Why isn't weed legalized? There literally isn't anything wrong with smoking a harmless plant...

Why isn't weed legalized? There literally isn't anything wrong with smoking a harmless plant. I need that shit to treat my chronic IBD. Fuck this gay earth.

I walk to a recreational weed store and buy an oz. every week or so.

Takes not even 20 minutes. There and back again. A Hobbit's Tale. You feel me?

Maconheiro filho da puta.

It hasn't been legalized because it's illegal, retard

>weed is degenerate therefore it should be banned and you are a subhuman cuck if you smoke it

Hello Mr. dubs. Can you tell me the average price, as well as what to expect in regards to strain variety and alternative products like butter.

PA is still in the dark ages, but Shittsburgh is so degenerate I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Because its degenerate, now fuck off



It should be legal. It should be so legal that if you grow it, people wont come and murder you over it.

I want to be able to grow enough provide for my medicinal needs. Oil is like $70 for two days worth. It's insanity. Kids need that stuff.. Luckily, I can smoke hash, but kids can't just toke up if their parents can't afford their medicine..

So what do they do if the parents can't afford it?? You know what's up, Sup Forums. Don't give me this "degenerate culture" garbage.

Who gives a damn what other people do in their homes if they are minding themselves in a modest manner.

>my medicinal needs

oh please user we all know this is a crock off bullshit.
There are plenty of other drugs out there that are more effective then weed. Just admit that you only take it to get high.

I don't want your man made bullshit and I can take what ever I want to heal myself. Get out of my country.

>chronic IBD

bud. kys. stop eating wheat, barley, rye, oats, fried foods, overcooked fats, oils, and anything edited by the genetic jew. give that 3 months and do some enzyme therapy or colonics while drinking some green juice once a day instead of a meal.

if you can't even fix your own body, you are a hopeless waste of human space and the white race. good luck user, much love.
t. burger who lost 100 pounds

Because legal hemp could destroy the giant corporations.

degenerate, addictive (it is if it wasnt you wouldnt be making a thread so pissed about it), gateway drug (most people who have used have also used harder narcotics).

Ghetto losers smoke weed, winners do coke.

Nice generalizations.

this is a myth the hemp plant is not the marijuana plant with buds btw. lol two different plants.

free legal weed plz

You are fucking retarded. IBD isn't curable by changing your diet. It's a genetic autoimmune disorder.

Drugs are degenerate, you faggot

Have you tried not drinking coffee or soda?

I don't drink either. Fuck off with your assumptions.

>study in netherlands
>lived near border
>my goverment can't cuck anymore

in a democracy, its important for everyday citizans to make sure their brain is in good condition to make desicions that will affect the whole country. don't like it? banish democracy.



Cannabinoids have a direct correlation to reactions to stimuli.

Not everyone has the same Indocannabinoid system, so citizens should be free to regulate their own body.

Israel is the most advanced nation when it comes to cannabis research as well.

>What is alcohol

>irritable bowels disease
>smokes pot
>eats munchies
>treats IBD

My state democracy legalized weed

Also checked and praise kek


good lord

it basically is legal, cuck

i've done every drug except heroin and never gotten caught

shut up

only medical purpuses here. anyway, you see who our prime minister is, don't say people who overuse 'medical' cannabis aren't to blame.

it ruins your health, not your brain.

And kys jewfag

I smoke it for depression. Two- three hits a day is all I need.

I get a slight buzz. I took zoloft once and I dont remember half that day.

This. If weed was legal the pharma and paper industries would both be out of a job.

>it ruins your health, not your brain

im a fucking alcoholic and can tell your horribly wrong you filthy kike

The pharma industry certainly would take home big losses from legalized weed.

As for the paper industries, I ain't so sure about that. In europe, "industrial hemp" is fair game, for traditional ropes and fibers, but it isn't really used for paper afaik. (Though with the US having "more agricultural space" which need not to be tied to foodstuf, cultivating hemp just might be more viable?)

>don't say people who overuse 'medical' cannabis aren't to blame.

I see that as two groups. One group goes out and smokes it in a public place, making a ruckus.

The other group is made of individuals who do it modestly in their own home, and who cares?

Overuse or not, in case of missile attack or national emergency, the people who are stoned will be a lot more prepared than the tens of thousands of drunks..... Just saying.

would it help with my depression?

yeah, blame the alcohol for you being stupid.

both groups are idiots who vote by popular instead of thinking about it.

i rather prevent emergencies than dying with a smile.

Only if you use it to your benefit and not as an escape. You have to think of trying new things, and then use the emotional boost to motivate you into the position of actually doing it.

So move to a state where its legal and quit your crying you hippy fuck. Just don't come to Colorado. We are tired of out of staters coming in and shitting up the place. Just fuck off and go to Cali if you need to be a stoner degenerate.

>Legalizing the Devil's lettuce
Sounds like sin to me

why are kikes so stupid?

If I do anything in my life, it would bring peace to the middle east. People shouldn't worry about cannabis issues of others in fear of compromising safety...

because we take 'medical' weed. learn from our mistakes.

Because it causes mental health problems

Stop being a nigger, weed causes damage to your brain

>goldstein blaming weed for being this retarded

I wonder if the 2nd Temple standing for 420 years has anything to do with the "compassion" culture of which 4/20 is synonymous... Does it have something to do with rebuilding the 3rd Temple every day?

Hemp is manufactured from the male cannabis plant, which does not have buds.

it doesn't only calm you - TV can do it quite easoily as well- it also harms you. we already have tv and entertainment, its not enough.

don't like the answer? don't ask the question.

religion is opium for the masses.

Yes and no, and I speak from experience.

It will help with the depression, also known as self-medicating, however the downside is that you will get addicted and once your depression is over, you will stay depressed because you're still smoking. In other words, it helps with depression and is probably better than anti-depressants but at the same time it makes you depressed if you're not.

Many lefties smoke it. Its about as lefty as you can get.

>not living in a state with legalized cannabis


your answer was complete shit kike, just like your entire existence and race

Stay salty, weedfag.

I take it for insomnia, but my anxiety keeps my brain awake. My ankle and wrists feel great though.

The misery coming from you... Smoke a bowl if it makes you less of a turd.

This helps. Thanks user lol

i take painkillers to deal with my toothach. after a while the painkillers pass and my teeth are still in shitty condition.
weed is not the solution, but the stupidity it cause will lead to more problems.


Because it doesn't work for you does not mean that it does not work for everyone. There are also a lot of options that cannabis can provide. We are just on the tip of the iceburg though.

Sorry about your tooth.

Weed is practically legal in the western states. Eastern states will follow gradually.

Everything below the bible belt will continue to be shit.

I live in Colorado so it's legal here. Most of the US has it either legal or medical. Just move out of whatever shithole you live in