What went so very, very wrong?
I rewatched this for the first time the other day and it was almost Battlefield Earth-tier unwatchable.
What went so very, very wrong?
I rewatched this for the first time the other day and it was almost Battlefield Earth-tier unwatchable.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was made for the masses by a committee of business men. It's designed to appeal to the typical millineal/hipster Star Wars """fan""" rather than real fans. End of story
I would actually rather watch battlefield earth
>JJ directing
>Disney producing
>that poster alone showing notVader, notYoda, notBobaFett, and notDeathStar
You'd have to be blind to have not seen this coming.
The movie's fine, you're just a faggot
No George Lucas.
Search your feelings, you will know it to be true.
Technically nothing went wrong. It was hugely successful and is still vehemently defended on its shortcomings to this day. As a film there's nothing wrong with it. There are facets of the story that people dislike, but those things don't make it mechanically not work.
Yeah, at least BE is funny.
It was a very lazy movie
What about the acting, which I personally consider all over the place in terms of quality? Or the mediocre soundtrack? Or terrible special effects?
The special effects in The Force Awakens are, generally, better than the Prequel Trilogy's special effects; things look more natural (except for Starkiller base eating a sun, but I hate Starkiller base so I'm biased). That's a come up. There's nothing WRONG with how TFA looks. I haven't listened to TFA's score, I hardly noticed it.
The acting was passable. It could have been a little more human, but I mean, these days, acting in a big name franchise like Star Wars is usually mediocre. I don't really go to these movies to see the pinnacle of cinema, I just go because I'm interested in the story.
Usually movies that aren't clamored over have better acting than big name blockbusters. Humbler movies.
Who fucking cares? The only people still talking about this stupid shit are you salty babies and the shills.
Yes, as bad as it hurts al the Anti-George fan boy who rabidly attacked him for the prequels, it is true.
He is the reason Star Wars is STAR WARS.
What we have now is interpretations of what star wars is. Mere shadows lacking the depth and feeling. As bad as you think Ep. 1-3 are, they are in every way the essence of Star Wars. They may not have been what you wanted. But guess what, you and your wants don't matter. It was for him to make what he wanted. You can take it or leave it. That's how artistry and vision works. The artist owes you nothing. It was his vision and he did it the best way he could and made as close to what he wanted as he could. More than you can say about your life I would wager.
And what did you do? You savaged him and ravaged him and tore apart his lifes work. His masterpiece. You didn't show one ounce of gratitude that he was willing to bring you into such a rich and wondrous world. He created the very fabric of your childhood mythology and the core of your world view. He created a masterpiece of works only equaled by a few artists in history and works with global significance matched only by the Bible and the Quran.
And you disrespected that. You said it sucked. You didn't appreciate it. The sacrifice, the endless writing and worrying and planing and filming and creating and crafting. The billions of man hours and decades of toil. You ungrateful man children didn't get what you wanted, exactly like you wanted it and so you vomit and projectile diarrhea on the man who dared to dream of telling one of the greatest stories ever told in human history.
Well fuck you. He did the thing that would make his revenge so sweet and so lasting. He sold his love, his passion, his lifes work to the people he could trust to make you mindless idiots as miserable as possible for as long as possible. He sold the whole thing to Disney. He knew they would make movies so insipidly commercial and hollow they couldn't even be considered Star Wars. He knew you would end up hating them even more than the pre-trilogy because that's all you can do. You can't just let artists give you thier art and accept or reject it with dignity and grace. You act like you paid the hundreds of millions of dollars out of your pocket to make these films and so your opinion matters. So here you go. Here is your Disney Star Wars. Hope you hate it fuckers
Star Wars hasn't been good for at least two decades.
>What went so very, very wrong?
No reunion between Luke, Han, and Leia.
Instead, killing off Han Solo who is arguably the most-loved character in SW.
Introducing this new diverse cast of retards as the main characters.
This some good pasta right here, my dude
You are a fucking moron. Fan pandering is the worst shit you can do with a reboot project. Even if it somehow doesn't end up a cringey fanservicefest, it's still just pandering. A new installment in a series should always strife to stand on it's merits alone, not have fan pandering in mind.
Noice B8 M8.
>it's not pandering to MEEEEEEE
>reboot project
The reason people who were fans of the series before Disney bought it hate TFA is because they didn't realize it was a soft reboot until they were in the theater. It's not a sequel at all.
I agree, and it's unfortunate that TFA did exactly that
the movie's biggest issue besides ripping off episode 4 is that all the new characters were just straight up terrible and very poorly written
It's an inferior retread of the original trilogy with a Mary Sue as the lead character. Arguably the only improvement is the special effects and that's a matter of taste as the Original Trilogy has aged fairly gracefully. Literally everything else is a downgrade. It has the weakest score to date, the emotional context for many of the things borrowed from the original films is nonexistent, and the new material isn't developed well. Doesn't work as the sequel it was advertised as and it barely works as an independent feature.
