DCEU thread

really makes me think

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Based Snyder the prophet we don't deserve.

thats pretty neat actually

>the space man
>the ambassador
>the knight

>tfw we are finally going to see bruce/clark bromance on screen

Apollo, Athena, and Hades.

Maybe in JL 2. We're getting Bruce and Arthur bromance first.

You're probably right. but hopefully it ends with them forming the justice league with a nice snyder kino shot.

Getting reall concerned about Justice League 2bh

>Driving towards oncoming enemy
>Jumps forward anyway

Fucking drunk

Looking at webm makes me worried how Joss is going to ruin this.

Ungrateful women, Batman should have left them with the human trafficker

That's what Snyder is aiming for.

can you really buy women in America?


Nice try FBI

november is still far away

btw we will be getting a new trailer in comic con

If I go hunting am I going to find you, capetourist?

Who does this? I surely don't.

by the people in the dc universe you dense marvelkid

he better show up in a sequel

Recommended watching


An effective summation of the philosophical difference between BvS and Civil War (and to some extent DC and Marvel)

How civil war treats the world and people in it as background fodder despite the movie pertaining to be about the effect of Heroes on the world, unlike BvS which develops that theme through actually looking at the world and people in it and how they view or are effected by the heroes


But the DCEU has made more money in a much shorter time compared to marvel and won more prestigious awards

Zack King Snyder

Marvel portrays a cartoon world where the world exists to fill the need of superheroes while Snyder portrays a world where superheroes have to adapt and navigate through a world that exists independent of those heroes.

The Holy Trinity of DC are actually a reflection of the most popular human religious archetypes.

Superman is your sun-god jesus.
Wonder Woman is your violently sexual earth mother huntress.
Batman is your bisexual moon intellect who also assumes the masculine hunter.

This guy knows what's up. Superman has aspects of the ideal enlightenment Renascence man as well.

I loved BvS but I know whedon is gonna cuck us on JL. What's worse is that we will see a spectre of what based Zach intended

Snyder's vision is too bold for the Marvelized base of critics and fanboys. I think BvS is going to end as the peak of this now creatively dead genre. Geoff Johns and Whedon are bad news to me. Very bad news.

Fucking whedon man. Literally nobody disliked the score for BvS. He probably thought XL is too dark. Fucking Danny elfman playing a flute

>the awesome
>the gay
>the guy with no ears

Yeah Im seriously bummed that we wont be hearing a Junkie XL Justice League score.

Elfman is also completely wasted under TV Josh.

>creepy neighbor

You can't ruin what's already shit.

ok this really made me think..

This is what DCucks actually want to believe

Nah it's actually real.
It wasn't consciously done until Grant Morrison got a hold of it though.

The absolute state of that webm. It's like someone's dad was asked to make a scene that the kids would think was cool and that's what he came up with.

>invasion of new york
>75 dead
>they got evacuated right away guys!

Fuck this shit

admired like the Father
adored like the Son
feared like the holy Ghost

Imagine being a Marvel fan where your movies are so bland and forgettable you spend your days in these threads instead.

But Superman is supposed to be Jesus, not WW!

Best Batman.

Forgot image

>they made Harley Quinn a cultural icon last year
>they made Wonder Woman a cultural icon this year
>they are going to make fucking Aquaman a normie icon come november

The score was decent.
The use of the score was atrocious, namely the use of WWs theme for everything.


>tfw no longer have to explain what Aquaman does aside from "talks to fish"

I thought that was the asian girl from Gran Torino.

Then I thought I was just being racist.

Then I googled it and it actually is her.

How can anyone think this is poorly done.

fuck the flick but goddamn batman looks great dressed like this..

its a shame the whole movie wasnt set in this universe.

I'm a dad. I think it's cool. Fuck off to reddit, numale.

WW was born on Earth like Jesus.

Then what do we do with all the Superman/Jesus imagery Snyder has been shoving down our throats for two movies?

what the fuck are those flying things?


