Explain this Sup Forums

Explain this Sup Forums
>Only 6 percent of scientists identify as Republican
>whereas 55 percent identify as Democratic

Other urls found in this thread:


>source: my ass

it's pew

>only 1 percent of journalists identify as leaning right
>whereas 99 percent of journalists identify as leaning left

really makes you think

wtf i'm with her now

That leaves 39% smart enough to not give any kind of shits.

>really makes you think
that's not how this meme works, retard. You post it in response to shitty infographics, not to actual stats

>>only 1 percent of journalists identify as leaning right
>>whereas 99 percent of journalists identify as leaning left
that's irrelevant to the stats about scientists tho. rlymakesyouthink huh?

Scientists are hostile to republicans which keeps republicans from choosing to become scientists.

kill yourself

>not giving a shit about the world around you is smart