If you bring up feminism in any discussion as if it were a real problem, you're a loser and a man-child.
If you bring up feminism in any discussion as if it were a real problem, you're a loser and a man-child
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So, essentially, youre saying i cant criticize feminism?
lol fuck off
Based mexibro
Sorry about duplicate reply I was on mobile and it didn't show up
>western white women are hookers
>means rest of the women in the world that don't deserve to have basic human rights like being in the same toilet as a man
>western feminism means women > men
>lets apply western feminism to all cultures
>lets apply white women, the most degenerate whores to all women
kill yourself op
Problem is, the US being the culture center of the world sets the examples the world follows. The rest of the world is following this degeneracy, and there really won't be any escape, or red pilled country left
>as if it were a real problem
>essentially, youre saying i cant criticize feminism
>mexican intellectuals
You can criticize the latest shit you took under the bridge you live, but that's not what I said you fucking idiot.
Feminism isn't a problem.
Feminism is just affirming that women are human beings. I am a man, and I am proud and honoured to call myself a feminist.
>a fucking leaf
kissless virgin here, firm advocate of concentration camps for feminists
please die
nice trips tho
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. In a world where women literally have all their rights feminism is just excess.
That's funny because you brought it up.
Your a man-child by your own definition.
Ha ha, looser.
I can't tell if this is bait, or just somebody from Sweden
I second this.
Fuck you pseudo intellectuals crying about non issues.
Fuck your shit! Being expected to juggle feminism and immigrantism is a fucking nightmare, okay!?
A big bunch of feminists love to preach this ¨listen and believe¨ bullshit, which is extremely unfair to victims of false rape accusations.
I see that as a problem, ill continue to criticize and address feminism however i please, cry about it.
Yeah, except for the right to equal pay and not getting objectified or raped just for wearing what a woman wants to...
This is why we need feminism. But I wouldn't expect anyone here to understand.
What do people think of Shoe0nhead?
Other than spouting actual memes, shes fine with me
Personally I think the problem is that women are given freedom at all, rather than being sold into marriages by their fathers (in exchange for a bride price) to serve as breeding and child-raising slaves for the husbands who bought them.
But you retards let the bloody women vote and look where we ended up.
lol yeah lets just stand by and have them drug our boys because acting manly is a crime now thanks to feminism
if you dress like that you're objectifying yourself, just don't like to admit it
equal pay per day is not reasonable if one person babysits and the other breaks his back.
Making excuses for toxic masculinity is why so many LGBTQ2+ people like myself feel the need to hide our true selves, since your hate speech incites VERY REAL violence against us.
What the fuck?
It's illegal in the states to underpay someone based on their gender you fucking cancerous pleb.
Fucking Canadians.
Makes non-content.
Probably hasn't had an original thought in her life.
nice shit posting but you cant compete with australia
Access to a toilet might be considered a basic human right.
But access to the -same- toilet is needless and superfluous. So long as there's a toilet, need met.
That said, basic human rights are some bullshit because apparently faggots can get married to their loves, but pedos cant, and western heteromales run a 50% chance of having their shit ruined too, so marriage as a "basic human right" is a load of shit.
You deserve to experience violence against you, because you're a genetic mistake.
still gets to cash in on patreon with her bullshit
Rape can NEVER be justified. Why don't we go after the RAPISTS who look at poor girls like a piece of meat INSTEAD of the VICTIMS. THIS is why we absolutely 100% NEED feminism.
Laws are broken all the time. Institutional sexism is rife.
NO ONE deserves violence against them. No matter WHAT.
hi justin
Canadians deserve violence against them. If they choose to stand together, they are asking for efficient, en-masse type attacks to be used instead of messy, nasty, picky targeted killings.
You're a genetic fuckup. On top of being Canadian, you're a member of the faggot community and you enjoy spreading degenerate feminist propaganda. You'd be first into the oven.
Uninteresting and not a conservative. Talks exclusively about social non-issues and refuses to think for herself or discuss actual politics. Panders to right leaning basement dwellers for money.
And it works.
I can't take anything she says seriously, not because she's female but because she expresses female traits. It always seems like she's only making videos for validation
trips of truth
REALLY? The fact that people like this exist nowadays is genuinely scary... It makes me feel unsafe, even though I love in such a huge, loving, tolerant country... Scary, scary world, thanks to people like you... And then you have the gall to call ISIS monsters... You're literally WORSE than ISIS, Muslims only join ISIS because of whiteness and oppression and white European/North American bombing.
Shut up bong, the anglican church deserves purges. It's only Karma, you fuckers meddled and encouraged all that sectarian violence in the Levant, you deserve to suffer christian sectarian violence of the same sort.
"Theres a lot that wrong with feminism and your pseudo social justice movement.
It just teaches censorship on the basis that something is offensive.
Its a pseudo approach to issues that dont solve anything.
It detracts from real problems and creates a problematic ideology that is slam full of victimology."
I fucking hate you weak minded individuals.
Wholeheartedly agree. I honestly think her beliefs are driven be a desire for attention. She even tries to look like boxxy, I dunno maybe she sees herself as boxxy 2.0.
I'd really like to like her, but beneath her regurgitated ideas it's pretty obvious how dumb she is. It's even more obvious when she does actually include her own ideas. She's just a dumb attention whore. I'd like to fuck her face though and watch that heavy makeup run down her cheeks. She'd probably like it too, she seems to have a fetish for degrading herself.