It's garbage. From beginning to end it's trash.
The Force Awakens is garbage though. It's worse than the Prequels, literally worse than the prequels.
In your opinion. I don't like it either, but objectively, nothing went wrong. It was a very safe, very successful movie. It hit all the points it needed to in order to work. Nothing "went wrong" with production.
It's just from our perspective, the means to its success were, for lack of a better term, un-sportsman like.
To use a test as an analogy, it didn't fail even though it copied the answers - because it rearranged its essay and put things in its own words, even if the essay in question no longer "pops" because of it.
I dunno, the point I'm trying to make here is - yes, it should have been more original. No, the actors aren't very charming, but they're not abysmal either. When disliking something it's important not to discredit it where credit is due.
Otherwise your concerns fall flat.
It's a very safe, very functional, very watchable film.
>He is the reason Star Wars is STAR WARS.
No, this is wrong. A lot of people left their mark on the original Star Wars. His wife Marcia brought a warmth that George has never had nor been able to even emulate. Gary Kurtz fought Lucas and won on a lot of thematic choices. Even his camera man, Gil Taylor, is responsible for a lot of what made Star Wars work. Not to mention the other people who challenged him like special effects wiz, John Dykstra.
Not to mention everything that Lawrence Kasdan and Irvin Kirshner brought to Empire. Lucas was a big part of what made Star Wars work, but he wasn't the ONLY thing.
This is why the prequels lack heart and warmth. George wanted things HIS way. It was HIS toy box and if you wanted to play with him you were going to do it HIS way.
>But guess what, you and your wants don't matter.
Wrong, he made a movie for audiences. If it's something a large percentage of people didn't like, then that is his problem. You can't continue to make movies that no one likes. Why do you think George didn't make episode 7 and instead sold the company. He realized that regardless of his loyal followers who loved the PT, most people were either indifferent toward them or flat out hated them.
The PT simply didn't have the same following as the OT did and it didn't get nearly the recognition. I mean the main created a brand that literally prints its own money and yet still to this day you hear people rip the PT to shreds. The only OT movie that gets that much hate is Jedi, and that's mostly because of the Ewoks and Richard Marquands terrible direction.
This. We all know now Kasdan is a bitch fag.
>This is why the prequels lack heart and warmth
The prequels absolutely had heart. They had more heart in 10 minutes than TFA did in 2 hours.
Compare this youtube.com
Anyone who defends nu-Mouse Wars over the geniune Lucas Star Wars isn't a fan, he is merely a sheep with no taste following popular opinion. Like the biggest argument for TFA is that it was safe, which is really more of an insult in my book.
Lucas was a storyteller, Disney are propagandists. There's the difference.
its garbage user, I'm sorry but its straight garbage
Star wars is star wars because they fixed his garbage editing, the score was good, and they fixed his shitty original script.
If this movie had been made in 2005 they would have just remade New Hope but now we have thousands of Grace Randolphs ready to run to youtube and promote the movie for free if they include all the old characters and imagery instead of taking creative risks so they just made a soft reboot instead
The prequels were the epitome of something even worse than board room bullshit. It was board room bullshit with the added bonus of having an emotionless old man being obsessed with special effects instead of what makes characters interesting.
holy shit is this copypasta from leddit?
Are we really discussing Star Wars (prequels or otherwise) as if they're A R T ?
what a bunch of fucking normies. Star Wars was a fun, aesthetically pleasing romp in an interesting sci-fi universe. It inspired a lot of cool stuff, but it's dead now, and it died with Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
star wars has never ever been good. once you graduate high school you will realize this
Even the OT?
>emotionless old man
This is actually correct. Marcia left him because he was, "cold".
Gotta love millennials pretending this is one of the worst movies ever in order to get e-credits on an anime board.
Should be called The Face Awakens.
Is this the new go to response for redditors who can't defend TFA?
Yeah at least there were original costumes. And no big bitch.
it seems to hold your hand and its almost too easy too watch. Could literally put my brain aside for a couple of hours and follow it easily.
Tried rewatching JJ Abrahms Star Trek the other day, it's terrible. Really unwatchable.
I'm gonna have enough e-credits to buy a Sup Forums pass by 2033.
Everything was bound to go right in the most successful franchise in the history of cinema. Every episode follows an interesting mix of intergalactic beings and each one is more distinguishable and exciting than the last. Since the older Star Wars movies, the series has constantly proven to be a pioneer in the use of special effects, which help to create glorious action sequences and vast worlds.
