Holy fuck, Bill Maher has completely lost it:
This is what shilling for Hillary does to a man folks.
Gaddafi pic is at 4:03.
Bill Maher OD's on Bluepills, Says to Vote For Hillary BECAUSE She's an Evil Witch
Jesus he's fucking lost it.
Can't stand listening to Bill Maher. He's just so douchey.
They've all lost it, it has become a sad parody because they're all so invested in their own reality. Once the cracks started to show they've convinced themselves that those cracks are the lesser of the two evils compared to trump and they won't accept it until shes actually indicted. This isn't a lie to go after republicans as much as it is a lie they tell themselves to continue in good conscience.
>celebrating Hillary and Obama having a foreign leader brutally murdered by jihadists because it profits the bankers and Big Oil industry
These hypocritical shitheads would've screamed nonstop if Dubbya had bombed Libya
Did he just forget that Hillary voters deny that she is a lying witch?
Fuck. Used to like the guy.
He was mostly redpilled but still a lefty in many issues like me.
God damn this is sad.
the site still exists.
arkancide . com
All the weed,coke,alcohol, acid and possibly heroin is finally catching up to him. He sounds like a fucking retard now a days. Last time I heard him, every sentence was a reference to him smoking weed. This man is a freak of nature who hates anyone with a happy life.
That's a pretty funny segment.
Holy shit, is his career going to be over after Trump wins?
Lovely double think
"Trump's worst!"
Even though Trump hasn't actually done anything bad
>Only non-AP said anything about this
Remember the time Trump destroyed Africa's best performing state in the human development index? Oh, wait, that was Obama and Clinton. N/m.
Remember the time Trump said something mean to someone? What a cunt.
Was Bill Maher always this way?
I could swear he used to be a more respectable person.
He's so terrified of Trump he's given up everything that he used to be to focus on hating Trump
He gave up his principles, his soul, his integrity, and even his sense of humor.
His last show he pretty much said, "Oh, democracy is nice but IT WON'T STOP TRUMP"
I'm just at a loss as to when Maher was actually relevant.
>YES, Hillary IS a cold-blooded, warmongering, devil-worshipping, crooked, psychopathic serial killer with brain damage - AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO VOTE FOR HER! She is exactly what we need we need to defeat the GREATER EVIL of Donald Trump - who says MEAN things about Mexicans!
Honestly, this reminds of that passage in 1984 where Winston vows to commit any sort of atrocity if it furthers his political aim
>"If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulphuric acid in a child's face – are you prepared to do that?"
Then when it turns out O'Brien was a government agent and Winston is subsequently imprisoned, he has this played back to him to break his spirit when Winston defends himself by asserting that he was only doing what was right.
>"Really, Winston?"
>"Is that why you vowed to throw acid in a child's face if I told you to?"
People paying attention to the news of the last fucking 2 weeks should NOT be made aware of a "Clinton Bodycount" website.
Holy shit did he fuck up. Putting ANY attention on that with a mainstream show is going to make more than a few people actually take a look that wouldn't have before.
He's always been a kike.
is this the new angle they will push in response to recent developments?
Yep, I think Hillary is going to start reading poll numbers like Donald used to do at rallies.
Disgusting. Where's based Hitchens to call this man out as the mental midget he is.
The entire segment is unpalatable for most people. All he did was make even more people hate Clinton.
But it's funny because Hillary killed them! Isn't that hilarious? Don't you want to vote for her? Didn't Bill's sketch just totally enlighten you to her? Please don't tell me you support TRUMP instead of her! I don't, no way, because my mother never drank when I was in her womb. Cue mindless drones laughing!
>America's nicest grandma
The Democrats are realizing Trump will actually undo their fucked up influence on the USA, unlike Bush. Bush didn't care, really... tiny little changes but Trump is promising an overhaul...and he just might do it. That scares them all.
>Shows picture of Quaddfi getting lynched
>TEHE we toppled a secular government and created a banana republic
>Audience starts howling with laughter
And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us so much
how can one jew be so jewish
He's a jew sellout.
he's making fun of Trump supporters you idiot
He's atheist
>implying they won't be trying to shill for her when she dons the orange pantsuit
They're beyond help.
They know the gig is up. I've never seen them this spooked before.
>jewish tricks 101
>Hurr, Gaddafi getting lynched is so cool XD
>"Shut up! Bill is just making fun of Drumpf supporters you idiot!"
Bill Maher has always been scum, laughed at Ruby Ridge and even mocked that they deserved it. youtube.com
In Religulous he says he's atheist, and is happy to bash Christianity for most of the movie, spends a bit of time bashing Islam, then he goes to Jerusalem and starts to catch feelings all of a sudden. His Jew starts to show and it's utterly pathetic to see.
