Why is he so perfect Sup Forums?
Why is he so perfect Sup Forums?
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He rules a population that's infatuated with a subservient existence and a strong leader.
Essentially, Russians are cucks.
hes a good looking fella Desu
Anyone who would not be honored to serve under a man who single-handedly rebuilt a nation is an egotistical douchebag
>single-handedly rebuilt a nation
He didn't. Russians are beyond repair after WW2 and Gulags where the best of our kind were killed. Before that, we had intelligentsia, scientists, writers and so on. Now we have only bydlo and cucks who aren't capable to do anything besides dirty work.
I'm not going to waste time on this but look at the value of the ruble post Ukraine revolution.
more like russians are beyond repair after bolsheviks stormed the palace
It was Stalin who gulaged all decent people in USSR, not Lenin. I think that Lenin was a good guy even, at least he believed in communism and wanted to make it better for people. Stalin just wanted his ass to be warm.
>this is how Russians justify being the poorest superpower to ever exist
The reality is that your country is shit, has been shit, and will always be shit, gulags be damned. You live in the only undeveloped country in the northern hemisphere that relies on a resource based economy. Sad!
Wake up, Russia isn't a superpower, even Putin admits it. Russia is just another 3rd world shithole with nuclear weapons and bald dictator in charge.
>having 8 rolls royces and several bank accounts in geneva and london
>good guy
Anyone who supports in the west Putin should be executed for treason.
idk but i dream of him fucking my tight nip asshole, or really any russian men
they make me all wiggly and aren't cucked retards like western trash manlet numales
Omg a russian with internet I thought id never see the day
Because he never ruled your country, and you have no idea what you're talking about.
t. Russian
Ask him if you could suck his cock
He's probably stealing the internet from a business he lives under and is on a 15 year old PC he found in a dumpster.
You're a cuck if you think he's perfect. He's wrecked Russia beyond repair with his paranoia.
>Stalin just wanted his ass to be warm.
As to be expected by a Georgian
Nah, dig deeper. And probably even deeper still.
Also, 1337
Yes, much deeper
If you want to dig that deep, Russia was done with Novgorod Republic. Think about it - we had one of the first democracies in Europe there, and Moscow just ruined it for us.
another martyr. they never learn from history. russia has never fallen under french and german invasion.
Once Trump is elected, or any other strong nationalist, I really hope all the Putinfags die out. You want a strong nationalist to look up to, but Putin is really only concerned with himself and perhaps some narrow pipe dream of rebuilding the USSR.
Didn't the city also have a public school system and a water drainage system? Learned from the Byzantines, i believe.
>sanctions destroy the Russian economy
>its Putins fault
Jokes on you I was going to commit suicide anyway!
>Scholars generally believe that the Republic of Novgorod had an unusually high level of literacy for the time period. Archeologists found over one thousand birch-bark texts, all dating from the 11th to the 15th centuries, in towns dating back to the early Rus'. Roughly 950 of these texts were from Novgorod.
Well, they could read, that's for sure.
Ironically, it was domination by the mongols that gave Moscow the edge. They essentially sucked mongol cock and were given more and more power as a result. If Novgorod began absorbing principalities the way Moscow did, the Golden Horde would have razed their city to the ground.
>economy dependence on oil prices
>sanctions caused by Crimea invasion
>somehow not Putin's fault
nice proxy, faggot
>his currency got cucked by Saudi oil production too
>current year
>not developing alternative energy
It's like Canada is trying to outpace Mexico as our worst neighbor
Nice proxy faggot
That 1337 tho
Your shit thread is dead and this bump won't even make a difference
Nice proxy faggot
>muh oil dependent economy
makes up to 20% GDP as of 2015
>muh Russian cucks
degenerates/cucks and unobeying muslims are beaten up
>muh country full of muslims
the difference is we conquered muslim lands, now they live under Russian jurisdiction, muslims conquer your lands (and wymen) as of now
he HAD to invade Crimea. He can't just have NATO running roughshod off the coast of the black sea
What do you think happens when the profits you receive from oil drop by a quarter (as they have)?
Are you really that retarded that you don't understand how much as little as a 1% drop in GDP can affect a country?
