In just 4 months I went from saying "A wall, yeah right...

In just 4 months I went from saying "A wall, yeah right. Trump may have good policy but his rhetoric is way too unpredictable. He's also racist." to "We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The answer to 1984 is 1776, and 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms."

I fucking love you Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Any other similar experiences? Just complete shifts from left to right?


I started as a massive libtard, since I was surrounded by liberals and I just assumed they were right about how crazy Trump was and I drank the MSM Kool-aid. But I wanted to give both parties a fair chance, so I watched some of his speeches and then the next day saw how everything he said got taken out of context and how liberals blatantly lied about everything.

I did some of my own research, found I loved his policies when they weren't being fed to me by lying liberals, realized that everything the right was saying was true - - now I'm a massive Trump supporter and completely anti-globalism, Islam, etc.

yeah, what did it for me was all the poo in loo stuff, at first I just thought it was a hilarious meme but then I looked it up and oh boy was I not prepared for that brown pill.

And after Trump loses and the Republican party dies you'll come crawling back to the mainstream.

Why would we?

Hey, you sound like white trash. Do you live in a trailer OP?

Lol do you live in a refugee camp?

>found I loved his policies when they weren't being fed to me by lying liberals

Yeah without context and highlighted consequences like with his dumb flat tax I bet you dumb people fall for his populist garbage all the time.

Do you believe Mexicans will pay for your wall, or have you kept any sanity?

Nah in a comfy flat, you butthurt burger you.


I was almost always right-leaning. I never really cared about politics until I was 16, at which point I was what you'd call a cuckservative today.

I remember when I was 17 and was in a politics class and the teacher handed out a magazine to us all one day. On the cover it said something along the lines of "The New Face of America" with a brown girl on it, and I remember being pretty pissed at that alone.

By the time I was 18 I was pretty far right. Going full Nat-Soc, despite not knowing much about the movement or politics in general, just my feefees.

I started coming on Sup Forums around the time I turned 19.

Now at 20 I'd say I'm Nationalist/Fascist or whatever label you want to put on it.

I was a libtard for a while, mostly because of peer pressure, wanting to fit in, wanting to be thought of as smart or at least not stupid, etc. I didn't really think about the positions much, just that they were the correct ones to take.

Ferguson is what made me give up, not only see how awful they really are, but seeing everyone on the left, of every race act like Mike Brown was this angelic gentle giant who dindu nuffin. I gave up entirely on the left.

In a way it's sad, because I feel like I can't enjoy all of the things I used to take for granted. Or connect to a lot of people without lying.

Putting the tanned German back in his place

0.02 has been deposited into your account

Thank you for correcting the record

Do you take pride in being mentally ill human garbage?

>muh race
>getting triggered by brown people
>the fragile white trash

>t. Ahmed

Come on answer. It is beyond me how stupid you Americans are. Luckily Trump keeps putting his orange muppet foot in his sphincter of a mouth himself so I doubt he'll win. He divides his own party and has no YUUUGE support outside of sad pathetic racist white men.


based Cruz

You're a fucking dope. Nobody believes your bullshit made up story. Planning on screencapping this for a CNN story? Fuck you.

Ohai and good morning, German person.

Now now, Hans, let's not get irrational here.

>Do you believe Mexicans will pay for your wall
the wall is 10b, the US gives illegals 80b annually. We don't even have to cut half of the funding and we could build a wall plus a new golden gate bridge with 35b.

when will you reddit fags leave?

You talking about a fat history major named Hans?

Kek, put that tanned kraut in his place.

Well you know, getting triggered by a cover of a magazine doesn't strike me as having a stable personality.

In 4 more months you'll be saying the answer to 2016 is 1488.

What's there not to believe, friendo?


My feminist sister is now a pro gun trump supporter.
This is what changed her: A job.

>a german
>criticizing populist garbage

oh? nothing is achievable huh?

holy shit this is great

a flat is the closest thing to a trailer in Europe

Roach got exterminated.

leftypol is a bizzare place

Being angry at something that goes against my wishes for the future of my nation being spewed out to the forming minds of the American youth doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

? ? ?

do they know something we don't?

are they being subverted?

or.. are we?