Stop doing that. Everybody here know most american Jews are atheist. Few are religious as they're religion as is, is bankrupt. He's ethnically Jewish.
That's what drives me nuts. They lure people in with promises like "fairness" and "Fuck The Banks" and they allllll take it up the ass when the veil is lifted.
Patton Oswalt, who I used to love because I think he's actually funny, will NOT stop talking about how GREAT Hillary is. WHY? What the fuck, even people voting for her hate her guts and know she's a crook but he's just so under (((their))) spell.
It's how I've thought the entertainment industry was since I was like 12 years old, in 1997, but I always felt paranoid, and now son of a bitch, I was always right.
Used to like him because he spoke out against Islam loud and hard. Now he is endorsing someone who is for it.
I can't respect him no more. I always looked past his political views but this is to much.
I'm sorry but you're an idiot if you don't see what he's doing. He fucking prefaced everything he said with a 2 minute bit about how Trump supporters want a mean, badass who knows how to get shit done even if it means bending the rules, so Hillary should take all of the negative things the Repubs and conspiracy theorists have been saying about her and run with it.
It's way worse. Hollywood is implicated in child trafficking and sex slavery.
Just cut ties now before you fall too far down the rabbit hole. Convince yourself it's "stupid" and you "no longer want to pay attention to it"
That would be the final straw for her.
Which is why he's so pro-kike and pro-Israel, right goyim?
Always been a pro-Zionist, anti-Whistleblowing, pro war on terror cuck. Gatekeeper of the left
Honestly if Trump doesn't win this election America can burn for all I care. You're the most dangerous thing on the planet right now and so close to being 100% controlled by globalist kikes.
This is what he wore on Halloween 2 months after Steve Irwin died.
>"Stop hassling me about my Halloween costume"
>"People who really love animals understand if you get killed by one, chances are you were doing something to it you shouldn't have been"
>"You want me to apologise for making a joke?"
Obama and Hillary supposedly support Islam, but they drone the living shit out of Muslims.
I can't say they are "pro-Islam" with their high kill rate.
Are these people retarded?
People like Trump because they know what he is and for. Nobody knows what Hillary is or for, and this doesn't help.
She needs to pick a personality and stick with it. This just makes her look even more dishonest and unrealistic.
Fucking kike stole my material.
Was he anti Snowden? I feel like he'd like Snowden because it was corruption in the Military Industrial Complex. Assange is simply uncovering lies and corruption anywhere and Maher is pissed because it hurts Hilllary and helps Trump.
You don't get it, goy. He loves war so long as it's for Israel's benefit. Behold, the true face of modern liberalism: Zionist warhawks.
America is just the country that shows how all the written guarantees in the world for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression of the worst kind. There the politician has come to be looked upon as the very scum of society. The peoples of the world are becoming profoundly dissatisfied and are not appeased by the promise of the social-democrats to patch up the State into a new engine of oppression.
Peter Kropotkin
Fuck that kike. If someone made a holocaust costume he'd go nuts.
I know how they operate: Krauthammer, Kristol, Ben Shapiro, Bret Stephens, Jonah Goldberg, Gen. Clarke, Rumsfeld, etc.
How many have drones killed so far? Like 2200?
That's not nearly enough.
Loved when he got BTFO by Assange.
>about how Trump supporters want a mean, badass who knows how to get shit done even if it means bending the rules
You mean a strawman.
>so Hillary should take all of the negative things the Repubs and conspiracy theorists have been saying about her and run with it.
Except most of the things he mentions aren't conspiracy theories, they're just facts (Gaddafi, brain damage, crooked Hillary etc). The fact Maher can run through the whole list and laugh about it all says miles about the moral state of the left ATM.
>Nobody knows what Hillary is or for
Yes they do. Rewatch the segment to find out :^)
Holy fuck I can't believe the dishonesty and hypocrisy coming out of the left. I was a far left, bleeding heart liberal not long ago.
I can no longer be associated with this blatant cult of denial, hatred and stupidity.
I now consider myself proudly conservative. PC culture is getting us killed. All in the name of tolerance and progressiveness. My hatred for the left is off the fucking charts. It's a pissing contest to see who can be the most tolerant and accepting of cultures that are going to kill us all.
Fuck the left. I'm glad I finally woke up.
Welcome to the real world, Neo.
>"People who really love animals understand if you get killed by one, chances are you were doing something to it you shouldn't have been"
I can't tell if he's implying that
A) He knows more about animals than an actual professional who's entire life was focused around them
B) He loves animals more than Irwin did.
