Socialism doesn't wo- oh. Oh my. Look at that pic. I have been BTFO. Now I support socialism. I am no longer a #conservaSHIT.
a leaf posting cancer-tier bait, why am I not surprised
it works because they're 90% white
what are taxes
the thread
Difference between bait and satire what is wrong with you
>Population: 5.7M
Otto Von Bismarck, the man who created the modern German state, created the first welfare system in the modern world in an effort to sway working class folk from the Socialists. If modern conservatives do not emulate this example, they will lose.
With america's demographics?
Not today faggot
Denmark doesn't have a minimum wage
They forgot to mention that every one in Denmark is on anti-depressants
Why'd you even put people in Leafland?
They'd be reasonable if they were all just Eskimos.
The West has rotted from the inside. Retreat to your villa and watch it fall apart.
They have one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the OECD
don't they have like the most meds?
I want ti immigrate to Denmark. How do the Danish treat American migrants?
>most antidepressants of any country
Glad to see you finally embraced Mediocrity, go play some pokemon now.
>member of NATO
>spends only $4 billion on defense budget
>US spends $800+ billion on defense
>protects denmark's ass
>protects LEAF's ass
>people wonder why denmark suddenly has money to invest in socialized healthcare & schooling
Try having 325m people
Well this explain the "happiest"
>people wonder why denmark suddenly has money to invest in socialized healthcare & schooling
Same thing with the Japanese
If there's no more beer and other kind of alcoholic beverages we'll see if Denmark is still the happiest country in the world.
In Christiania people will not care as long as they'll have some weed.
>social democracy
Pick one you fucking retard, giving a pittance to poor people so they don't actually die in a ditch isn't fucking socialism, it's about as far from socialism as it's possible to get actually. Socialism is meant to be about empowering the lower class so they don't have to depend on access to the capital of the upper classes, not making them even more dependent on the them.
*even more dependent on them
And before everyone spazzes out I'm not shilling socialism just pointing out how completely and utterly fucking retarded that leaf is.
Came here just to post this.
>$20 minimum wage
Any lower and they couldn't afford their taxes.