We Canadians call you AUSFAILIANS and your country AUSFAILIA for a reason.
Ausfailians suck
Other urls found in this thread:
Go fuck yourself AusFAILIA. Go fuck an abo and then eat some vegemite and cry yourself to sleep u rite bogan trash.
I hate you and your country and all AusFAILIANS. Everything you are and everything you stand for. A lot of you even come here to take our jobs and cause issues with your constant insults you call """BANTER""".
You suck. You're pathetic. You're trash. You're garbage.
You're an AusFAILIAN.
remember when we WRECKED you bogans at womens soccer the other day?
...I do
>Australia did not elect Justin Trudeau
Checkmate, leaf.
It bothers me how much attention we get on this site. It gets repetitive and embarrassing.
But I sure do cunting love to shitpost when I'm not fighting for survival.
>Checkmate, leaf.
t. hitler klanton and obongo hussain voter
I hate my countries posters so damn much.
How about you stop force feeding moose maple syrup by using it as lube you muh hockey ignant cunt.
At least we weren't dumb enough to put a fucking leaf on our flag.
rite, i'll stop doing that when u stop jerking off kangaroos and then drinking the kangaroo jizz with abos in the desert u bogan cunt m8
Replying in this potential aussie invasion thread.
I remember... the "never ever dog your mates" got a bunch of fuck up cunt to a leaf, that was glorious.
fucking leafs. how will they ever recover?
You cunt
God dammit can the US just fucking nuke us already?
Honestly, bro. At this point it is just distasteful to keep rubbing it in. Every single person on this board knows the leaf just fucking took the shitposting crown. Straya has nothing left. I think it is time we just let them be.
I sense a croatian threat on the horizon our attention should be on. let us learn from straya' mistake and not let a joke country just pull the rug out from under our feet. desu senpai if i knew keeping the crow would be this much work i wouldn't have wanted it for us in the first place.
guys plz
The guy that leads your country is the same man I saw suck 19 unwashed african cocks.
>A lot of you even come here to take our jobs and cause issues with your constant insults you call """BANTER""".
so you can confirm you're so salty because some bogan working at one of your ski resorts stole your girl with his THICK AUSSIE COCK
are u the rite cunt that made that meme in the first place? of justin trudeau and that ass meme caption?
u better apologize. like RIGHT now, m8ey.
Canada trying to take on Australia,this will not end well for them.
Also OP is a cunt.
Is cuckporn broadcasts on your local news or do you need to buy a cable package to see it?
The leader of your country.... I have no idea who he (probably a she) is and neither does anyone else on Sup Forums.
Australians are the evolved form of Britons. They know how to fight, lack cowardice or femininity, and act like men.
Canadians are basically a knock off America. They're the "Game Child" you found that was made in China and doesn't have a cartridge slot when you were looking for the Gameboy.
Canadians are pretty much just inferior Americans. They lack any form of identity OR strength but look and sound similar enough to be mistaken for us. It's kinda a fucking disgrace.
12 Aussies can't be wrong.
excuse me m8? ausfailians cause issues here with their """BANTER""" constantly. I have witnessed it. I work for a large company, a few women have had to take time off work and be put on stress leave and suicide watch because u fucken ausfailians just cant stop fucken insulting people. u can never shut ur mouths, ever.
u have caused so many problems for us, taking our jobs and then causing strife in our workplaces. u offend many canadians and clog up the administrative systems because u cause so many serious incidents with ur """BANTER""".
Get the fuck out of my country, all of you. You are stressing us out to the breaking point.
Official list of cucks:
>Other eurotrash shitbag countries
Fuck Canada, man. I want to live in Australia. I just don't like the nasty bugs.
>Country instead of cuntry
you failed maple nigger.
>Check flag
nice blog faggot
>a few women
You mean yourself and the other guys you work with right?
no m8, u bogans say "CUNT" all the time and it offends women here.
leaf got triggered
Fuck Canada, fuck maple syrup, fuck Justing and fuck Nickelback.
>and it offends women here
>it offends women here
That's what i said you deaf cunt, canadian men get upset by rude words.
Shut the FUCK up you kangaroo fucking bogan abo diddling SHIT M8. I meant women. Females. They don't like how you talk to them or around them. This is outrageous. We need to start deporting u all asap rite
Yes, I would like a refund of 1 banter. It's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life.
Thank you.
but Canadian me ARE women
I should open a restaurant in Australia.
When will Australia finally nuke Canada?
Vegemite must be the tastiest shit ever. I've bought a bottle to try, now the entire street eats his toast with Vegemite.
Relax im agreeing with you mate, women right? Soft skin, long hair and big eyes?
Pic related, delicate canadian woman
>Canadian wastes time clicking every post that isn't his flag in a thread to make a joke
Typical Canadian
leafs are included cunt
>American doesn't waste his time even scrolling his mouse over a bunch of post numbers, unlike worthless Leaf
Why is there so much animosity from Leafs towards Aussies recently?
Are they just jealous of our shitposting prowess?
We don't even have an insulting name for your country because it's just that insignificant to us, aren't you like America's version of New Zealand or some shit?
Fuck up, cunt
We all do. Sup Forums may be split on many issues but we are all united in our hatred of leafposters.
not an argument cunt
Did anyone watch ugly Ausfailians emu fuckers get absolutly DOMINATED by Canadians in soccer yesterday?
>a few women have had to take time off work and be put on stress leave and suicide watch because u fucken ausfailians just cant stop fucken insulting people. u can never shut ur mouths, ever.
Hahahahaha did you try telling them to harden the fuck up? That usually works.
>can't even come up with their own flag so they have to steal ours
>have no air force
If we weren't so fucking chill you'd be our seventh state right now cunt.
I haven't heard that shit since 2010
Who gives a fuck.
go deal lift some wood, Lumbercuck.
Hey cunt don't forget if you insult us we win
We are talking about WOMEN, u kangaroo fucking bogan shit m8. are u fucking out of your mind? fuck I hate AUSFAILIANS so so so so so much with all my passion and heart.
Eh the bugs aren't so bad, it's the snakes you've really got to watch out for, them and the crocs, and the sharks, and the backpacker murderers and of course these bastards (pic related). Other then that it's cool, besides the bushfires and flooding/droughts I guess.
About 1/3 of Canadian posters behave well and maturely, and aren't pussies when it comes to issues and want was it best for their country and White people. They're part of us and I respect them.
And then there's this.
>protect women
>cuck for a leader
Why in the hell would you try that shit it looks disgusting, you must've been really hungary.
so u approve of raping women now too????
ausfailians are not even human. one day, after canada invades and subjugates you """""PEOPLE"""", we can force you into prison labs where u will all be scientifically studied, so we can find out WHY u are such scum, and engage in deep, long-term, prolific scientific research, funded at the highest level, in remote scientific facilities, to finally understand the ausFAILIAN problem.
Tell us more, Trudean.
>one day, after canada invades
wow, tredeau has cucked you hard
>one day, after canada invades
But if you defeat your enemies they win!
unpatriotic scum
are you saying you've never tried it you fuckin refo dogg
>ausFAILIAN attempts at banter
u rite cunts are just terrified because u know that canada would beat ur fookin arses into the ground and then shag ur nans afterwards
you should hear the filth that comes out of canadian women mouths when they're getting railed by THICK AUSSIE COCK