Since Hillary shills insist on false-flagging and derailing the last thread. Here we will talk about ancient occultism and how it influences modern day politics and what it says for the future.
Ancient Occult General /aog/ (Moloch, Baal, KEK, Ibis, Age of Aquaris,YHWH, etc.)
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm pentagram pilled xD
Aren't all pagan religions and deities technically Occult?
Why would politicians worship Bullshit animal gods when Lucifer/Satan is just as efficient in terms of "evil power"?
Because if they're into the occult they know what Satan and God actually are.
The elite are Gnostics. Corrupted branches of the religions, but that's what they are. Most Gnostic schools taught that the so-called Pagan gods were very effective psychological tools for initiates, whether they believed in them or not. I haven't been really following these threads, but figure out what Moloch and Minerva symbolize beyond just what they're gods OF in the old religions.
What are God and Satan enlighten me
CTR connected to McLarty. This is how they get their donors. Do research
God as described in the Old Testament, Quran and most if not all (depending on what sort of Gnostic you're talking to or which texts you read; many schools of it) is Satan or more commonly the Demiurge. He created the world according to these religions, just as Yahweh/God/Allah did, but is not actually God. According to the few modern surviving Gnostic schools that aren't just schizophrenics who read to much Philip K Dick, Earth is essentially, and over-simplified a touch, Hell. Gnostics of all stripes, including the elite, want to escape, either as a whole or individually, from Hell. Particularly grandious or extreme schools want to destroy Satan/the Demiurge, thereby destroying Hell and everything in it. They're convinced they can, as well.
What those holy texts call Satan/Shaytan/Lucifer is in fact an agent working against what the texts call God/the Demiurge. Whether it is from some Meta-Universe/God Above God, or simply a human agent depends on the interpretation. That's what they believe, anyway. At least the more modern sects. The older ones were restricted by the knowledge of the times they lived in.
Meant to tag you in this
God as described in the Old Testament, Quran and most if not all of the New Testament (depending on what sort of Gnostic you're talking to or which texts you read; many schools of it) ...
Sorry 'bout that.
okay styxhexenhammer666
lol I hate to break it to you, but God and Satan are not one. Jesus even answered this "why would the forces of darkness conspire against itself?"
even the demons acknowledge God as the 'highest one' according to Daniels vision... people seem to think Satan and God are at the same level or equal footing, when that's not true, he calls him a powerful adversary but his demise was prophised in the garden "he will strike your heel, but you will crush his head"
pagan gods are no match
>What those holy texts call Satan/Shaytan/Lucifer is in fact an agent working against what the texts call God/the Demiurge. Whether it is from some Meta-Universe/God Above God, or simply a human agent depends on the interpretation. That's what they believe, anyway. At least the more modern sects. The older ones were restricted by the knowledge of the times they lived in.
Does that mean, without a doubt, Kek truly is our saviour?
yeah just listen to black Sabbaths "lord of the world". easier than leafing through a bible desu (still read the bible at some point though)
More or less. This isn't as out there as it seems; remember all those secret groups the elites are part? Almost all can be traced back to the Freemason or similar Gnostic groups. All it amounts to is some Gnostics with a different perspective (or perhaps they were corrupted by reigning non-pagan religions and institutions of their time) to other, low-key groups, gaining power and becoming, in their own way, servants of the Demiurge/Satan themselves.
In short: If the elite are occultists, even only a portion of them, the groups they join and start suggest an extreme form of Gnosticism.
Kek is a useful tool. The 'good' Gnostic schools and the 'bad' elite schools both use pagan gods as psychological tools. Basically meme magick is that too, if you look at it from the right angle.
Historical records would say "yes".
Gnostic view the Jewish God Yahweh as a demon and Lucifer as the hero. It's inverted.
So no hope, huh? Fuck.
This is a good screencap, thanks user
So can I get into gnosis/occultism and still be an atheist?
Looks like it.
either you are a slave to Satan and sin or a slave to God who offers freedom through Jesus
Sure. I practice as a hobby.
In theory, yes. You probably won't stay that way if you take it far enough though. There are lots of interesting Gnostic and Occult resources around, especially online. The Kybalion is a good start; has anyone in these threads applied the principles in Kybalion to the symbolism, rituals and other stuff I've seen in these threads? Worth a shot.
Well yeah even crowley referred to this as the age of fire. Normally in fire one would understand it as a risky form of transmutation. Great age for some people desu, the stage is pretty amazing and a great way for thousands to test their own character and cultivate greater integritys to improve their bah.