Wait two films.

That is if Snyder is developing the story.

I bet anybody who's not a big comic book fan walked out of the movie wondering that. And who that Mexican looking dude that came out of the screen was too. And what the fuck did all that shit have to do with the rest of the movie.

I havent seen the movie. Im just curious what they are

Well what do we do with all this Jesus is God imagery the catholic church has been shoving down out throats for 2k years?

Superman is God the father
WW is the son (daughter)
Batman is the ghost

Its a trinity. I'm not sure how it holds up. I think the Marvel Universe is shit. I'm not liking the DC universe any better. I think the DC characters work better on film with separate non intersecting mythology and stories. They can have Justice League shit on paper comics but let them shine alone. Especially Superman. He deserved a full 3 movie treatment with an individual story arc and content as rich and fulfilling as the Dark Knight series was for Bat fans. Then when that's done you cab have your DC universe mix-em-up shit show.

>And what the fuck did all that shit have to do with the rest of the movie.
You know that talk about "if there's a 1% chance of superman being evil we must take it as sure thing"? This is why


Parademons that also attack Superman's minions? And some Latino looking guy coming out of the screen to give Bruce some criptic warning?
I mean, the nightmare was pretty redundant and unnecessary during the whole first half, but it made sense as to why was it included. But everything that happens after the parademons show up makes no sense whatsoever.

shouldnt superman be fat since he has never really exerted much energy on earth. all earthling exercise would do nothing for him

>Superman is God the father
But if that's the case, then why did Snyder include it as a subsitute of Jesus in all the religious imagery he mimicked?

They're parademons, creatures at the orders of Darkseid, the big bad from DC.

Superman is the Son
Jonathan Kent is the Father
Jor-El is the Holy Ghost

>lets run up to batman and flail around till he decides to do something
looks fake as fuck

>tfw Matt Reeves forgets to expand on the horror elements of Batman

They wanted him alive.

Holy shit it's real

They're not attacking his minions. They're scooping up the dead for "processing."

Junkie XL is still listed as a music credit for the project on IMDB, at least last I looked. I have a feeling he'll still have a presence in the film.

I think we're going to find out that metahumans have less to do with genetics and a lot more to do with metaphysics. I think that's part of what Lex learned from the scoutship, and part of what the Enchantress was talking about.

alright buddy, better not hit him then
is that a thing in the DC universe?

Let's be honest, most of the time in comics Wonder Woman is irrelevant as fuck, even when they're pushing this Trinity sorta of bullshit. She's just there to act haughty and cold, and violent, while also attempting to get Superman all hyped up on the belief that he's some sorta god and with it tempt him into using his power to do some real damage with the excuse that anything he wishes to do is automatically morally right because of who he is. With Batman usually having to tell her off and remind Superman that he's not above humanity, specially because Batman can kick his ass if he ever tries to chimp out as a reminder.

Basically, she's usually portrayed as the bitch who's there to create relationship drama between Superman and Batman.

What kind of shit comics have you been reading? Geoff Johns New52 Justice League?

That only happen in comics centered around Superman which happen to have all three (like Kingdom Come). Those really have Wonder Woman acting as some sort of Lady Macbeth. There's nothing adoring about her. She's a mean bitch that in the end is put in her place by Superman (usually using his dick).

But in stories centered around the whole team, which are less about wanking Superman and more about the whole team and their dynamic, that usually doesn't happen.

>is that a thing in the DC universe?
It's probably going to be less about genetics and "scientific" explanations and more something involving actual magic.

There are tons of example like that, including the New 52 runs of Justice League and Superman/Wonder Woman. For example Kingdom Come, like remembered, or Dawyn Cooke's DC: The New Frontier (or the animated movie Justice League: The New Frontier), or Frank Miller's DKR series, or even some of Wonder Woman own solo runs.

That really is an oversimplification of Kingdom Come, though. It ignores context. None of the trinity was either perfectly in the right *or* perfectly in the wrong.

