No longer in denial - Reddit users begin to excuse Hillary's corruption


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Running fine? Shutting down is running fine

>integrity is overrated anyways
I'm legitimately fucking triggered. I hope that cunt gets run over by a bus
You get one shot one opportunity at an honest politician and you don't want to take it? Insanity

Whew Lad, the CTR are down to the janitorial staff now.





A Canadian was offering $100 bucks for anyone's reddit account, that had high karma a few days ago.

Amazing what six gorillion dollars will buy.

That is the last card in the deck for the CTR and various shills. This must be their end game. Nothing else seems to carry water.

Do you know why Clinton gets away with it? Because Trump is that weak of a candidate. You made your bed, now lie in it.

I'm actually not CTR idiot. I'm a loser who only has 180 Facebook friends, mostly bernouts, yet I'm watching them try and rationalize voting for this hag the past two days.

These fucking idiots are beyond saving.

This, ctr pretending to be bernouts for her, so actual bernouts think its acceptable to sell out to shillary

CTR is active on reddit even moreso then here. I remember reading about it on the news. Most young liberals support bernie.

Little did you know, Sup Forums predicted this phase of your scheme weeks ago.

>The sky is falling! Everyone I know is voting Hillary!
Ganbare, shill-kun

Okay, let me repeat this again because you morons believe everyone is a shill.

I am only reporting to you what I see on my Facebook feeds.

I am seeing diehard bernouts begin to rationalize voting for Hillary because of her "progressive principles" etc etc etc.

You guys are beyond redemption if you think I'm CTR

Here's an excerpt of me arguing with a brain dead bernout who is trying to rationalize voting for Hillary

> People in this thread will still unironically think I am CTR

>almost our entire government is corrupt and it's been running fine
You don't know what even is a corruption

Did people ever rise up against the corruption in your government? Or have you allowed the anal rape consistently this entire time?

People here are pussies,they stopped protesting because of the rain,no one stands up for this fucking circus that they're doing and the president is fucking mocking us.

And Sup Forums retards are still defending trump

Who would've thought this world is full of hypocrites?

It scares me because this means it's possible our people may do nothing as well, as things only continue to get worse.

To be fair, the entire world media is against Trump.
I haven't seen 1 single positive story about him in any major news outlet in all of Aus

Some people just want to watch the worldburn...!

Thank you for correcting the record.

>no experience besides screwing people over
You mean he has experience at winning in a competitive business environment
>not paying his bills by abusing the system
Bills? Or does this dumbass mean taxes? If he means taxes then that's a GOOD THING. It shows that this man knows exactly how the tax code is fucked up because he's exploited the loopholes in it to avoid. (Not "evade", avoid. Those are two different words in tax lingo.)

>woman who has worked her entire life fighting
"fighting", there's that word again
>for changes to our system
She's gotten a lot of changes done, like NAFTA. They're bad changes all.

Given enough bread and circuses, why would they do anything?

You have to threaten their very existence to get people to act.

Not everyone is a mentally retarded child


It's so sad though... Our founding fathers wanted us to live free....

Man this makes me so fucking depressed. Borderline suicidal desu.

Learn to debate your CTR friends better, you suck at this :^)

If you're going to kill yourself, don't suicide your own life. Go suicide a leftist instead.

>Do you know why Clinton gets away with it?

Clinton's supporters refuse to acknowledge the crimes she commits or lies she tells, it is quite something to see in real life.

We need to be strategizing on how to turn these people back against Hillary, but you'd rather just call me a CTR.

Hey man I got some news for you, bad shit is going to happen during the remainder of this election process and if you pretend it's all shilling we are going to fucking lose.

That record sure looks corrected to me.
How much of the $6m do you think was spent on reddit? I'd say at least $2m.

We need to hang these people.

The end times are near,and i don't know to who,people are stupider everyday and i think we are too deep in the shit to be able to get out,the people that see beyond the lies are being marginated and mocked while we allow things to go into the shitter,our country became a parody of a corrupt country,politicians are running away and hiding with millions of dollars in bags and the president's borderline retarded.

What crimes? She wasn't charged with anything. Unlike Mr. Smallhands, who has to show up to defend Drumpf University.

Kill yourself and try finding memes that actually fit in with the board culture here. Jesus Christ you are terrible at this.

And Washington taxed booze in moments when they needed gibs

All politicians, no matter the time, are self-serving first; the ideal of freedom is what they give to you due to what they themselves like

That's how it is, and how it always has been; from Ug and Og to Hillary and Saddam

Best to do hobbies and shit outside of politics, and focus on the freedoms you do have

Well for starters maybe you should learn debate and basic fundamentals of arguing your position. Statements such as yeah voting for the guy I support might fuck everything up beyond all repair don't yell dingus
>pic related captchas that thinks like you

War will happen. If this is what they believe it will happen.

What are you even talking about dude? You been huffing Jenkem?

Nowhere in either photograph is there text typed by me.

Criminal investigation means there's a reasonable chance that a crime has been committed

Hillary could get off pretty much anything unless she's directly responsible simply because of how they work with hundreds of layers of armor that ablate away

Trump and his uni scam is pretty much nothing here

She wasn't charged, because she's corrupt as fuck.

Comey's been her lapdog for a decade, it's not even surprising that he covered her ass, and yet he STILL made it clear in his review that anyone else in her position would've been prosecuted, but hillary gets special treatment.

For fucks sake if that had been Trump you'd be out crying for blood, hypocrite.

Umm no Comey explicitly states she commited crimes, I could go find the specific laws she broke if you'd like mate.

