""""anti globalist"""""

>""""anti globalist"""""
>personally profits from globalism to the tune of millions of dollars by selling condos to the chinese or manufacturing all of the cheap crap he stamps his name on abroad.
>"b-b-but he only does that because he HAS to! once he assumes office he will stop! he said so in at his rallies"

Take a step back. Think about it. Do you really think he will put a dent in globalism instead of accelerating it even more?

Now perform your mental gymnastics.

Neocons oppose him.

Literally just for this reason anyone both from the left and from the right should vote for him.


fuck off

Drumpkins everyone

Neo cons endorsed him once he brought Pence aboard.

What's wrong Drumpfkins? Cant defend your God emperor huh?

Sure, Wolfowitz&co. basically became his lovers.

Trump is unclean just like Hillary. Hillary is worse though. At least you get to choose which one you'd like to destroy your country.

The lack of TRUMPLETS is very telling.

the reason globalism worked is because nobody big even pretended it was real. for decades it was literally considered a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.

Thanks for correcting the record, faggot.

We've already thought about this and debated it. We're for Trump because he's literally OUR GUY

>>"b-b-but he only does that because he HAS to! once he assumes office he will stop! he said so in at his rallies"
You just blew the fuck out of your own shitty argument with that parody.
Pro tip: when making the "nervous parody quote" post, don't make that argument better than your own.
>you really think he will put a dent in globalism
yes. What now cuck?
If you think Globalism is so bad, then why are you shilling for Hillary? If you hate globalism then voting Trump is your only option, since Hillary and Johnson don't even pretend to be anti-globalist. If you're for globalism and think Trump is a globalist, then vote for him.

So let's assume you end up being right and Trump is playing us all for suckers. What difference would it make? Hillary would do the same thing plus invade other countries.

Randlet and sleepy Ben already lost and are doubtful to have success next election.

If the global elite didn't want him to win, he wouldn't have even won the primaries.
Sup Forums is just too ignorant to know that whoever the nominees are for president are just both global elite puppets.
Nothing ever not goes their way. Nothing.

Eric is best son

All other companies only do it because they HAVE to as well and there's nothing Drumpf can do to stop them :^)

There is plenty he can do you fucking idiot.

>OP tries and fails to redefine what globalism is.

He's anti-globalist in the sense that instead of being supported by "globalist elites", he's supported by Russian mafia subhumans.

Do you even know what globalism actually is?

i like globalism, i was happy my job was outsourced. i hate career politicians.
trump ftw