>its a satanists and occults steal credit from atheists cause they are incompetent by themselves
fuck you
Look up chaos magic and trance work buddy. Gods are metaphors and tools.
>the kybalion meme
Its hilarious how it's so shitty in spending so much time to explain basic concepts, what it details is fine to go over but I wish there was a more concise alternative that didn't spend too much time making itself seem grand.
I bet the self proclaimed occultist here have never even taken acid
Repost from last thread because I've been trying to put all this stuff together. So it seems that Jews are no longer gods chosen people and have instead turned to Satan/moloch worship. Where does Islam factor into this? Are they also satanic or is al Mahdi simply the antichrist? Who made Islam? Did it come from God or the devil or something else? Will al Mahdi come out of an Islamic Europe? Is Christianity truly the closest to God? Are we living in the end times?
Not everyone practices through psychonauticism cuck. If you can't do it yourself you didn't learn anything.
>even crowley referred to this as the age of fire
Boleskine House burned down to the ground in 2015. Exactly "111" years after his prophecy in 1904.
Have you guys even read Book of the Law?
>AL III,34: "But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth, and shall stand until the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman shall awake the lust & worship of the Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the globed priest; another sacrifice shall stain the tomb; another king shall reign; and blessing no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord!"
It's the Aeon of Hrumachis now.
>Hrumachis is the Dawning Sun; he therefore symbolizes any new course of events. The "double-wanded one" is "Thmaist of dual form as Thmais and Thmait", from whom the Greeks derived their Themis, goddess of Justice. The student may refer to The Equinox Vol. I., No 2, pages 244-261. Thmaist is the Hegemon, who bears a mitre-headed sceptre, like that of Joshua in the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry. He is the third officer in rank in the Neophyte Ritual of the G.'. D.'., following Horus as Horus follows Osiris. He can then assume the "throne and place" of the Ruler of the Temple when the "Equinox of Horus" comes to an end.
the Jews are not gods chosen people because Jesus died on the cross as a way of salvation for all, the Jew first and gentile second, God is the God of all, not just the jews
this is not the end times but the preparation for it
God is not Satan, no, see
ITT: degenerates who believe the locus of control is entirely external.
Grow up and do something with yourselves. If there was an illuminati hopefully you'd all be dead by now.
If you think you can reach the godhead by yourself you are a fool
even the most spiritual Christian can be miles from gods heart
Meme Magick is real
Heget is one of her possible names
Sag = Dog
Dog protects (sage) us from corrupter ones. Islam doesn't like Dog that much.
But evil people have been able to corrupt dogs.
You are Kek's Shepherds
jews and everything down the line is essentially corrupted and following el/molach/saturn.
so jews, christians and muzzies are all El worshippers, which is absolutely terrible.
at least according to the thread.
the church of El is some seriously terrible shit, and this thread only scratches the surface as to how shitty it really is.
Right I see that but I watched the hexagram deception and it says that because Jews refused to accept Jesus they also reject God. Also in revelations it says Jews are part of the Devils synagogue. So I get that God and Satan are separate and that Jews have become devil worshippers. My question is now who do Muslims worship? Is al Mahdi the antichrist?
Enjoy forever being disconnected because you never reached it yourself and rather had your body "feel" it :DDDD
>the church of El is some seriously terrible shit, and this thread only scratches the surface as to how shitty it really is.
Please elaborate
Nope, I avoid crowley desu. The most I've done with his shit is skim like a madman.
When Jesus said the Jews were of the synagogue of Satan, or a den of vipers, he was talking about the rabbi who corrupted the teachings of the prophets and replaced them with the Talmud
the singular antichrist has not been revealed but will be when he desecrates the third temple in Israel
The spirit of anyichrist is inside everyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection
Would can someone do(not so complicated) to know something like a higher being exists? anything like a ritual or magic?
Occult literally means hidden knowledge in Latin, stop misusing the word to accommodate your retarded opinion on ancient old noble houses that managed to circumvent power through intermarriage and forcing their opinions into world governments. does it have anything to do with devil worship? Satanism is the worship of the self. Freemasons celebrate the individual. In Yiddish there are over two hundred words for buying and selling, usery was then I introduced in all sects of society.
I have studied extensively in the bracket of humanity. Heaven is a portrayal of a golden earth ruled by a heavenly (chosen). Hell is the chaos that goes without the governance. Thus a self fulfilling prophecy when shtf.
All I know from where we are in history is that it is going to get much worse. There will never again be a family unit as we know it. We are eternally tempted to make poor decisions to feed lesser hedonistic virtues. All the false idols and celebrities are advocates of this destruction, and are paid handsomely.when disaster strikes (and it will) these false idols will cling to religion like flies on shit.