George Lucas is a genius for conceiving the series; and has done a good job on making kids around the world the happiest they have ever been with his clever marketing and release of a wide range of high quality toys and video games. Selling the franchise to Disney was another great decision and master-stroke by Lucas. Star Wars began with only one major female character and a lack of diversity among the cast, but has started providing main roles to minorities and female actors. This just goes to show how far spread the love for Star Wars has across the world. Now anybody, be you black, white, asian, male, female can enjoy these movies and look up to a hero of their own ethnicity and nationality.
>b-but it's a dull and overrated franchise
It's like poetry. Every stanza rhymes with the last one. Characters such as Yoda, and Kylo Ren are not dull. They are some of the most distinguishable characters in history and have many layers to their personality.
I began marking on some paper each time an iconic phrase came up. I had to stop after the first 10 minutes because every line in each movies is so memorable!. The series is so ingrained into society that even people in the slums of Uganda know what the phrase "Use the force" means and where it came from. I read a loving review of Star Wars by Steven Spielberg. He wrote something like, "If kids are watching Star Wars at 11 or 12, then they are spending their time wisely." And he is correct. He's not being ironic. When watching Star Wars you are, in fact, watching the best movies ever made in the history of cinema.
>very watchable film
I had to paue like 3 times and force myself to watch it further, that's how annoying Rey and Finn's interaction was.
That movie sucks. It's the only star wars flick I've never seen more than once. Think about that. I watched AotC more than once and I would rather watch it again over TFA. P.S. Abrams is a hack who somehow can't even write as well as Lucas. He's so unoriginal it's embarrassing.
The originals were made by a gentile idealist who wanted to make a saga with a positive message.
The new movies are made by greedy and cynical jews who not only want to maximize its profitability but also want to shove their misanthropy and social engineering propaganda in it. It makes me sick. Bob Iger, JJ Abrams, Kasdan, Spielberg are all jews, and Kathleen Kennedy is probably a crypto jew
>Mary Sue
She's not, though.
>Stranded on foreign planet for 20 years to learn basically everything
>Guardian is a ship and technology broker
>Stupid audience is surprised when Rey has more knowledge of ship (compressor) even though Han has missed it for x years
>Rey is said to be strong with the force
>In the Star Wars universe, force users are empirically better pilots
>Mentally deficit audience is shocked when Rey manages to steer the Millenium Falcon
>Kylo is being torn apart mentally
>Just shot by huge, powerful lazer weapon
>Just killed his own father to feel evil even though he's not
>Retarded audience is shocked she can win even though all of these factors plays in
Not even a Mary Sue, can't believe world building by J. J. Abrams is too incomprehensible for you meme drones
being this much of a Mickey shill
Finn was the best part about it.
Every other character is an aristocrat, destined for greatness. He's the new Han Solo, basically.
You can't even defend her being a Mary Sue so you escape it by calling me a shill.
Finn's whole reason for quitting The First Order made no sense, at first he gets shellshocked from watching one of his team mates die then moments later he's happily shooting at his former comrades with his new best friend Poe
>mfw a few minute cinematic about video game tell better story than the movie
why again they didnt pick old republic and made whole new trilogy with new characters ?
>with new characters ?
because only autists give a shit about non-Skywalkers and relatives of Skywalkers
>because only autists give a shit about non-Skywalkers and relatives of Skywalkers
so basically the movie
>conveniently ignoring all the other signs of Mary Suedom like reading a mind of a trained force user, mind tricking a stormtrooper without training etc.
Get rekt, shill
they have to do it eventually
milking the Skywalkers meme can only last this much before they start to shit stupid movies trying to tie them up somehow with the old characters
This was a film for the Red Letter Media cuck audience. Mickey Mouse Mike even said he wanted more interracial romance between Finn and Mary Sue. The charm of Lucas' film is gone, this is a soft reboot that has almost no new material, and what is new is very mediocre. But the hipster contrarians who follow Stoklasa and his band of cucks ate it up, as well as the mainstream dumb fucks who would go to see any Star Wars films.
Point being, the trick of this film was to disown Lucas and make out it was a "return to the original films." That's it. Everything else is secondary to this blatant marketing campaign. And it fucking worked.
I wouldn't say TFA was as bad as the prequels but I definitely prefer Revenge of the Sith. Cheesy as fuck, but extremely fun film that I could watch many times over. TFA is better than AotC or PM but those are god awful films. Too bad Lucas didn't make three films as enjoyably tacky as RotS. I find AotC and PM unwatchably shitty. I also felt like Rogue One was far superior to TFA, at least it had an original story and characters.