My entire extended gook family went from Shillary to Trump. But I think its just because they hate blacks and mexicans.

Before pol, or hearing a full Trump speech, I was a libertarian who would have only voted Republican if Rand Paul was the nominee, but after joining Sup Forums, I can say I am now on the Trump Train.

Nazis were the bad guys, goyim!

Alex Jones vs David Duke

youve only been here for 4 months?

i was here years ago in 2012 ron paul happening generals

>He's also racist.

Literally kill yourself.
>i heard trumps a racist 10,000 times on television :^)
>must b true


alex jones is fine

either you are a shill, or you fail to understand power

if someone is pushing the country in your direction, dont fuckin criticize them

I started bring rightwing at a very early age..
My mother is very very left wing so I got to come to gay rallies, arab ape dance bullshit protests and got her shit lessons of everyone is equal.

I saw through it at age 10 maybe but couldn't realize I was pretty much 1488 until age 18. I held those beliefs to myself since very young.

Fuck the holocaust, being raised by single leftist mother is real and worse. I hope that she dies, I want her money.

>reality and change

Yeah totally reasonable to eventually mass murder brown people because of your inabilities to cope with change and reality.

Guess what, they're not going anywhere, you already have almost half non whites among your population and what your beloved orange muppet spews in regards to that doesn't even go together with your own constitution.

You're just a sad white man with a sick mind who is blaming brown people for his faults.

I remember being a kid thinking that being liberal made me "good" in the grand scheme of things and that no one can deny me of that. Grow up and take the fucking red pill then you realize what niggers are doing to this country

I was a complete loser retard in high school, and that's one of the reasons I found Trump. Naturally as a Huge loser I wanted to look for a candidate that was also a giant fucking mess, and Trump just made it easy to choose.

I went on Sup Forums and became red pilled then went on Sup Forums for shits and giggles. In the end I stay for the anime gurls with funny red hats.

We're not the ones being bombarded by random Muhammad attacks on a 24/7 basis faggot.

Change for the sake of change sounds more unreasonable, doesn't it, Ahmed?

Because that is what leftist of today such as yourself promote, European/Euro-influenced countries do not need 3rd world hordes to survive. Quite the contrary in fact, they need us.

And mass murder is not necessary, just mass deportations.

And may I ask what The God Emperor says that is explicitly against the constitution?

>Change for the sake of change sounds more unreasonable

Yeah which is what no one is suggesting outside your dumb talking points against ze evil leeftiists.

Neither are we but we sure aren't missing your 24/7 shootings either.

Yeah, happened to me from 2013-2015
First redpill was the intentionally spliced audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call making him sound racist


Its obvious to me now that I should have voted for McCain, but Palin was an idiot and I hated the teabaggers that were taking the republicans in a direction they couldn't come back from.

I liked Obama's foreign policy during his first term, I don't know what the fuck happened his second term... Oh wait, Hillary was in charge of that and everything she touched turned to shit.
I've slowly become a racist over the last 8 years. I keep that shit hidden. I don't give a shit about working with niggers, but I get very uncomfortably when they try to date white women.
I'm pretty vocal on my hatred of Islam. Its an easy sell, and most people see the action of islamists as toxic to the American way of life.

I used to believe that if the Democrats gave up on abortion and guns, the republicans wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but I've become increasingly convinced that the Dems are trying to sell our country out in the name of minority and women's rights. It seems like they take great ideas on equality to grind axes against me personally. Of course I'm going to stop voting for them. But it doesn't matter. I think Hillary is going to win boys, and I'll get crushed and labeled as an insurgent in my own country.

Just don't go full lolbertarian. Corporations can be just as evil as an authoritarian regime.

Congratulations. You're an impressionable retard.

Then what is the end point of the radical change in the past half century in the Western world, my friend? Why are European countries taking in massive amounts of unskilled and culturally incompatible migrants? It can't possibly be for the sake of bettering the nation, it only causes ethnic and religious unrest, which in the present is beginning to boil over a bit, don't you think?

