Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
EVENT SCHEDULEdonaldjtrump.com /events /
RALLIES >Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16youtu.be /aApLHeAi3Fo >Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16youtu.be /HolIHHr0_xg >Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16youtu.be /Y-NPJJs68bk >Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16 youtu.be/fax6kqNgl58 >Trump in Maine 8/4/16 youtu.be/10USLAzk2vA >Trump in Daytona Beach, FL 8/3/16 youtu.be/qait77O0DJs
INTERVIEWS >Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/L87c95h_BGo >Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/jWOyotpl1nk >Trump on O'Reilly 8/2/16 youtu.be/pJExikwK8tg
ENTERTAINMENT >Wall Street is #WithHer youtu.be/iunhY8_-gtU >Did you wipe the server? youtu.be/7gWRoa52sVc >New HIGH ENERGY Superpac ad:youtu.be /WvBDCBOjDwk >Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT youtu.be/lgpt3xsvv9Y >Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown youtu.be/qfj5s5r7_14 >What Trump Must Do to Win youtu.be/hiGDvph6D4Y >How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius youtu.be/4muXm4GwrXM >Hillary calm and collected around protesterstwitter.com /ericdemamp /status /761299259513720833 >Hillary has something wrong with her youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s
TRUMP RALLY PLAYLISTpastebin.com /X9qQJVKJplay.spotify.com /user /washingtonpostpolitics /playlist /0RGDi11O4gfXuJNjZxSp29
CROOKED HILLARY GUIDEournextpresidenthillary.com pastebin.com /v7WHnG6bwikileaks.org /clinton-emails /imgur.com /a /VzlEf >Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemailsyoutu.be /UBKmJ6O6tGg >CLINTON CASH FULL MOVIEyoutu.be /td2pyyCau30
August 6, 2016 - 14:45
w/ out background.
I recommend this one more.
August 6, 2016 - 14:48
Kek, the digits, hand em over!
August 6, 2016 - 14:48
>people actually believe this is shopped
August 6, 2016 - 14:49
Reminder to buy all these books and share them with friends, family, and strangers.
August 6, 2016 - 14:50
I make 'em the best. >pic related.
August 6, 2016 - 14:50
Finally, let's see some magic.
August 6, 2016 - 14:50
make sure to bring smartphone with cam (along with a concealed camera) to prevent shenanigans
August 6, 2016 - 14:50
I҉̻̬͍͇͉̺͉̙̺͠G̴̡͕̩͚̭͖͇̭͈ͅR͎̬̪͝N̴͖̱̪̩̫͘Ơ̗͇͕̳̦͝R̢͚̲̖͚̩̫̯̕ͅÁ̶͔N͏̙̠̞̻͓̀Ţ̪̟̯̥̺̥̯͜ ̧̬̟͍̝͎͢͝M͘͞͏̹̗̙̙ͅỌ̡͇Ŕ̸̷̳̖̞̘̯͓ͅͅT̶̟̱̞̥͓̗̕A̶̟̱̣͈͙̹̩̦ͅL̵͉̬̯̣͖̞̺͕̀̕
August 6, 2016 - 14:51
Why wouldnt Hillary let Bill touch her breasts?
August 6, 2016 - 14:51
>We should try and cover as much territory in this as possible. With the amount of manpower Sup Forums has it shouldn't be a problem getting one person at each station
August 6, 2016 - 14:52
Girl Scout cookies a shit when you can get those Aldi knockoffs that are just as good for like half the price
August 6, 2016 - 14:52
freedomoutpost.com /dnc-insider-clinton-being-pounded-in-polls-dont-believe-mainstream-media /
Don't let ((them))) get you guys down!
We're gonna win and we're gonna keep winning so much you're gonna get sick and tired of it!
August 6, 2016 - 14:52
Bill is pedo and she's lez. They hate each other.
August 6, 2016 - 14:52
>that white pixel beneath his left eye >the white on his left eyelid 0/10
August 6, 2016 - 14:53
Where's my young Scotsman? Love you man, give us a heads up.
August 6, 2016 - 14:53
Would you eat that pussy?
August 6, 2016 - 14:53
You tried, that is all Trump asks of you
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
Where's all the CTR shills? Not getting paid on the weekend? Thurs and Fri were particularly bad.
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
I'm sorry my first ever pepe doesn't match your standards, NOT!
If you're looking for my more recent work, check OP, newfag.
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
>Aldi >got to stick a fucking quarter into the grocery cart to unlock it Do they think we will steal them?
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
that's not how you get digits though
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
No. It'd be a one way street.
August 6, 2016 - 14:54
Fuck is wrong with you.
I'd fist her turd cutter with my hockey gloves on ya feel me?
August 6, 2016 - 14:55
>fast forward >"but daad" >close it >cringe how could anyone vote for that
August 6, 2016 - 14:56
granted Homer is extremely hard to impersonate but those were the worst I have ever heart
August 6, 2016 - 14:56
>tfw /comfy/ saturday night /Trump/
August 6, 2016 - 14:56
I'm sorry but it's true. These digits will confirm it is Kek's true will
August 6, 2016 - 14:57
you people are so gullible.
all i need to do is post a frog, get repeating digits, and you all instantly spam meme magic
August 6, 2016 - 14:57
August 6, 2016 - 14:57
this would make a great cellphone background holy shit
August 6, 2016 - 14:57
I bet people have masturbated to that interview.
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
What would Sup Forums do for the occasion of Trump's victory? Would there be sticky? Embed?
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
yes and if these are dubs your mom's dying tonight
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
Let's have a Sup Forums Cards Against Humanity game
get in here faggots
password is hitlerdidnothingwrong
pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz /zy /game.jsp#game=73
August 6, 2016 - 14:58
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
I knew we should've dealt with the awoofags when it was still possible, now the shit is rolling down the slope, only getting worse.
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
These rally's have been doing wonders for my energy levels.
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
Clinton will win. My repeating digits say so.
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
Someone get this to Drudge.
youtube.com /watch?v=iaXiHtdeVL4&feature=youtu.be&t=1271
White House admits cash sent to Iran could be used for terrorism.
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
Do you have any idea what's going to be happening on this board when he wins? When WE win?
It will be glorious. It will be like nothing you've ever seen on the internet before.
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
>australia >burned by birds it's not just the emus
August 6, 2016 - 14:59
anyone have the pic of Mikage with the Trump hat and the can of PBR?
August 6, 2016 - 15:00
this interview of Ivanka was one of my first faps back in 2007, i kid you not
August 6, 2016 - 15:00
So good to see the energy back in the /tg/
He's just gotta stay on target. Awesome!
August 6, 2016 - 15:01