The steam community is pretty damn red pilled

what does Sup Forums think of the steam community pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

Friendly bump

This probably happened because of Sup Forums Sup Forums partnership another great one is HES FINALLY HERE PERFORMING FOR YOU

oh fuckoff i unironically play videogames and steam "community" and Sup Forums are full of complete degenerate faggots obsessed with weeb shit

a """""""""""""""""""""art""""""""""""""""" work from the thread

>being told by literally almost everyone, the media, and government what to do and think.

>find a platform where you can say what you want without being bitched at for having an opinion.

gee, makes you think.

What the fuck, was that done in ms paint?


>doing this on a saturday night -15

should i post the link to the thread

>Sup Forums
fuck off leaf

mow thats a camel toe

another """""Art""""" work

the worst part is that you can't tell if it's male or female

also bump

Any Sup Forums senpaitachi in the church of trump


OP is a faggot, provide link to that thread.

Fuck you OP.

>europe """"""""""""top""""""""""""""
>attractive face
>able-bodied, social autist

>120 points
Should I consider suicide?


i #wanttodie

If you portray Egyptians as black it just makes you look like you believe Africa is one homogeneous landmass.

So you're gonna get "KAYNGZ"ed.

i feel like history is going to get so deluded that in 100 years we're gonna teach that the pharoahs were actually black

Consider transgendercide

They already fucking teach that
In 100 years there won't be history because education is rayciss

Wouldn't work with my facial structure or my huge hands & feet

don't you guys know that Hillary and her nonsense is the anti-christ to most gamers?
She was the one who tried to ban "violent" video games after all, people don't just forget that shit.

I was the first fucking comment on that Doomguy Nigress one. I swear to God.


Are they truly the SUCH A NERD XD group?

This is the guy

FUCKING KEK, he's another fat autistic CWC

Yeezus, the this is offensive to Aspbergers #MAGA

How does this happen?

>mfw I got -50


Never spit on good little soldiers.

Because PC gamers aren't millennials. Millennials are console peasants.

Moose knuckle
Or maybe doom knuckle in this case

Is that DLC real?

>mfw just because Im from Africa I get -200 score
Meanwhile Im easily in the top 1% income bracket in my shithole of a country

>Jewish & Black -25
Found Goldstein

I'm glad they have Jews as the most privileged religion.

We really need to start checking #JewPrivilege. I think it will be great fun and raise awareness of the problem.


>what does Sup Forums think of the steam community
Never visited it until now.

Did you find that on Tumblr or does everyone in Canada get a free copy mailed to their home?

Sup Forums is full of EVE players who are too ashamed to talk about it here. It's also one of the meaner games out there which is why it will never have many players.

I know exactly where the colloquial abuse of SAVAGE came from and it leaked from there.

But it's true you cunt.


>Europe (shit) (Greece, Poland...)
I hate you.

>I have fond memories of Doom III back in my high school years, and I think the new Doom game is pretty sweet too (even if its gameplay and pacing are totally different from its predecessor)."

holy fuck


Same demographics as Sup Forums: edgy teenagers

How do people even get this passive aggressive?

Post the fucking posts you piece of shit, god fucking dammit OP how will I know that the Steam Community is redpilled if you don't show fucking posts you degenerate piece of fucking trash.

Visited that place a few times. It was worse than Sup Forums.


I got a 10. Amazing.

>those ankh earrings

kek fucking delusional

Nice job on them big ass lips tho

>Did you know that Adolf Hitler, of all dudes in history, may have had a crush on the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti? He once wrote of one of her excavated busts, "I have viewed it and marveled at it many times. Nefertiti continually delights me. The bust is a unique masterpiece, an ornament, a true treasure." Later he wanted to build an Egyptian-themed museum in Berlin with Nefertiti as the centerpiece.
Of course, it's possible that he simply had an intense admiration for the bust's craftsmanship. But if his feelings for the African queen ran deeper than that, the irony would be most scrumptious to witness. Not to mention how today's Neo-Nazis might react...
>At least Nefertiti isn't reciprocating his feelings here. And why should she?

Found this on his deviantart

white+male+straight+cis+aus+none+poor+9/10+able+none+tall = 135 PRIVILEDGE POINTS!!!!

what do I win? ...or have I already won? really makes you think

He wants to suck black cock

well the chart doesn't lie, Please come over here and tell my people of your struggles, so they can feel bad for you and you can take advantage of them.