This poorly thought out and grammatically inept image has changed my mind

Early last summer I supported Bernie, fresh out of college. I came here to convert Trump supporters to Bernie and flipped. I had just literally only ever heard one side of it my whole life living in a liberal city with liberal teachers and liberal professors

I'm pretty sure that I've convinced a dozen or so people who were just going to bite the Sheelzebub bullet to instead vote Trump, with the reasoning that he'd be unable to get any policies enacted as president, whereas Hillary would actually be able to cause long-term damage.

My silver tongue scares me sometimes.


I've done this too. Although I have more luck getting them to just not vote at all. Mostly Bernie supporters around here, after the email leak and DWS resigning over it then immediately being hired by Clinton it was pretty easy to convince everybody not to vote for her. The trick when dealing with the hardcore lefties who are practically socialists is to pretend you're on their side and are really upset about how Clinton and the democratic party fucked Bernie

Can confirm, that's me

Grew up in a conservative home. Got to high school and became a left leaning moderate, watched the colbert report everyday, thinking "maybe Obama can indeed bring some change." Then i got red pilled when i saw the documentary "media malpractice". Haven't been able take any news source seriously since.

Me, started out as a raging Bernie supporter. Went to his first campaign office opening here in Iowa last summer, volunteered hundreds of hours and actually worked on his campaign for three months ($16 an hour as a senior in high school is fucking nice) but I've always known how awful a human being Hillary is and I've come to enjoy a much more red pilled world view where I no longer believe that all poor people are somehow disenfranchised, but instead fucking lazy. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Back when I first started forming political opinions I was a huge leftist. After browsing Sup Forums more, and finding /new/ (rip in peace), I became more right-wing. I went full white nationalist for a while but then I got a bit more realistic about things, I got more educated and more down to earth. Since /new/ came back to life and Sup Forums took Sup Forums by storm(front) I remained more conservative than liberal, but began to diverge on social and economic issues.

Slowly, over time, I have actually become more liberal, and despite reading Sup Forums basically every day I would say I'm more liberal than the average Sup Forums user. I am liberal on most every social issue, am pro-choice, not religious. However I am still conservative on other issues such as immigration and the role of government.

I think Sup Forums has been very important in making me a politically educated individual and despite how retarded most of the posts here tend to be, there is definitely a running theme here of engagement in politics. Everyone here wants to enact change, everyone wants to make a difference.

Even if those changes are things like "kill all the niggers", isn't it better to be like that than to be the average dumb, uninformed American who votes based on party lines? Isn't it better to have real convictions about things, even if they're considered wrong or immoral, than to have no beliefs at all?

In my view, it is. And even though I don't hold those racist views that are so common on Sup Forums, I respect those on Sup Forums who do, if they earnestly try and enact ideologically driven change in this country, even if I don't agree with it. The /cfg/ thread is a perfect example of this. When Syria General helped to call an airstrike on a terrorist base, that was a perfect example.

Americans need to wake up, and take hold of the reins of this country. The future belongs to those who do. Sup Forums taught me that, /new/ taught me that, and I will never forget it. That's what Sup Forums means to me.

Just know that we will unite to remove unwhites from our respective countries.

>Then what is the end point of the radical change in the past half century in the Western world, my friend?

Political and societal equality and egality in the sense of participation, treatment and chances without discrimination by people like you.

>Why are European countries taking in massive amounts of unskilled and culturally incompatible migrants?
They literally aren't. If you mistake asylum seekers with migrants you're talking out of your ass distorting the reality here. Migration, especially to Germany, is rather restrictive and bound to having a work contract.

>It can't possibly be for the sake of bettering the nation, it only causes ethnic and religious unrest, which in the present is beginning to boil over a bit, don't you think?
No. Having everyone in the public sphere to be able to participate and have the chances everyone has is good for a nation.

No one supports Islamists or whatever. No one wants to import unskilled workers into Europe, except for retarded extreme leftists and commies who play no role here.

