You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
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You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
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Based Travis.
Any link to the related story? Neo-nazis btfo LGBT?
Congratulations on winning the war goyim, why not have a soda to celebrate?
In all fairness fake sugars are bad for you in tonnes of other ways that are much worse.
Real sugar gives you diabetes. Fake sugar gives you cancers, lowers testosterone, can trigger addictions to other drugs etc.
Now THAT triggers me
you just lost
Doesn't the UK have civil court? I mean that many priors, unprovoked, and with good witnesses would mean a huge payday in burgerland.
have another
out of all the shit in this thread
why is it that this makes me rage the most
Here's a synopsis:
Google: Antifa in sacramento
Didn't rage but I vommed a little
Does that count?
Not sure, man. Maybe a kind Britisher can fill us in.
>You will never reach the same pinnacle as a WHITE man in this system because you are BLACK!
God I love it when leftism comes full circle.
another one
Haha I remember this article...It's like 12-14 years old I believe? I was in High School at the time, unless this is another woman.
They always seem to completely ignore the fact that the most powerful man on the planet is a black man right now.
>Not Nathaniel de Rothschild
>Fake sugar gives you cancers, lowers testosterone, can trigger addictions to other drugs etc.
This has not been borne out by most studies.
Here's a nice short one.
Good luck.
I don't get it
So many questions..
Like.. How did she shit?
>Lefties are the real racists
That's just hilarious more than anything.
I don't have much rage, so have a story instead
What the fuck is wrong with kids these days?
Wife and Daughter treat him horribly. The Stepfather pays for the wedding but isn't invited for it. He has enough of it and leaves.
I want off this ride.
Yeah wait so he realized he was being completely cucked and then mastering his own emotions during an incredibly challenging instant, manned tf up and removed toxic people from his life in one fell swoop?
This is like a glimmer of hope in a sea of dread.
I want to punch this bitch and I dont even know her.
fuck that fucked my day up.
I dont think its quite on this level but the school im attending has an SJW club that has been hassling the other clubs
God dammit. Fucking lost.
yes he did. It's a pretty hopeful post, but it's also to highlight how bad some people can be.
This almost certainly didn't happen, and if it did, that guy has the easiest lawsuit in history.
So, there's that comfort.
I mean, vets keep track of absolutely everything. They would have it on record that they were basically putting down a healthy dog, that's very easy to get a hold of that record.
I have to stop coming to Sup Forums at 11pm-3am at night. Because my blood is boiling too much.
I just lost hard guise.
Putin isn't black you know...
The fact that this is a vertically-oriented photo that was likely taken with a smart phone is also rage-inducing.
you and me both, brother. I don't know why I keep coming back to these threads.
I've noticed this growing trend of people who are simply attempting to be reasonable being lumped in with neo-nazi's and right wingers.
We need a nuclear holocaust.
>easiest lawsuit
Assuming he didn't kill himself.
>right to civil disobedience
>right to break the law to harass "tha bad meanies >:(" because they disagree with you
If I had the easiest lawsuit in history on my hands, I wouldn't be suicidal. I'd be happy for my chance to get revenge on that whore.
The "skin became one with the sofa" as a result of decomposition after death. She wasn't literally melded to the sofa while she was still alive.
why doesnt anyone help him?
Wasn't the end to this picture good? I vaguely remember her getting doxxed, arrested, and fired.
No thank you.
What good is revenge if you can't enjoy it with man's best friend? Fuck the world if pupper is kill.
Also, I'm really not sure what kind of lawsuit you believe he could have against his ex-wife. Dogs are property. If ownership transferred to the woman, she can legally dispose of her property as she sees fit.
this gives me feels, not rage
Yeah she did/was.
wtf i love texans now
>man electrocuted in subway station
>why didn't other people help him, tho
This is rage inducing. Like vein popping rage. Like I wanna kill that woman with a spoon kinda rage.
Well, it would be, if I didn't become numb to the world.
Even if his life wasn't obviously worthless... there is no safe way to help that man.
He's basically fucked. I mean, he's obviously in contact with some very high voltage (hence the, y'know, fucking smoke). There's nothing you can do.
Similar to how those people who spent like 30 years with a ball and chain around their ankle had their skin heal over it?
"The woman photographed clowning around near the Tomb of the Unknowns, and her co-worker who took the picture, have been fired, their employer announced Tuesday evening."
That's what you get for being a disrespectful cunt. Also it was a trip paid for by her work.
Pretty sure he was making fun of the chick filming and saying "Why isn't anyone doing anything?"
Holy fuck is this a thing? The amount of posts in here like this is amazing
Obama is half white
Obongo cannot do anything close to what Putin can do. Obama is too loved, while Putin doesn't need anyone's approval to fuck shit up
I'll post my folder
She died at the hospital
Well done.
These kids need a shotgun to face.
Does this actually happen? I want to read about it. "skin heals over ball and chain" and similar searches aren't working
Resisting capitalism by buying a product of capitalism.
That uppity cunt will press her luck one day and find herself in jail, just like all of her kind.
Oh my, that's delicious. I am literally salivating.
yeah im a vegetarian now thanks australia
Sweat can do some pretty righteous things if you give it lots of time and not moving around.
Take it easy there edgemeister.
This again? I remember someone actually took the time to make a high definition version of this. It still baffles me.
My thoughts exactly