Why do Trump supporters on here act like spergs and call you a shill if you criticize Trump?
His supporters alone. Mainly the spergy alt right/Sup Forums type make me not even want to vote for the man.
Why do Trump supporters on here act like spergs and call you a shill if you criticize Trump?
His supporters alone. Mainly the spergy alt right/Sup Forums type make me not even want to vote for the man.
You think Sup Forums is for constructive conversations?
Conservatism is a cult.
Because a shill's criticisms differ from valid criticisms. Hillary shills especially tend to take stances that no sane person would take, but then also make their stance seem fake at the same time.
im voting for mickey mouse
>no sane person
Because Sup Forums is totally a bastion of sanity...
Because "correct the record" posts stick out like a solar eclipse.
Fat Czech go back to krautchan
All the shill posts are from shills themselves.
theyre trying to discredit trump supporters as people with the mind of a 5 year old that cant hold an intelligent discussion without lashing out.
If not wanting a retard demagogue that has the foreign policy knowledge of a high schooler, willing to fucking nuke the planet, and doesn't believe in global warming is insane, then bring out the straight jacket cause I'm the fuckin' JOKER...!
>Like Michelle's penis.
You mean.
I don't care man, I'm still voting for him. Though I like a little humor every once in a while.
the jews have left and right politics in america in the bag
>this thread again
>I'm the fuckin' JOKER...!
No. You're a cringe lord.
do i care who votes for him? he is the one i want so i will keep shilling and you cant stop me you fucking queer
Because proposing solutions to problems that involve groups of people, who aren't even citizens, trampling over your country's finances, values and security... is a high-schooler's foreign policy.
I guess you have to go to college to become a political cuckold.
No one said vote for (x)
All that was stated is no one in this thread is voting for Killary.
That's how we know you're a shill, low reading comprehension coupled with an immediate freak out when no one ágrees with you.
>1 post by this ID
>It's okay if my candidate is going to nuke the planet and make enemies out of all of our allies before election day even rolls around, it's called the door-in-the-face technique! The important thing is he's not an SJW! We have to show the SJWs guys!
Why bother arguing with Trumpdrones?
Just know this. Most people are sick of you. Fuck off back to reddddit
>It's okay if our candidate is going to nuke the planet
Citation needed.
>and make enemies out of all of our allies
Even if that was true, he would make allies out of China and Russia, each of which are stronger than the entire European Union, and each of which have not "nuked the planet" yet.
It's amazing how condescending you dimwits are.
We have too much too lose.
Put simply anyone voting Trump aren't voting Trump, they're voting against cultural marxism, the Democrats, and the leftist agenda as a whole.
If Trump loses we may never see a Republican in the white house again. We can't have that.
>>and make enemies out of all of our allies
>Even if that was true, he would make allies out of China and Russia, each of which are stronger than the entire European Union, and each of which have not "nuked the planet" yet.
Even the Joker thinks you're stark raving mad!
Suddenly, after being called out..
>2 posts by this ID
With a "why bother arguing" post? "Trumpdrones" will actually give you an argument, shill. That's why. That "Fuck off back to reddddit" meme is specifically for people like you who are raiding this board with your "1 post" threads.
what about the israel cultural marxism ?
Right, because both of those countries clearly hate Trump. Idiot.
Well desu thats most of Sup Forums
but then again every anti trump thread is blatantly wrong so i cant argue
>no refutation made
have nice day frend))
They have changed tactic.
After the first post, they change IP's and agree with themselves.
It's one button, and easy to do when you tor.
No because I am saying that trump spammers have infiltrated this board are are from The_Donald
They are the type of alt right faggots who worship milo the faggot.
Every time I or anyone else tries to debate with any fanatical Trump supporter on Sup Forums all which happens is the Trump supporter spamming "shill".
I probably will still vote for Trump but I am not enthusiastic as I once was about him considering how retarded he has been acting recently. Plus like I said I simply cannot stand his supporters.
>raiding this board
Sorry to break it to you but people have different opinions than your own.
>we may never see a Republican in the white house again
God I hope so. Drumpf is the perfect swan song for the Republican party.
Maybe without them we can actually stop cutting taxes for the rich and build a social safety net that isn't Somalia tier.
Remember republishits the last Americans elected a social Democrat (roosevelt) they literally had to invent term limits to prevent it from happening again.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Poe's Law variant. Shills are indistinguishable from legitimate supporters. It's why you don't fucking shill in the first place, the opposition's only recourse is to completely discount anything your actual advocates.
>No because I am saying that trump spammers have infiltrated this board are are from The_Donald
There isn't a single person on this board that believes that. Not the shills, not the regulars. This is why I was saying that you shills are transparent with fake arguments, because you come here without even knowing the lay of the land.