Because Trump supporter
we don't mind living like shit as long as we stay "independent", also it's pretty good for the economy, now that the good european products are off the market, Russia can develop its own products. Russia is now almost completely food independent and exports more wheat/grain than the USA. The medicine sector also had a major boost. There cannot be any development and real change without a little crisis. The market was flooded by shit from other countries, now Russia slowly restores its own production strength
I thought Kazakhstan was the "bread basket" of the Soviet Union. I wouldn't think Russia would have much arable land since the fall of the Soviets.
You've reached the first step Ivan, 4 more to go.
think what you want as long as you stay out of our country. Love your "freedom" in your country, just don't bring it here and tell us how to live. Let us be "subhumans" just the way we want it
>>current year
>>not developing alternative energy
thanks for reminding me, Jill
Just do the world a favor and nuke USA already. Wipe that insult to humanity off the map.
why? they will destroy themselves if they don't change the course of action. Russia gotta stop helping others, everytime we help someone they hate us in the end and we're suddenly the bad guys
If Clinton gets into Office Russia has two options.
a.) Crash their economy to Rock Bottom.
b.) Retreat from Syria and later be pressured to give up Ucraine as well.
I spent 6 hours in Sheremetyevo airport and that was enough. Russians are the rudest, most trashy ethnic group I've ever come across. I didn't feel like I was even accepted as a human being while I was there, which likely won't make sense to you.
Ah there we go, the eternal argument of MUH MUSCOVITES.
If it wasn't for the Muscovy Russia wouldn't be unified, ergo wouldn't exist. You'd be 5-6 butthurt states fighting each other like Balkans.
Majority of Russians always had miserable lives, under Tsardom there were oppressed peasants, during communism there were oppressed peasants, now there are oppressed bydlos and it's always going to be like this.
>not developing alternative energy
Oh, but we did. Remember all these nuclear waste stockpiles that Russia was paid to store on its territory? They soon be fuel for our reactors.
What happened in 1337?
Hitler HAD to invade Poland. He couldn't just have the League of Nations running roughshod over his Volk
Our population is only around 140 millions which compared to Russia's size is nothing.
The percentage of arable lands is small compared to whole territory but it is still fucking huge in absolute numbers.
Russia made concessions ever since their soviet rule weakened and collapsed and there was no end in sight.
Good. There should only be one superpower, and the world should be grateful that it isn't Russia
>Russia helping others
I'll admit that no war is ever fought for altruistic purposes but Russia is the world's worst at coming up with a decent moral justification for its foreign interventions.
>I'll admit that no war is ever fought for altruistic purposes
Well there is peacekeeping. And it originated in the West. Russia doesn't use peacekeepers unless as a front for covert operations or as agitators
Frankly we need to stop with justifications. Start calling all our leaders Tyrants (while still "democratically" choosing them) and do everything for the sole reason - "Cause we can".
I should really cut some budget spendings.
Sadly doing things for "the good of the nation" isn't enough anymore. Putin is lucky in that respect though because he basically has carte blanche to do what he chooses with Russia's limited means.
In the US no President starts a war unless he can either win it in a very short span of time or he can draw public support from it and thereby increase his chances of getting reelected.
Frankly the US has been pretty shit at getting the public behind our wars ever since Vietnam though. It's been pretty clear ever since that we only intervene when it benefits our global supremacy.
It's because you eithet fat or black mate.
I like Putin
I also know a Russian guy named Nikoli who's based as fuck, total bro.
Skinny and whiter than you could ever even dream of being m8. Russians are just rude, and there are no shortage of people that agree with me. It's likely something to do with you being more Asian than Western I imagine.
>Putin saved russian economy
More like Oil Giver Lady
Yes, exactly
>Skinny and whiter than you could ever even dream of being m8
We are whiter than you by a shitton.
Keep joking i like that,
>Putin is lucky in that respect though because he basically has carte blanche to do what he chooses with Russia's limited means.
Oh, he too needs to check public support. It's just that we care less about economics and more about other stuff.
People in their thirties and older were born in USSR and lived through all the shit that came after it's dissolution. So effect of sanctions is laughable compared to that.
Post your pic but blot out the face, I'll tell you why they behaved that way.
who the fuck is that?
the Godess blessed us with oil and Gas - Heфтepoдицa - Nefteroditsa
Suffice it to say I'm very Anglo.
I don't feel like regurgitating the slavs aren't white meme but you know you're about as similar to whites as chimps are to baboons.
rossiya gets a shitload of moloko from avstraliya did you know that