A 5'9 Japster MANLET defeated numerous 6'0+ athletes in the 400 IM swimming competition

A 5'9 Japster MANLET defeated numerous 6'0+ athletes in the 400 IM swimming competition.


Tallfags have NOTHING going for them now!!!

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Wtf I love manlets now


Height is typically a disadvantage in swimming when turning around. The 400m has 7 turns.

What the fuck? How????

t. 5'8" man


Daily reminder that tall people will always be more attractive and thus have a higher chance of reproducing and passing their seed.

Kill yourselves manlets.
You are genetic failures.

Even Amazons like pic related want men taller than them.

This guy has the idea

>people from an island nation with a history of spear fishing, pearl diving, etc are good at swimming
>this is some suprise

inb4 lankfags reasonings:
>b-b-but center of mass/gravity!
>he has to travel with less weight!
>he has to expend less energy!
>le cheating Japs
>fucking anime

that woman looks like a giant abomination

Meanwhile, this 6'2 nerdy Aussie fuck won in the 100m.

Stop projecting you faggoty little manlets.

>pic related

Far as I'm aware < 5'8 is manlet status.
5'8 - 5'11 is okay.
6'0 - 6'2 is good.
6'3 - 6'5 is ideal.
6'5 < is excessive.

Perhaps I'm incorrect though.
Also isn't height just about physical attractiveness?

Jesus, you weren't kidding.

Also, those medals are ugly as fuck. Did they cheap out by making them almost entirely empty, so that they have more money to line their dirty third world pockets with?

manlet detected

good for him!

why are you watching olympics? that shit is for faggots

>that woman looks like a giant abomination

so insecure

fucking manlet, anyone under 7'2 is a manlet, you are tom cruise or some shit?
5'9 ass nigga

>tfw no 5'11.5 range to fit in
why live

Hahaha, they probably made em out of tin foil, and spray painted them gold.

That way they could keep the actual gold/money for themselves. Dodgy fucken huehue's.

It's Mr. Rumbold!


>That acne
>coming from a country where steroids are legal
>claiming to be clean

Daily reminder that tall people have more health issues than shorties and die younger
Compare an Irish Wolfhound to a Miniature Poodle, even.

Sucks though because I want to scale the body of a giant grill.

>400 im
>implying 400 matters

I have acne and I'm 39

some people are just unlucky

Is Michael Phelps wite?


>coming from a 3rd world country
>muh mail order brides!
>obv. cucked by a big dicked Aussie

Stay classy Tagalog. Enjoy being manlet-tier

>some people are just unlucky
No, you faggot. You are just an unhygienic faggot who is too lazy to wash his face twice a day.

that's a myth

excessive cleaning can lead to acne, actually

Lel fucking Australia best keks funny

Why did we lose this swimming medal?

I thought we always dominated swimming.

>also boomers to finally win this olympics
>alot of good NBA players
This might be interesting if we somehow beat America in basketball.

>virgin telling people they wont have sex

they are moles mate
most white aussies look 30 by 25 and 40 by 30 because of the sun. we have a fucked ozone layer and moles, skin cancer and wrinkling is a side effect