Damn You Sup Forums DAMN YOU TO HELL

Alexander Gordon Jahans is tired of you trying to "red pill him." You will never seduce him to the dark side of the Force and your are all ruining the reputation of his left wing credentials.

Do you people not know when to stop? DO you not know a liberal that will never take the red pill?

Do the right thing Sup Forums


why did you hurt him, Sup Forums why why WHY???

The sooner this guy doesn't get a therapist the sooner he is going to kill himself.

I will give it 3 months

We will twist him into the next Chris Chan.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that's too cruel, just get him to off himself

This guy is absolutely fascinating. I don't know any super liberal retards in my personal life, so it's interesting to see what they truly are like. Way more pathetic than I ever could imagine.


Y'see, that's what you get wrong. Our motivations.

We're not trying to turn him. We're doing this for the lulz.

He's paranoid AF it's hilarious



This. This child is so absolutely and hopelessly pathetic and miserable that it's sort of interesting. The other day he uploaded 57 minutes of him just speaking in a stream of consciousness and he's incredibly depressed. It's pretty amusing.


THIS lmfaoooo


JUST stick a fork in him, he's DONE


it's so obvious he's just trolling.

>that room
>that hair
>that patchy ass facial hair
>intentionally showing his sweaty ass armpit

this fuck is a100% /r9k troll

>he's actually so retarded we are either thinking he's 100% retarded, or a genius, though albiet an assumedly bored one, pretending to be a retard.

best post


and I got an actual commie friend.
up here politics is really a private matter, and it's considered rude to ask people about it, what they vote I mean

The dude is in the middle of a psychotic break. How about leaving him alone?

lmao no it's too funny lol

I think we broken him even tho he already was.


>Do you people not know when to stop?
Has he stuffed a banana up his ass yet? If not, there's still more work to be done.

wow this guy is really redpilled

wtf no


Why does he always look like an overwieght cat?


