Name a worse Sup Forums character than John Redcorn

What are some Sup Forums related examples of characters who're canonical Entitled cunts?

John Redcorn thought he could fucking RACE BAIT Texan Government Officials into providing him with 130,000 ACRES OF UNDEVELOPED LAND

FOR WHAT?! What was he gonna do build a fucking Casino?

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>FOR WHAT?! What was he gonna do build a fucking Casino?

He couldn't even if he wanted to since gambling is illegal in Texas.

Indian land is considered sovereign and has it own regulations.

Oklahoma had Indian casinos for decades, even though gambling has only been legal for a few years.

He did plan on leaving the land to Joseph. But yes, he got tricked by other people posing as Native Americans to take out loans he couldn't pay back to build a casino when gambling was illegal in Texas and he was too stupid to look any of that up.

How is that any worse than cuckolding a guy while pretending to be his friend for over a decade and trying to win his son over when he's too much of a coward to take any sort of responsibility for any of his children or take his lumps?

But it's King of the Hill and every character is a hypocritical douchebag at one point or another and that's part of the beauty of the show.

But a worse character than John Redcorn?

Buck Strickland
Ted Wassonasong
Peggy Hill most of the time
Both of Luanne's parents

to name a few

I do like the running gag of the camera slowly closing in on him as his hair magically starts billowing whenever he talks about anything.

Not in Texas it ain't. Indian casinos keep pushing the grey area how bingo is legal but full on gambling isn't and get shut down again and again

Redcorn is not Dale's friend. He seems to halfway despise him. I think he runs away from fatherhood because he simply doesn't have the funds or lifestyle to take on the responsibility.

Raising his son is the least Dale could do

Uh Nancy for fucking him and letting Dale take responsibility for raising Joeseph. All their friends for perpetuating it to spare Dale's feelings.

He considers Dale a friend which is why he stopped fucking his wife.
I think John ran from responsibility or atleast enjoyed the lessened responsibility Dale afforded him but it's pretty obvious he's fed up with where the situation is now and regrets he can't be a father to his son and possibly worse he has to watch Dale's crazy ass be his son's father.
Lucky was fine....well at the very least he was a decent person.

Ah Texas.
Oppressing everybody in the name of "Freedom."

Guys John Redcorn isn't Joseph's dad, Nancy was impregnated by aliens. It's like you don't pay attention to the show.

Ah, libtards.
Trying to take political jabs at anyone they don't like, even when it's inapplicable and unprovoked.

This. He only looks dark because Dale had a Jamaican grandmother

Well I was going to make a joke about California, but now I'm just going to be sick.

I always imagine that Dale's Jamaican Grandma is just as white and pale as Dale.

Ah, Sup Forums faggots.
Giving uninformed and unsolicited opinions on political matters and presenting them as fact, while simultaneously not talking about anything related to the board you are on.

Are you serious?

Fucking Lucky?
Lucky was one of the sweetest characters on the show.

Kahn is kind of pathetic for sucking up to someone like Ted, so I'd swap him for Lucky.

sounds more like Sup Forums to me

That's not even the worst part of Redcorn.
Redcorn is a late thirty-early forty something redneck that lives in a trailer and thinks he's going to become famous anyday, all while begging for money from everyone and inflating his ego by having sex with desperate middle aged women and attempting to ruin the marriage of the one person in the world that actually likes him.
Keep in mind John Redcorn is such a loser that Dale looks like a better dad in comparison.

Does John Redcorn have any surviving relatives that aren't his children?

>John Redcorn is such a loser that Dale looks like a better dad in comparison
Dale was always a good father, even without Redcorn's presence.

He used to hate him but after Dale tries to help John Redcorn with some legal issue or something, he stops fucking Nancy because he saw him as a friend.

He has a sister, but she was only mentioned once by Nancy.

>Trying to take political jabs at anyone they don't like, even when it's inapplicable and unprovoked.

Sounds like everyone nowadays

Moderation and sanity is dead. Nothing but sensationalism and hatred remains.

I don't know, Kahn was kind of dealt a crappy hand in a lot of ways and he does his best to move him and his loved ones up in the world.

Not cartoon but CLassic Nick so Imma post it anyway.

FUCK this guy. He was Buzzkill: The Character. Whenever he showed up in an episode the jokes ended and the lengthy speech about the plight of his people and all they accomplished in their utopian society before the white man destroyed it began.

He was the embodiment of everything terrible about Native American characters in fiction. I hope the actor who played him is dead.

Lucky's only bad if you consider a slack/under-achiever to be evil. Lucky's a fuck-up, but Buck actively tried to frame one of his employees for murder and Ted's actively engaged in fraud and embezzlement.

Also Ted converted to Episcopalianism from Buddhism because of business prospects.

>He was Buzzkill: The Character

That's every Indian character in every piece of media made since the 1980s.

They're legitimately the worst characters in everything they're in.

Plus, what the hell was with that private unit he was trying to make in order to invade Laos?

That indian who beat the shit out of Steve Buscemi in Fargo was awesome.


I get it, people are mad the Mike abandoned the whole arc of Luann trying to be an independent woman but apart for being an idiot he LITERALLY has done nothing wrong.

The only episode he fucked up was when he decided to sue Dale and that was only because Luann kept pushing him to do it and he didn't want to disappoint her and even then he realized the error's of his ways.

John Redcorn had a lot of character growth all things considered

remember how early episode of KotH had Luane being a pretty good mechanic.

and the Indian from Season 2 of the FX show was a based character.

>Texas had mandatory HPV vaccines before people called BS
>Texas still has mandatory Meningitis vaccines
>Supreme Court just struck down Texas' unconstitutional ban on abortions
>Texas has mandatory seatbelt laws
>Texas still has anti-sodomy laws on the books

Texasfag here. Don't talk shit about things you don't know anything about. Texas is more regulated than fucking Jew York and California put together. Liberals may want to control the board room, but conservatives want to control your bed room, and that affects the common man a hell of a lot more.

>Texas has mandatory seatbelt laws
All states do
>Texas still has anti-sodomy laws on the books
Do they enforce them? In Florida we have our share of stupid laws that nobody enforces:

I don't disagree with the other stuff you wrote