In short, this was fan service to all the hipsters who hate George Lucas and they largely got what they wanted. "Star Wars is just le dumb sci fi film about le adventure don't overthink it xDD" Wow well done you fucktards you dethroned Lucas and elected Mickey Mouse as the corporate overseer of your childhood favorite franchise. Golf clap for you.
>says I am reddit
>likes TFA
Something amiss here
the movie focusses on han and leai who are skywalkers
and rey is lukes son's aunt.
the black guy and poe are gay lovers which is where they're branching off to appeal to the normans of the uni.
Han isn't a Skywalker.
Rey is nobody. Even JJ Abrams and KAsdan didn't decide who she was. They're making it up on the fly. Pretty sure episode won't solve that mystery either.
Poe and Finn are token black,mexican and gay characters to cater to ethnic and sexual diverse audience while never threatening the white female supremacy represented by Mary Sue
>Movie is literally called THE FORCE AWAKENS
Honestly, TFA isn't bad. It's probably a bit better than the prequels. After the novelty has worn off, you can clearly see, it's just a lot of recycled themes from the Original Trilogy.
The Prequels did a lot of world and lore building, it was one of the things they did right. TFA covers no new ground with regards to the lore and is an homage to (some may say a rip off of) the old ones.
I'm a bit worried that episode 8 will have the opposite problem and it WILL add to the lore and it will suck (if the rumors about the Force Tree are true, that's going to suck).
Nah, TFA isn't bad (but don't get me wrong, far from the best also), but's it's a valid installment to the series, just as the prequels were. You want bad, Rogue One was bad. Hands down the worst star wars.
>I can do everything instantly because of the force
Yes, that's what Mary Sue means
>Rogue One
>worse than TFA
totally dude
>couple decades back
>grew up near an Arizona auto junk yard
>learned tons scrapping
>dad died in the army + mom overdosed so raised by aunt with 23 cats
>skipped school most of the times
>social outcast and never really had friends
>really learned a lot about stealing stuff from that junk yard tho
>one day get caught
>see a big rig parked at the edge of the lot
>easy exit baby
>mfw the door won't unlock
>mfw i smash the window and unlock it anyway
>mfw i can't drive stick
>mfw scrapping doesn't teach me how to drive jack shit
It's a movie pandering to geek chic hipsters rather than actual fans. A Star Wars movie written by someone who has never seen Star Wars before but trying to compartmentalize it for the modern consumerist masses.
But TFA added tons of new lore.
>laser canon can shoot beams in multiple directions simultaneously across millions of light years in a matter of seconds
>1st order has acquired top of the line secrecy tech to hide construction of their PLANET SIZED DOOMSDAY DEVICE from the rest of the galaxy.
>1st order can now destroy stars by absorbing all of their energy into a fraction of the output in the form of a comparatively tiny laser canon in under three separate recharges.
>A bunch of important planets just got blown up but the "resistance" doesn't seem too sad after they take out the death laser canon planet.
This is all great lore. I really hope they expand on it in the next movie.
>reboot project
This is the root of the problem right fucking here. No one, and I mean No One wanted a Star Wars soft reboot. They wanted a continuation of the story. Now we've got all these new characters with only 2 or 3 being likable, one of the original protags is dead, another is dead in real life, Mayhew looks like he might kick it soon, and Hamill gets to just watch it all burn down.
>mrw I heard Disney bought Star Wars youtube.com
Makes the prequels look good.
He didn't do the editing, the guy that did A Hard Day's Night did. And Lucas himself didn't like the way it was turning out, so he asked his wife (and 2 other people btw) to step in.
>Han offers her a job after knowing her for 12 minutes while he rolled his eyes at Luke for the entire ANH
>Chewie loves her because... he just does, so shut up you hater
>Finn follows her like a puppy
>Leia hugs her at apparently random even if though she doesn't fucking know who she even is
The only one not sucking her dick is Poe cause he never met her.
Being a Mary Sue isn't just about abilities, it's about inserting your own pet character into the story and every established fucker in it just totes loves her omfg.
She was designed in a lab to be liked. Might as well have Kasdan and Abrams elbowing me during the entire movie saying
>Isn't she the best?
The only difference here is that it was created by a committee, not some lonely fuck on fanfiction.net, to be instantly liked. Reasons may vary. Abrams cause he's a hack that can't create a character who has to work for something so shit just falls into place, Kasdan cause he never contributed anything of value when not being propped by others, and Kennedy cause she thinks strong female characters must be some flawless perfect beings cause she thinks women can only relate to a female character if she's a blank they can imagine themselves in the role. She might be right about that one, but only by accident.
I fucking loved it, you're all taking it way too serious lol.