Either way, fuck that smug cunt. I didn't even know about this situation, and it makes me hate him even more than I did before.
anyone see this part?
He even goes off on a tangent about how 'yeah Hollywood manipulates the masses, what of it??'
He's going crazy.
I could only make it to the 2nd "Notorious HRC" gag, then I was done.
Makes me want to dress up as a Jew in an oven. "It's just a joke, goy. Don't take is so personally."
I ...I have no words. Just, there are no redemption for these types of idiots. At this point, taking them out would be mercy to them.
Bill Maher is an opinionated douchebag who has crawled so far up his own ass that his opinions all contradict each other and can only appeal to the audience for an applause every time he's proven wrong about something.
I was rather disappointed by that one. Assange just didn't BTFO out him as much as I'd expected, in fact he was actually pretty soft and allowed Bill to frame the narrative as >Julian's been irresponsible & misbehavin' [by releasing DNC leak], but he's a good boi now & he's gonna hack Trump to make up for what he did.
>P.S: Never embarass Hillary or my wife's son ever again
>When someone has a gun to your back threatening to kill you and your entire family
I have no pity for retards getting themselves mixed up in a criminal empire. You reap what you sow, you really do.
She literally caused the migrant crisis
>he's gonna hack Trump to make up for what he did.
He said it was a joke afterwards.
that smug fucking look on his face at 7:15
It's C)
>as a animal lover like me, Steve Irwin should know that he deserved to get stabbed by that stingray - the sick fuck was probably tryna molest it or something
pretty sure he's the smuggest cunt on television
I don't understand why Sup Forums doesn't like this video
he's basically saying to embrace that hillary is a piece of shit because trump is a piece of shit
I don't understand?
I told you the SJW Televangelists like Bill Maher, Colbert, Leibowitz, Seth Meyers, John Oliver and the unfunny colored would start shilling for Hillary harder and harder until they had 0 subtlety.
holy shit, this video is literally a mirror to you Sup Forums and you can't take it
In what reality is Trump even remotely as bad as Hillary?
Literally in what way can you spin it?
It's his jew blood taking over.
He doesn't realize the common goy won't reason this way.
Yeah, I remember them all being Bernie supports and hated Hillary more than anything. Now, they are all obedient little sheep following the Hilldabeast
the whole concept that tolerance is a virtue is so fucking retarded. If someone or some group is behaving badly and you tolerate it and therefore enable it, you're not a fucking saint. You're not looking out for your own survival if you tolerate someone throwing shit at you. It's almost as if tolerance = inaction and enabling shit.
Not only that but those who claim to be tolerant are often highly intolerant of those who disagree with them.
at least Colbert was occasionally funny and didn't laugh at his own jokes. He would just say ridiculous things and play it off like he was 100% serious. His style of playing a ludicrous devil's advocate was at least entertaining. Maher and the Slimey Limey act like they're the fucking moral authority of the planet because they have teams of writers deliberately not telling the whole story, about stories.
That faggot (((Fat Mike))) put out those two Rock Against Bush CDs with profits going towards anti-Bush/pro-Kerry organizations. So punk to be involved with establishment politics.
Anyways, the band Propaghandi planned to have a song on a CD that criticized (((Soros))). (((Fat Mike))) want them to change it or it would be off the CD. Turned out (((Fat Mike))) made and exception for (((Soros))) because he donates to Democratic party and other causes, even when he admits that (((Soros))) makes money off of selling guns or stocks in guns and war. He even tries to say the song was rejected because he wanted original songs and they just renamed an old song.
This seems to be the new narrative. I don't know what fucking focus group they tested it on though...
no, what it is is rationalising support for Hillary in preparation for the complete collapse of people's current perception of her
it's a narrative made to turn her negatives into a positive
>Bill Maher OD's on bluepills
kek, perfect
>can't think like a trump supporter because my mother didnt drink when she was pregnant
did he just talk shit about my mother?
if I ever see this nigga in person Im gonna run up on him and kick his kike ass
There is no spoon.
he apparently made fun of some crippled guy and apparently had a ghost writer for one of his books. And tried to "bully" some Scottish farmer to sell his land for a trump golf course, and like 2 of his businesses went bankrupt
real sinister stuff
Absolutely true. The left are some of the most vindictive, intolerant, hateful, violent people I have ever came across. just try disagreeing with a liberal. It can cost you your fucking career.
Wait he actually mentioned Hillary's kills list.
I want them to reach the singularity point. I want them to be rambling, incoherent messes gibbering insanely and calling everyone "goyim"
I want the left to truly go mad.