>They are the type of alt right faggots who worship milo the faggot.
Small minority here. Milo won't name the Jew, therefore he's controversial here rather than unanimously accepted.
>Every time I or anyone else tries to debate with any fanatical Trump supporter on Sup Forums all which happens is the Trump supporter spamming "shill".
You don't go into debates, as you've proven in this thread. You don't make any points whatsoever, you simply create threads that you have no interest in really participating in when someone gives you an answer. Your argument might as well be "Talk to the hand!"
>I probably will still vote for Trump but I am not enthusiastic as I once was about him considering how retarded he has been acting recently. Plus like I said I simply cannot stand his supporters.
Once again, I highly doubt this. You're most likely only saying that so you don't come off as a shill, because despite your claims to debate, you won't actually argue anyone's points.
>Sorry to break it to you but people have different opinions than your own.
Of course they do, but yours are fake. Most of you shills don't ever actually present real opinions, because you tend to be bad actors. DNC shills in general seem to lack creativity as a whole, judging by the contents of those brilliant emails.
They're heavily emotionally invested in Trump, so they can't accept that their candidate has massive unfixable flaws.
Drumpf supporters, everybody. Give him a hand. A tiny one.
Friendly Gentlemen of Sup Forums.
Please have a this.
Again, you mental midget, no one has said once to vote for trump.
We're all just happy pointing out how fake and gay you are.
Why do shills act like spergs and call trolls trump supporters?
Really makes you think.
Don't reply to shill threads.
And they certainly did "vanish" when there was too much heat in the kitchen. Fucking Correct the Record assholes.
I hope Sup Forums learns that they need to respond to shill threads simply for the fact that shills never have an actual argument, and the normies who decide to visit are not swayed by our inactivity.
I wish. The only other place is reddit on the more academic subreddits. They are all cucked and do not have the freedom of speech Sup Forums has. I wish there was a more academic/mature imageboard that values both anonymity and freedom of speech.
As long as you present facts and a good argument you'll be taken seriously here. Act like a dumb race baiting common day libtard and you get shitposts in return
Didn't I see this exact same picture accompanied with a similar statement months ago?
Also, Trump is essentially Jesus compared to Clinton. It only makes sense that we'd be unhappy with criticism. This is fucking Sup Forums, we've always been like that, but this situation draws that out even more than usual because of how much is at stake.
>get shitposts in return
>1 post by this ID
i dont love trump but he is tthe lesser of two evils. and the liberal media incessantly shilling for Hillary is ridiculous.
Back to breddit
>trying to have a discussion on policies with Trumpbots here
It's okay though, just 4 more months and it is over.
Look@the posts.
He made one post, changed his ip and started posting the joker.
The shills are adapting.
Stop helping the Candidate whose campaign has admitted to paying millions to influence social media, and you won't be called a shill.
Hillary Clinton is using her voting base as cover for shills derailing the activity of her opponents and promoting her own interest. So long as that's the case, Hillary supporters will constantly be accused of being shills.
It's not just Sup Forums saying this, Sup Forums is just a less censored site so you see more of the unfiltered picture. It's not just conservatives or alt-righters saying this either, some people just really hate the idea that a Candidate can literally pay for shills and not only will she get away with it, the backlash against it will inspire people like you OP to shill for her for free.
You support Clinton or oppose Trump as it is, and you support the use of shills influencing social media. Maybe that's not what you intend to do, but it's what you effectively do. I'm very much against this. I'll stop making such a fuss about this when I see clear indications that the shilling is going to stop, and it will be chalked up as a failed experiment because of the backlash, and politicians will avoid using paid shills for awhile.
because this matters
I cannot emphasize enough it is not Trump supporters or 4channers at fault for calling people Shills that aren't shills.
It's the fault of the shills.
It's the fault of the people paying the shills.
It's the fault of the people complacent with the fact their side uses shills, and the biggest donation page to Hillary Clintons campaign donates money to CTR.
Whenever I see somebody complaining "Man I was just trying to blow drumpf the fuck out and show that Hillary had some great ideas, why did everybody call me a shill" I just think of a family harboring a terrorist baffled as to why their house full of "innocent people" just got bombed.
The 4channers constantly shouting shill aren't to blame for this phenomena. Do you really think one campaign is going to publicly admit to using shills, when the other one doesn't appear to be using shills, and that there is going to be no backlash over it? Everything is going to stay perfectly civil? The only real way this is ever going to get resolved is when people get the point that the shitposts aren't going to end until Hillary Clinton and her fucking money get off our social media.