>be califag >daughter in 4th grade >ask her how her day went >she says that the teacher played "Watch me whip" by silento >whole class had to dance, not dancing would result in student being sent to office >fast forward 3 days later >Bring her to mall, she buys what she wants in Forever 21 >she comes back with some shirt rappers wear, she says "I got some J's!" >she says "WIZ KHALIFA" unironically at random times in the day >wears yoga pants >just breaks out into dance and starts "whipping" and "bopping" and "dabbing". Her favorite dance move is "dabbing", which I don't quite understand. >inb4 fake story xddd, nigs gonna nig
there's the truth, now time for the rest of the internet to justify why you are too afraid of doing it
Dylan Roberts
Get her into something else, like take her to the amusement park or get her to volunteer at the animal shelter.
Josiah Adams
He'll never get her back if he beats her, that's for sure.
Asher Thompson
Move to TX MS AL GA AR North FL
You are in a shit hole where she stands 0 chance to not become a degenerate.
Caleb Rivera
whipping is fun. try to turn it into hippie dancing with indie music.
take her places she would be uncomfortable in yoga pants, hiking, in sandy places, etc.
Luke Powell
don't they have catholic schools in america?
you don't even need to be a catholic to put your kid in catholic school. Sure they'll have the gospels read to them but they'll be better at math.
Everything in the new testament is just Jesus telling people not to be a fuckwad anyway. Even if you aren't a christian it's all harmless.
Elijah Walker
also this
any school that forces my kid to dance like a nigger is done.
Wyatt Lewis
A fucking leaf. >just go expose your kids to catholic brainwashing >it's fine come on trust me it's fine Never listen to a fucking leaf.
Ayden Hall
It's too late, brah
Now niggers are going to ass fuck your daughter, toss her salad and smoke her mother fucking ass.
Julian Roberts
Private or catholic school
Noah Brown
Evan Murphy
Shouldn't have sent her to public school retard
Parker Martinez
what is "catholic brainwashing" exactly
Joshua Phillips
What the fuck is going on in that video
Julian Bell
Religion classes in Catholic schools are barely even Catholic focused.
Jordan Roberts
>Catholics >not actively promoting the USA to take in thousands of refugees and promoting the amnesty of illegal Mexican immigrants just to fill the seats in churches
Robert Bennett
>California you might as well have given up on raising anything other than a coal-burning whore OP
Christian Diaz
Get the fuck out of California. That state is a shithole. If you don't you only have yourself to blame
Evan Young
pick her up from school in your own yoga pants and ask if she wants to go buy some J's with cool hip dad then go dab and whip to the wiz khalifas on your walkman
Asher Mitchell
>I want my daughter back. >Help me.
Justin Cruz
most people I know dab ironically and its just a joke, I fear for your 4th grade daughter though.
Jose Diaz
This desu
Carter Stewart
That's... Actually really good advice.
Liam Price
hahahah holy shit >he's actually right
Parker Rogers
first and most important thing you can do is get out of commiefornia
Logan Clark
Start doing everything she is doing. Listen to silento, yell wiz khlifa at her when you drop her off at school, when shes by her friends start the whip and nae nae bop it bop it shit.
She will instantly think its not cool and quit. Make sure all her friends see too.
Tyler Morris
we're anglicans m8
we just put the kids in catholic school because it's fucking great.
I'm not worried about my kids becoming catholics they're ANGLO-SAXONS they have a QUEEN
Isaiah Harris
Switch schools right now. Her her outta there. Join a homeschooling group. Anything. What her current school is doing is indoctrination.
Eli Lewis
This is actually great advice. Start acting degenerate and your kid will do the opposite.
It's funny because this is the reason so many kids 0-13 will grow up to be HARD right. I'm looking forward to it desu senpai.
Brody Young
I'm going to take a leap of faith and assume that you're a serious.
Here's what you need to do, in *GREEN TEXT*
>limit her TV consumption >force her to read the classics >be more involved in her life, playing the role of a strong father figure >if her public school is majority nonwhite, get her out. I don't care if it stretches your budget - get her out.
Nathaniel Morgan
Why the fuck didn't you go nuclear and call the school? You are a parent, they'll listen to you.
Christian Richardson
Do this
If all fails discipline her and move away
Jason Baker
She's in the 4th grade and you don't have some say in what she wears? Or at least offer some guidance? Cmon man
Ian Garcia
Bless this man.