Damn. Feminists are fucking racist.
We respect Mexicans around here.
Why don't you get your dickface out of Sarkeesian's asshole?
>girl forced to stand for male ideologies because her fanbase is mostly comprised of shut in nerds from Sup Forums
She's a tool. I bet her boyfriend writes her scripts.
It teaches censorship against HATRED that puts lives of the oppressed in danger... Of course, the privileged would never understand though.
Why the fuck are you defending Muslims, they literally want to kill you for the freak you are.
Good, you should have been aborted
Just ignore the canadian you fucking morons.
Either it's doing it for the (you)'s, or it genuinely believes this shit and is way too far gone for saving. 90% chance of the former.
Because they're misunderstood, and victims of the same oppressors of me. Islam is actually a beautiful religion.
What privilege?
You don't know shit about growing up a minority in a bad neighborhood.
Talk about privilege when your online, behind your keyboard being a part of this small percentage of people who cry about being victims, being afraid of a the larger narrative only letting out whatever half trues suit your own insecure needs.
You aren't proving a dam thing through your cluster fuck approach at life.
I wouldn't hate you if you were a man and wanted to be a woman or vice versa I hate you because of feminism and only that SO FUCK YOU.
Go to Sweden, see if feminism is a real problem or not.
Aborted WHEN? At the design stage?
Before the third trimester
I would prefer AFTER your life was concieved.
I third this
>muh wage gap
Literally a myth.
feminism is literally cancer tho
Trump will eradicate all feminists.
You were in a bad neighbourhood not because you're a victim of oppression like PoCs and undocumented migrants, but due to personal shortcoming.
This in itself proves white privilege and your stubborn denial of this FACT.
Well done son
No it isn't. It's regressive horseshit.
I say this as a gay person. It's trash just like every religion. Stop making excuses for them.
I'm white and grew up in a bad neighbourhood. Nothing says "white privilege" like being the first to get beaten up every week and getting punished by teachers for fighting back.
And guess what. Behaviour such as yours is what enabled it all.
>muh nobody deserves violence
>muh beautiful Islam
>muh wage gap
>muh better than Australia at shitposting
Well congratulations, you've got no life experience.
>undocumented migrants
Illegals should be deported without question
I'm Mexican you stupid fucking bitch.
Actually I'm a youth councillor for LGBTQ2+ kids, I have a degree in indigenous studies and sexual minority studues.
What does the 2 stand for?
Your fucking cancer on Sup Forums and having said those are your degree everyone here with a opposed opinion to you is still smarter than you based off of life experience.
Fucking canadian trash
Being a sugar mommy for a bunch of mentally ill rejects doesn't mean you know life.
Having these degrees doesn't mean you know anything. Some of the biggest idiots I've ever met have these degrees.
Maybe you should get a degree in banter, it always seems Australia's got the edge on you there.
2-spirited. It is usually used by Aboriginal and Latinx gender non-confirming/queer people
Not if I bring up the contraditions of feminists. For instance them claiming to fight rape while they support politics that increase rape statistics (see the "refugee" crisis).
Or the fact that most support multiculturalism, which includes cultures where women are really put down.
You could actually say that in that regard you are more feminist than the so called feminists.
>Abbos need 2 spirits
>still not human
She's cute
This proves why uneducated people shouldn't be allowed to vote. This is what causes Trump and Brexit.
Happy I voted Trudeau, even though we need a non-white, non-male PM to understand the plight of oppressed PoCs/LGBTQ2+/women who are Canadians.
Wow. Justin took the time from his busy schedule just to post here. What an honour.
Fuck off and go kill yourself.
didnt know our prime minister browses pol
Feminists are a hate gruop.
They hate men.
They especially hate white men
They have an extra special poisonous bilious hate for white christian men .
Just because they hurt your precious white feelings by challenging your privilege doesn't mean they hate you.
Videogames are a male safespace, men are being oppressed by feminists
Please kill yourself, you will never impress a suitable life-mate with your lever of intelligence you would be doing us all a favor by drinking bleach before you realize in your a late age that your degrees will have amounted to shit.
That's a threat. If you lived in Canada, I would have you arrested for that sort of hate speech.
Nice troll
Make like a tree and leaf
I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk seriously about modern feminism crap in real life.
What the fuck I love Mexicans now
Die alone behind your keyboard.
Knowing that your opinion doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and you are only a tool to be used by corporations to cause divisiveness among gender and races.
I don't need feminism to know that my gay friend are equal to me.
I don't need feminism to know that my wife is my equal half.
Die alone behind your keyboard knowing that you don't really exist outside of your own little egocentric head.
Terrible damage control
You must work for CTR
So only women are to be listened to and believed?
I bet you don't think misandry is a real word. Only recently has Firefox's spellcheck recognized it as a word.
Did Sweden's AIDs make its way over to you through the water supply or what?
>ad hominem
t. Teenage turbopoofter
and if you think Feminism ISN'T a problem then you're a woman and your opinion is worthless anyways!
>the right to equal pay
The fuck are you talking about men don't have equal pay either.
So glad I'm not so weak as to be hurt by words on the interwebs. Must be hard in a country that makes laws to persevere the shit in the gene pool
Oh I'm laffin'
It was good up until this point, this one was too obvious though.
Thanks for your work, 1 shekels has been deposited.
Sometimes i find it hard to tell if trolling, or if they add on more nonsense.