First and foremost, thank you Muhammad for engaging in discussion with me at this hour, I am incredibly bored and it's good fun. Not quite sure if you are a true leftist or just getting a reaction but back to the point.

>Political and societal equality and egality in the sense of participation, treatment and chances without discrimination by people like you.

Why must we begin to allow people from foreign lands with different beliefs and values to sway the future of our endeavors? Is it inherently wrong that a nation state's first priority is to ensure the prosperity of its own people, to be governed and lead by its own people, and for such a nation to be influenced only by its own people?

>They literally aren't. If you mistake asylum seekers with migrants you're talking out of your ass distorting the reality here. Migration, especially to Germany, is rather restrictive and bound to having a work contract.

This isn't just an issue with the recent migrant crisis, which in fact only a small fraction of those arriving are actually fleeing from war in Syria. Before the crisis even began there had been an extremely large number of non-European immigration to Western Europe, where now in many Western European Capitals the non-natives are beginning to or actually outnumber the native population.

>No. Having everyone in the public sphere to be able to participate and have the chances everyone has is good for a nation.

Same answer as the first.

>No one supports Islamists or whatever. No one wants to import unskilled workers into Europe, except for retarded extreme leftists and commies who play no role here.

You say that no one supports Islamists, and that is true, in regards to the native population. Yet Muslim migrants are known to be largely indifferent to these people, so far that a perpetrator of the Paris attacks last November was able to live unnoticed in a Belgian Muslim enclave for months until he was finally captured.

>In just 4 months I went from saying "A wall, yeah right. Trump may have good policy but his rhetoric is way too unpredictable. He's also racist." to "We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The answer to 1984 is 1776, and 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms."
So you're a really impressionable retard and/or teenager without rock solid convictions of your own? If that's the case then don't forget to buy your water filter from the Infowars store, the globalists are spicing it with fluoride to lower your IQ.

My first election where I was old enough to vote was 2008. I was strongly pro-McCain from the beginning of the primaries and I was stoked to see him win the nomination. I was disappointed that he lost to Obama, but decided to let it go and thought "maybe Obama will be alright". Nope.

2012 came along and by that time I gave less of a shit because I hated Mitt Romney and wasn't into politics enough to really dig into the horrible shit Obama was doing in the middle east. Gave Obama my vote by default because I didn't really give a shit. In fact I decided to vote for him while I was in the voting booth.

3 years after that, started going on Sup Forums, and I finally see the light. I've never been more enthused about a candidate than I am about Trump. I will never vote Democrat again for the rest of my life.Thank you Sup Forums, thank you.

You shouldn't talk this way about native populations with your flag of all people.

Plus they are your people, your citizens. If you don't like your all equal constitution then you might as well leave the US.

>Yet Muslim migrants are known to be largely indifferent to these people, so far that a perpetrator of the Paris attacks last November was able to live unnoticed in a Belgian Muslim enclave for months until he was finally captured.

The fuck's a 'Muslim enclave'? Just because they're Muslim doesn't mean they all know each other at all or well in a large city such as Brussels. I doubt those guys walked around advertising. The 'regular Muslims' might go to retarded mosques but not necessarily the extremist ones. Of course they should be more pro active about radicals.

The original Native Americans had every right to defend their land from the advancing armies and colonists of Europe, but by in large they didn't because they were not advanced enough to fight back. I now understand how the Natives felt/feel because it's now happening to us, which is why we must learn from them. We can still stop this, we're the ones in charge, not the Muslims or third worlders.

And just because someone is a fellow citizen does not mean they are my people, my people are the those originating from Western Europe, mainly Anglos.

I feel I must also point out that I am an Austrian citizen, so I do have the option to leave the US if I will it, but I won't run away from our problems so easily.

Political correctness was the initial push that moved me to the right.

there goes my my no-wank-week.

A Muslim enclave would be an area in which Muslims are a large portion of the population, in which Molenbeek is.

And obviously not every Muslim would know each other as you said.

Abdeslam's picture on the other hand was widely circulated, it would be hard for someone to go unnoticed for so long without the community feeling at the very least indifferent to even supportive of his cause.