OP, you fucking nae nae her until she starts studiyng EE and listing to goddamn Bach. It's the only tried and true method.
Logan Myers
This really corrected my journal.
Matthew Hall
>Dad, we already listened to watch me whip 50 times, when will you stop?
Oliver Evans
Shit didnt see you posted this first.
It works. My dad did it to me with rap when I was younger. He would sag his pants and say whats up dawgs in front of my friends.
We all started listening to rock and wearing normal jeans.
Christopher Lee
> force her to read the classics
she is already infected at this point all he can do is pray and get the fuck out of California
Jace Anderson
japanbro in california teachers couldn't care less a bout parents if they're anything close to conservative or care about their childrens values/morales. they cater to degenerate parents and special snowflakes promoting all kinds of fuckery. you would be SHOCKED
Austin Rodriguez
Answer this honestly
How are you as a person? Are you outgoing and would anyone, including children, aspire to be like you?
What are your hobbies and how would they develop your child if you did those hobbies with them?
Are you masculine? Ideally, I'd be taking my children out hiking, shooting, and out as a family regularly so they don't just get bored and think sex is everything.
Wyatt Wright
Brody Ramirez
This person is a genius.
This is dabbing. This is your life now.
Lincoln Richardson
too late. you didn't watch over her and let sociaty set her standards. now she is the tv's daughter.
well, for starters, how about a family picnic? travel the lend, go to historical and fun places quality family time. perhaps just perhaps there is still a chance for a non-normalfag outcome out of her.
Hunter Myers
>1 post by this ID
Angel Nguyen
sounds like she is well on her way to be a modern female normie aka BASIC BITCH, you could try homeschooling her, I guess either way >post late-2000s tech explosion >breeding TOP KEK
Nathan Collins
>wears yoga pants Well, I don't know, maybe stop buying her yoga pants.
>inb4 her mom buys them for her You lost your daughter before she was even born.
Jack Bell
she will simply try something else that is 'cool'. this culture of 'cool' is whats bad in the first place.
Robert Richardson
anyone know the fb of that slut?
Jace Garcia
This is the only correct answer. Get her out of there, and if you do anything less you're a shit parent.
Anthony Barnes
make her wear a burqa. the only solution.
Mason Bailey
Catholicism is degenerate. Send them to an orthodox christian school.
Liam Kelly
Why did you do this to OP's daughter? Staph it.
Jonathan Adams
>TX MS AL GA AR North FL ayy lmao,literal white trash mudshark breeding grounds
who the fuck you southern faggots think you're fooling?
Chase James
>Wow! God forbid your daughter be HAPPY!
You sound like a bad father. Let your daughter be her own woman.
Jonathan Jones
yeah but she might at least instinctively realize 'cool' isn't meaningful after she sees her dad exhibiting 'cool' behavior. she may be less susceptible to the emotion of seeing a cool new thing.
Samuel Foster
I don't understand what any of that means. I feel old.
What's wrong with braids?
Eli Howard
who in their right mind would raise a child in california????
Carter Moore
>children >yoga pants I work at Walmart, so I see this daily.
Juan Hughes
I never even been to america. you must be thinking of someone else.
Mason Russell
Or he'll just end up on Ellen with his daughter and have to dance with the niggers
or she will try even more radical stuff to get even further away from her parents.
Colton Hall
it's always CANADAIANS subverting our nations
when will the white man WAKE UP TO CANADIAN FILTH
Angel Robinson
BTW; Where does the video take place? I find it hard to believe this would be done unironically at a mere comic-con type event...
Austin Foster
Jordan Rivera
Simply watch the generation gap as it unfolds before you!
Cameron Thompson
That's wrong, and just plain racist.
Brandon Campbell
This. My parents are liberal grass eating hippies and I became a hardcore conservative nationalist basically just to spite them.
Hudson Mitchell
Leo Gonzalez
Just "dab" me up /w some of that weed injection fellow kids, I am team neigh myself.
Noah Morgan
This shit was from Anime Expo six years ago. Jesus, it's still going strong.
Gavin Bailey
>be me >go to youtube >search "whip nae nae school" >about 193,000 results >home school kids
They're doing it at schools across the U.S., no shit. It's a psyop to push negra culture on America's youth. There's no other explanation for this kind of uniformity.