Watch it, we are living in the craziest time ever.
thelema is the true and final consolidation of occult knowledge as a symbolic language or "map" for navigating cosmic and existential principles.
anything you may want to understand can be gleaned, in a way, from Crowley. that's not to discourage the study of things like tantric buddhism and the older hermetic mysteries, but thelema is the most practical and advanced approach to understanding the nature of the occult and mysticism, the end goal of which is enlightenment and union with "God"
place yourself at the mercy of God, with a broken and contrite heart, ask for forgiveness and trust in what Jesus did for you
God will answer your prayer for proof and fill you with his Holy Spirit
>Hidden knowledge knowledge
There is no final anything in occultism because it is life, constantly changing.
ironically, nothing is really "hidden" about the occult. occultism is merely an approach to metaphysics and spirituality which uses symbolism and psychology as a method for self-development.
Seriously other than prayer or not proved self convincing believing in a higher being, what can I do to know at least some type of higher being exists and/or we where put into existence for a reason.
That's a Solomon seal correct?
The olds gods are making a comeback and people have become decadent and stupid so they'll fall into anything that looks at least entertaining and exciting before moving on.
Believe it or not religion is just a fad for people.
>personal anecdote, I encountered a vision of the old Mayan/aztec spirits yelling at me for whatever reason. No I wasn't on anything other than beer. Long story short I believe the old gods are still kicking around
If you live in america outsiders' deities are aliens (except Jesus who sacrificed stop the Mexican Gods' tributes [Necessary because some of those Lords needed to be remembered via tributes otherwise the balance could fall apart], so he is part of america unlike Zeus, Allah and even the good Ahura Mazda {Pepe isn't alien to us, it seems} )
Don't fight for the Lions, the aliens.
Fight fir the Jaguar, for the eagles.
We were put into existence to serve and praise God our creator
You can choose to obey him or not, God gave us free will to sin and be evil which by the way everyone is guilty of
However he sent his son to die so that your next life could be spent pain free with God despite your rebellious nature to commit evil
This isn't answering my question. Is there something to at least show me that God or a higher being exist?
I think some of the other stuff has to do with the search for alchemical gold, they tried to incorporate links from theology/magic into turning stuff in gold.
Much like this thread and most cult shit
Your own consciousness.
Consciousness can only have arisen from consciousness.
You literally can not exist without God.
yes, prayer with a broken and contrite heart will lead you to be closer to gods spirit which is holy and can't be near sin and evil
When you are in gods spirit you will have the proof you seek, it is very real and not something you convince yourself is happening
Ironically, Mesoamericans never make a real big deal about Gold. And see what mayans did. Strange
Out of curiosity. Do you remember anything about them?
Is magic real and how could someone use it? maybe an alternative to prayer? It's just that prayer doesn't seem convincing enough
>you cant assert derp without asserting derp
full retard
The only 'magic' there is is the power of demons.
We can do nothing on our own.
Stay away from it at all costs.
do you mean how mayans turned gold into things? Yeah ironic, never thought about that haha
The top groups believe they have acquired knowledge through profane acts. The more vile the more powerful.
It's also why every abortion clinic is dedicated to Moloch for blood sacrifice.
pretty much this, nothing is free.
Do anything to reach success in any area of your life. When you reach the success to a point where it affects others, you start to pick up on how easy it becomes. So easy in fact that you can do something without barely any effort to attain results. This process if for whatever reason much faster when a devote christian uses it (in the name of God for example)
Although it is completely true that this was also done in ancient times for other deities. The process removes the self to answer to a higher calling. When you act as if something is constantly taking your decisions in, you make better decisions. Ansewring to a higher power thus operates at an increased functionality for all sorts of walks of life. The difference for this in this instance could be expressed with Satanism (only ansewring to the self and not a higher power). You can reach success with both however with God you tend to affect more people in a positive way.
Yes I know but how could someone make connection with them? What possible ways do you know that actually work and aren't just BS
They're faces looked like this and they just inaudibly screamed at me. I was in Mexico/Cancun for my cousin's wedding and honest to god I had a pretty shitty time not counting the spirits and the spirits lol.
magic is real in the sense that you can forcefully change your perspective through the placebo effect. If you strongly believe something realistic can happen, your perspective can be warped into actually believing it, or it coming true.
if your communion with God is not convincing enough either you are in sin and don't wish to confess it before him which draws him away from you or you don't know which is worse
Ask God to seek out your wickness so that you can be forgiven and dwell in the holy place
Magic or witchcraft is real but God forbids it because it is communication with Devils
Demons can come as angels of light and fool people -- beware witchcraft, such a thing only ends in misery and death
Communication with God is free because of Jesus -- he is your high priest who advocates for you -- and in a way you become your own priest, it's great
>this entire thread
I implore you, do not go down that path.