Wonder Woman was a major bitch in Kingdom Come and nearly got all superheroes killed with her bloodlust and incompetence.

Something tells me that aspect of WW is going to be lost with DCEU's safer tone.

>Something tells me that aspect of WW is going to be lost with DCEU's safer tone.
And it's good because it's the worst version of WW. Any of the good ones aren't like that.
And yes, she was kind of a bitch in KC but that's because Waid, like Johns, doesn't know how to write female characters.

IMO that's the most accurate way to write them.

Diana wasn't totally wrong in KC. Drastic times *do* call for drastic measures, and I'd say superhuman "gangs" warring over turf counts as drastic. Maybe if Supes had let her off the leash earlier, a couple of good "examples" would have served to bring others more in line.

There was no time for Clark's kinder, gentler approach, because an entire baby boom of "heroes" grew up without him there to lead by example, and when your example is no longer enough, you're left with no choice but to face your opponents on their level. War is and always will remain the final diplomacy.

Maybe if he'd listened to Diana more, it would have ultimately cost fewer lives.

Of course you do. You're a manchild like Waid who probably throws tantrums like he does.


Superman jacked as fuck.

Holy crap. It really is bottomless, isn't it?

>Superman is your sun-god jesus.
Doubtful since Jews hate Jesus hard af and Superman was created by Jews.

You're both wrong. Kingdom Come is basically the story of everything going to shit once Superman ins't there anymore to show people how it is done. You can see that every hero, be them the new bastards led by Magog's shitty example or the established ones left cold by Superman, had let their powers go into their heads and were pretty much acting as dictators. The new ones fighting among themselves over turfs and the old ones ruling their cities with an iron grip. Even Batman, who was technically only human, had lost his shit.

Diana was there basically to force and manipulate Superman into action, but her kind of "action" which was extreme one, because she had become disgraced in the eyes of her people for failing to bring peace to Man's World in all her time and was lived about it, and so she wanted to change things around by force and quickly, but the only thing she did was escalate the situation, and the more things escalated the more extreme she'd get. Creating the unsustainable cycle that ended in the story tragedy.
So she was decidedly in the wrong. She's told this by Superman (after he was sucked into her plans) and by a Batman that was shamed into action by Superman. Because Mark Waid thought that a character who's a warrior that war in the name of peace and love is stupid. So after being told several times by the people closest to her how her people's way is stupid and seeing the ugly result of her stupidity she finally calms down and decide to live the rest of her life teaching the new heroes how to not be as stupid as her and playing the role of a dead woman for her new husband.

Wondy is the most reassuring.

Human trafficking occurs all over the world

In BvS? They use it like once.

>superhero characters stay faithful to their creation

Ok I know this gets thrown out a lot but this looks like a video game level.

There's a lot of negative connotations immediately perceived when someone says that, so let me try to break it down and know I'm just trying to be objective:

>Non-fiction, fantasy subject matter
>Something fantastic with little regard to physics is taking place on screen
>Characters not wearing normal clothes and doing something extraordinary
>The entire backround and a majority of the foreground is not real, it's CG

Not to say this is bad, but the last point is what really sticks out to where it may feel like you're not watching a movie which is what people may notice and not like.

What I can say with certainty that is shit is the fucking colors holy shit. It's blue, orange and shadows and literally nothing else. You don't even what aquaman is fighting or even the color of his armor.
Maybe if change the scene to where its not another apocaylpse, urban battlefield, they can have more freedoms with colors.

Does the fact that nobody on Sup Forums appears to have been talking about how Wonder Woman is literally Third Wave Feminism: The Film prove that most of people on here who complain about feminism or feminazis at any given opportunity don't actually know what it is they're rallying against outside of a blinkered preconceived notion of what Feminism actually is without any actual basis in research or even general knowledge?

It's probably due to the fact that enjoyable movies always overcome stale bait.