Adrian Ward
naw, her father IS a poltard but evidently he wasn't immeresed enough in his daughter life.
Nolan Clark
That was tried by many, many families decades ago. Extreme strictness and absolutely zero tolerance for degenerate shit. Look how well that worked.
The horrifying truth is, so long as the degeneracy exists and is tolerated in a large enough portion of the society and culture, and even actively glorified and promoted by certain sectors of society, and as long as they go into the world and interact with society and with their peers, they are going to be exposed to it. And when it's promoted and glorified, there is a strong chance their naive and impressionable minds will think it's cool and be drawn toward it. The best we can do at this point is instill strong values and guide them into building inner strength of will to resist just blindly going along with the masses and what they deem to be cool/acceptable/whatever. Set the example.
I say this as a father of a young girl. I wish it weren't so. But it is.
Daniel Anderson
You've already proven yourself to be a failure as a father, so you will only make it worse. The only thing to do is to die with honour in ritual suicide.
Michael Moore
Dabbing always looks like you did something you're really ashamed of and want to signal that in a surreptitious way. Like just shat your pants in public or something
Parker Carter
Have fun with your grandniglet when she's 15.
Nathaniel Carter
Americans, can't even talk about sex openly with their kids. You are disgusting.
Thomas Watson
I actually did call the school, they gave me some crap about "curricular activities, cultural enrichment". Literally talked about it being cultural enrichment and curricular activites, its a mexican/black dominated school but I live in a white area.
Believe it or not they celebrate hanukkah there on hanukkah for "experience". This isn't even a lie.
Jason Bailey
You MUST immerse your daughter in hate and rage. Hate the black man. Hate the asian. Hate the Hispanic. Turn her into a bitter racist. It's the only way.
Adrian Diaz
>TX Fuck off we're full
Ayden Morris
Hudson Rivera
And what exactly is wrong with learning about different cultures???
John Miller
We don't have sex with our kids in this country, Ahmed
Adrian Phillips
Racists hate every race. Theres nothing for them to learn other than that.
Matthew Taylor
Can confirm this is why I am growing up hard right. Parents are voted Obama and are going to vote shillary... Got sick of their shit about being accepting of lgbt fags and became very right wing. Grandparents even got me a Trump pin for me to wear. >inb4 underage >inb4 b& >inb4 can't inb4
Michael Lee
Maybe if you learnt about different cultures you wouldn't hate them. Ignorance = hate.
Brayden Price
Do it yourself.
Listen to wiz start dabbing etc talk like a nigger.
The only way to get her back.
Alexander Powell
Wtf am I looking at here?
Jacob Jenkins
And you just do it, she will eventually go full-round and start dressing as a nazi.
What can she do? Cocaine? Be a literal slut? You can do it too, and way better than a 4th grader.
You are here after all, is not like you have unironic issues with degenerate behavior
David Richardson
I love most races except the chinese. I hate the chinese.
Am I still racist?
Grayson Russell
remove the sources of ghetto black culture from her life
exercise control over media intake, don't listen to any oyyy veyying about it either
Jason Anderson
>They celebrate Hanukkah for the Hanukkah experience Jews hardly celebrate Hanukkah. We do the first day or two, maybe the last day as well but it is literally a holiday about oil lasting longer than it should have.
Passover has much more merit anyway since it does deal with right before the Exodus along with the holiday Jesus wanted to show the apostles on his last supper.
Joseph Rodriguez
Leo Bailey
OP, do this while subtly exposing her to an alternative form of behavior. Make turning on the "awkward dad" switch really obvious.
Ryan Anderson
A lot of black people hate black culture. They are purposely pushing rap because it promotes a trashy lifestyle.
Hudson Clark
>Implying you can ever do that They will just do it at school or after school with friends. When they go out with their friends they will partake in it. You have to approach it a different way which was already mentioned in the thread which is doing what the kids are doing. Instantly doesn't make it cool and you won't have to worry as much as stunting your child socially.
Xavier Jones
this. My parents told me I could be anything I wanted to be, so I became a nazi
Isaac Powell
I've always found it funny that Moishe made a holiday about how his oil lasted a whole week so he didn't have to spend his hard-robbed shekels to go buy more. Hanukkah is a pretty good summation of the Jewish character
Ryan Butler
Give her the D, there is not other way. Trust me I am Argentinian.