To consort with demons is to be an adversary of God.
If you want to know what the greatest power in all existence is, then I will tell you.
It is love, for God is love.
Turn to Christ user, He will save you from your lust for power.
I used to be like you.
Prayers are Placebo-like. If you concentrate enough, you can change things...
Sometimes they're strong enough to be heard
Missing the point.
They obviously used gold.
Did they make a big deal about it?
Obsidian, Cacao, Maize were more root deep.
It helps that there wasn't too much gold to extract by them in a daily basic
Yes. Then you went insane
My true desire is the knowledge and knowing that it truly exists but I lack the evidence to convince myself that God/higher being exists. I am not a person who is against god don't get me wrong but however I feel like just prayer won't get me anywhere (which it hasn't)
This should be on /x/
It's not like I haven't prayed ever. I have for years but it just doesn't seem convincing or making you closer to god
to be near God, you must have a broken and contrite spirit
In other words you have to be sincere and guilty over your sin or evil
If you are not, God will not reveal himself to you and you will never get the proof you seek
Anyone else can't stop thinking about Saturn?
Prayer does work user.
I guarantee you, if you seek God with an earnest heart, you WILL find Him.
Contamination boards are a myth
I have been honest to God lol. It's not like god can't read ur mind (if he really exists) but even still it's not like I am trying to hide things from him. I just got enough and feel like I am going to take it a step further
Here, some Freemasons weigh in on the Illuminati. These guys have over 100 podcasts each about an hour long, and they talk about everything they're allowed to regarding secret/occult knowledge.
Religions seems to have originated from astrology. Every major religion throughout history contains metaphors and relationships with constellation and other cosmic bodies. The sun was widely believed to be the physical body of whoever they thought to be the most powerful god at the time and place. Other gods have been assigned to planets or star arrangements or particular stars and it was believed that the attributes of these gods affected the world in a material way with the planets being the origin point of the activities. For instance, human desire literally comes from Venus, which represents various gods of remarkably similar character (typically a beautiful goddess of passion and/or war like Artemis, Ishtar, and Innana from the Greek, Babylonian, and Sumerian pantheons respectively.
Saturn has always universally been associated with evil and darkness, which was not believed to be less powerful than good/light by many people in the time of ancient Babylon, and those people who took power using deception and secrecy and by harming people from behind the scenes worshiped the god, or form, of darkness and death. Saturn, which also has a hexagon on its North pole, influenced various different people's religions in a very dark sense. Many emanations of this god demanded human sacrifice, and were worshiped during the age of Taurus, hence the bull, often with a crown. This evil god was believed to give power, good harvests, resources, etc. in exchange for the purest human sacrifices, particularly infants and virgin girls with fair skin.
It looks as though this god is still worshiped today.
This is true however God says some are ever seeking but fail to come to a knowledge of Him, mostly likely because of their unwillingness to submit, i.e. Pride
It's the same thing as will to power. You figured out how to speak directly to your ego.
My only question is, if most Americans consume mostly corn and corn products (such as high fructose corn syrup), does our being killed in a nuclear explosion count as a sacrifice of corn to Ba'al?
what do you want god to tell you?
proof that he exists?
>Then you went insane
You didn't follow this shit as it was uncovered, nigger.
Lead into Gold is a metaphor
Something along the lines :). Does he really exist or at least is there any higher being out there? At least if Demons exist I would be able to know through magic and how could I do such thing? any anons know?
I have sex with heptagrams
The perversion of these other false gods in the presence of KEK is truley producing little gets in what should be a PRAISE HIS DUBS thread.
I don't doubt that this is true, but where has God said this?
In the Bible?
If so, I'm genuinely curious what passage it is.
One of them I think was to make you more wealthy. Idk not so sure but one of the seals had to do with wealth
You're right you can't lie or hide things from God, however to be near him and get the proof and validation you desperately seek , you have to be willing to put yourself on the alter and say God this isn't my life this is your life I am here to serve you -- God will be pleased in your sacrifice and show you the way
It's not a literal sacrifice by the way it's you surrending your desire to rule over your life, instead you let God do that, and he will answers your prayers or give you the proof you require