
>thinking assault is justified when certain sounds come out of peoples' mouths
what the hell exactly IS wrong with you people?
Black and intelligence, she was angry cuz her welfare check didn't come in on time and her baby daddies skipped town and misse. Child support payments on her 8 kids, meanwhile KFC ran out of chicken, how she gonna feed her kids? Have some sympathy for the trials and tribulations of the mentally handicapped
he's clearly a long term homeless person, mind melted from years of drugs, alcohol, and living on the street
he was probably nodding off, mumbling to himself and this piece of shit started kick him in his face with no resistence
>"best fighters of all time"
>posts boxers
Gotta crack a few eggs to make lemonade, nigga
>nigger thinks he wont get shot
>What actually happened.
He sold more Slav apes and Arabs than blacks but caveman like you dont want to acknowledge all aspects of the institution of slavery were imposed to black people by caucasians
>hands up don't shoot.
>unconscious jump on head
I thank god or evolution or the force or what fucking ever it is that i am strong and fast enough to not have to watch shit like this happen in front of me. Dude recording wanted to physically intervene to stop it but was a coward. You can hear it in his voice. Both the empathy and the cowardice.
>what the hell exactly IS wrong with you people?
see this
That all you got?
How can you not see how fucking stupid you are?
Niggers wonder why they're all in jail, and then go and do shit like this all the time.
more like the truth yall cant accept
Anyway, I hope a cop shoots you in a traffic stop.
I'll be laughing at the video as usual because it will be your own fault.
How does the bait taste? Guaranteed he isn't even black
They were sold by blacks, if they cared about their own people it wouldn't have happened, imposed by whites get the fuck outta here every culture did it, whites are the ones who stopped it, Africa didnt want it to end because its all it can produce
Lol good. Don't start yelling nigger unless you are intending to start a fight with the niggeé. They're called fighting words for a reason.
To be fair, blacks have harmed more whites since their freedoms, provided by sacrificing the lives of thousands of whites people, than there were even slaves
No wonder Arabs see you guys as nothing more than stupid rabid dogs.