Tough. Shilling isn't amoral just because it's manipulative, but also because it discredits actual supporters, since they become indistinguishable from the shills.
Get fucked by your own bullshit.

>our government is running fine

This is sarcasm, right?

if you weren't an idiot then you would have already predicted this. this election was never going to be about the truth.

She wasn't exonerated.

see>here's an excerpt of arguing
>with trump, I have no idea what good or bad things an be expected...we run the risk of fucking up a lot of important aspects of our government

Nevermind bud I was wrong you're clearly not shit at debate, you're just a fucking idiot who can't even remember the stupid shit coming out of his mouth.

These are the """""intellectuals""""" that the Democratic party is so proud of.

>integrity is overrated anyways

Can we please make this a meme and spread it?


It's called the espionage act. Educate yourself

Leddit is a vapid hivemind.

You have to go back before you taint this garden.

same is true for german media

>what crime
>there's no crime here

So... she was charged or not? Did they find intent? Are you getting all this from Breitbart or something?

really makes you think tbqh

>breaking the law requires intent
Literally since when?

>Did they find intent?
Where does it mention intent in the crime she's accused of?
Manslaughter is still a crime despite lack of intent (by definition)

The fact we didn't behead, hang, poison or shoot the bankers into the sun 8 years ago was the proof they needed that they can get away with anything.

Hillary can brazenly be a mobster traitor, and she KNOWS she can get away with it because we let the executive echelon of Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan and Citibank and BoA get away with EVERYTHING.

She outright admits her intent in one of her emails.

FBI, comey in particular, have covered her ass.

CTR broke them. The tactics for reddit are much different than Sup Forums. Sup Forums was an all out raid to demoralize us.

Reddit is all about upvoting, and getting a consensus, they bought into it

No intent. Therefore no charge. Therefore no crime. End of. Armchair lawyering will not change that. Or else Drumpf would hire one, because he sure as hell needs all the help he can get right now.

This reads like parody. I honestly have been contemplating suicide. If I don't want to bring children into this hell, what's the point? If America is dead, Western civilization is next in line with a speed pass.

First post kind of bothered me but that second one from Demyxia is just fucking pathetic.

What a fucking worthless piece of shit to hold such a pathetic fucking view. Truly one of the most rage inducing things I've seen on the internet.

>i pay like 25 a month

fucking loser admits he's a leach

>being this new
faggot that was clear sarcasm you stupid fuck

>requires intent

False, however SHE won't be prosecuted without intent.

>corruption shouldn't disqualify someone
Wow. Just wow.

>integrity is overrated anyways
remember that when you deal with a leftie or liberal you're dealing with a sociopath

HAHAHAHA! Never change Bernouts. You waste money on your candidate who was treated like shit, and Hillary bitchslapped you cucks to oblivion.

Thanks for Correcting my Record.

Trump needs an absolute landslide because if its close I have no doubts that it will fall for Clinton due to some "misplaced" votes in the swing states.

I hate these faggots.

What are you talking about? I'm saying that CTR got them. You think that CTR was just shilling on here? The most logical place to go isn't a hardcore Trump territory, it's potential voters, and those potential voters are bernouts. Why do you assume there were zero shills on reddit the same day there were a flood of shills here?

>tfw you can't raid us because we'll just call you shills if you disagree with us and sage your threads.

You want an intentional criminal in office over an unintentional one? I think the mental gymnastics have broken your brain.

I'm not saying what I want.

I'm saying what is the reality.

She is that privileged.

If it were you or I, we'd have been in a dark room for months now.

Important aspects of our government? Is there such a thing beyond military? The Hillary left are made up of the most uninformed, idiotic cunts and faggots on the planet.

This. CTR doesn't understand that Sup Forums cannot be changed. You cant sweet-talk someone out of being redpilled. At worst, we just leave and let them shitpost themselves and return once they're bored. Or go to [OTHER CONGREGATION SPOT] while they're here.

So the nigs in Chicago who kill little kids with stray bullets every weekend aren't committing crimes because they didn't intend to hit that particular person and no one is ever charged?

Exactly how fucking deluded are you?

Oh, now you guys want to talk about privilege?

>corruption shouldn't disqualify someone


the last comment is clearly sarcasm you fucking retards

>Speaking to shills


>mom and her boyfriend

Yup, sounds about right.

Yes, tell me how the sweet lifelong neocon floating on the name of her husband isn't privileged?


As if they don't already know we hide out at ebaumsworld

Director for the FBI level deluded, I suppose?

>not wanting a president that'll fucking murder someone cold blood to get shit done

Honestly it's about time we start taking drastic measures and elect someone who won't pussy out and has the fortitude to shut down naysayers. Sick of these beating around the bush half measures contemporary politicians. Fucking embrace it.

I am part of the Hillary artillary. Are you?

Where were these people when Nixon was around?

Good news.

I'll have you know Hillary has the MOST experience of any presidential candidate in history. She also wasn't a reality TV show star. I give her extra points for that.

Why not, it's only bumping a thread that exposes their drones.

If she gets a hotpocket out of it, whatever.

Cuckrekt the Record is paying big bux for shills on leddit

kek, the one who fits that description best is trump

>he said this

oh wow

Oh yeah, the guy with weak shit scandals around him like fucking peon fraud. I'm glad America is finally moving in the direction that will simply take out opposing politicians instead of trying to reason with them. The legal system moves at a snails pace anyway, whereas a bullet moves way quicker.

Which is a civil suit, not a criminal prosecution.

At least be consistent in your bullshit.