/who/ - Doctor Who General

We Dogtor Whoof now edition.

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Will series 11 be made for a spring release?

I'm the 13rd Doctor, AMA

I'm going to drink some water afterwards
no eating or drinking anything during the episode, because that's just a distraction and I have self control

I can't wait for Chibnalls supernatural kinos. He seems to be really into the Demon stuff.

Are you a good boy?

Not the smoothest loop but I gave it a crack.

Dubs confirm Chibnall dies before he finishes writing series 11.

How did you land the job a second time, McGann?

He's wasted in the role
A bit like the real Prince Phillip desu

god I fucking hope so

*sips tea*


Who did she get on with better BTS?
Smith or Caps?

Enough with all the "woman Doctor" crap.
We need a non-binary Doctor.


Quick! Cast the next Master

*eats sandwich*

>he wants people to die
hi edgelord

Depends on who is 13th Doctor. If it's Kris Marshall look for actors who would be suited to his style.

Capaldi was at the women's march

Wouldn't that be an interesting plot point and a great way to introduce that?

How many Time Lords have ever had two regeneration cycles given to them?

Maybe when a Time Lord gets a second set, its body has a predisposition to regenerate into one of his previous forms, which could be a way to reintroduce McGann and eventually explain Tom Baker as the Curator.


ah serve chips

That lassie got glassed, and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it.

When will Tom Baker figure out how to regenerate in real life?

I woulf take a page out of JNT's book and cast Arthur Darvill


If they can bring back Simm then they can and in my opinion it's time to bring back David Tennant. Show hasn't been as good without him.

Capaldi I think. Either way it looks like she got on with him much better than Pearl. Jenna talked about having fun on set and stuff, all the previous new who casts actually, yet Pearl said there was no time for fun.

I want this so much.

It wasn't good with him either so that's a moot point.


As soon as someone manages to cover peter davison in flour and lay him ontop of Tom Baker


>tfw all that speculation during Series 6 that Rory was going to either be The Master or Omega
>tfw it seemed more likely than the usual "is x actually the Rani???" due to how fast Rory went from a cuckold to alpha as fuck
>all the speculation about how the Doctor would survive his death in The Impossible Astronaut
>tfw there was no way that the person behind the shack in the background was just a shadow
>nope, he just faked his death with a robot, nothing clever or anything

still mad

They aren't casting a new Master. Kris is going to use Simm a few more times to show how he develops into Missy.

Leaked clip from series 11

When series 11 filming is likely to happen?


PopBitch ran an article on how Pearl is a Huge diva
She was even giving acting tips to Capaldi and talking down to the production staff.

How much of that is true?
I dunno

Your Chips will be upgraded.

>the person behind the shack in the background

holy fuck I completely forgot about that, does someone have a screencap? it genuinely looked like someone was standing there, too, not just a blurry shape that looked like a person if you squinted.

I remember after Let's Kill Hitler we were all in denial about how shit it was and convinced ourselves that the Doctor faked his death during the period when he was poisoned in the TARDIS and was off-screen for a few minutes. I can't remember the details but I remember thinking it was 100% going to be that because it made so much sense and I was pissed at myself for spoiling it.

Instead we got a literal deus ex machina resolution to that mystery

She is a half caste nigger they all have rotten attitudes.




Yeah, that sounds quite similar to what Matt Lucas (Nardole) said about Pearl. He called her "hard work." Seems she's just up herself.


Who hype for Bradley Cliffhanger tomorrow?

Did she ever forgive dave? How did moff forget about this arc?

you finally got the chicken salt?

are u legit stupid?

bacon salt too!

That was setup bantz

That time the wind blew up Jennas dress


Matt was obsessed with Karen and seemingly only wanted to work with Karen; right after she quit, he quit. I think not being able to work with Jenna anymore is part of what caused Peter to be like ummm I'm over this.

dunno. But she had a hard time forgiving Arya

that's quite clearly a joke video user

what's with everyone using streamable now instead of youtube?

oh holy fuck thats the stick bitch


I hate the Girl who died so much
>Horned comical vikings
>Bad acting from everyone
>Teletubbie Odin.


it was a fun romp with some good characterkino

Jenna and Matt seemed to have fun despite only working together for less than 1 series:

That was the only time I've ever wanted a one-off character to come back.

No gold for Google
Only fans can comment
Trolls are easily blocked

>I love beavers
what did matt mean by this?

Since we're discussing on-set chemistry right now.
Did Billie and Barrowman get along with Eccleston ?

I just re-watched An Adventure in Space and Time. I'm pretty sure the Christmas special is gonna turn me into a moved as fuck mess. I hate that. But it's true.

back when confidential existed it was easy to tell people who had good chemistry

I went to a Con and Matt would literally not shut up about Karen. Every answer somehow had to do with her, even when that's not what the person asked. He didn't even mention Jenna once.

>Only fans can comment
what does that mean?

If I was running Doctor Who I would hire a guy to hide somewhere in the background of every episode and never explain it

which was the confidential with Barrowman bringing Tennant cake while he was waiting in a car?
>I got cake

I suppose it was one of the finale episodes for either 3 or 4. Confidential was at its peak comfiness in those series. Even the Fear Her one was great, I think that was when they were trying to get a cat to act and it would just wander away every time

barrowman and tennant had good banter

I want a season of Missy and the Doctor traveling together, and she just occasionally fucks things up to mess with him

why didn't you get the bakers, /who/?

>tfw you will never get high with Arthur Darvill and make music with shitty instruments from the shop down the road

We'll get the OTHER bakers

DWM 514 link anyone?

>what does that mean?
>what did matt mean by this?

She would have made a great companion

I've got a bag of jelly babies waiting for the final

Matt Whelan was right to attack Mini Matt Smith I defended Mini Matt Smith but him claiming to know who 13 is and goad about it constantly is getting really annoying. The little prick knows nothing and it's not going to be Tom Rosenthal no matter how much he wants a matt smith 2.0.

Barrowman later stated that working with David was a breeze while Chris was very insular and professional

in other words Eccelston was up his own arse and had no time for anybody

>up his own arse
Some people don't care about making friends with their coworkers. It doesn't mean they think they're better than everyone else, just that they're not interested in being social.

that host is pretty bloody annoying, but god I want to hang out with arthur and matt now

Piper nicknamed Tennant, Doctor Ten Inch

>secretly you know

Yeah I don't give a fuck how old he is, he is a cunt

david looks like an awkward virgin there

Do you agree?

For future series get rid of the annoying fan show.
Bring back Doctor Who confidential!
Hire better poster promo makers
Less scenes spoiled in next time trailers
No more preview scenes

The majority of the Who fanbase is female now though.

was Moffat trying to remake Series 1 with Series 8?
>Mickey=Danny Splink
that's all I got

>For future series get rid of the annoying fan show.
>Bring back Doctor Who confidential!
>Hire better poster promo makers
I sincerely doubt they'll have the money for any of those changes

>Less scenes spoiled in next time trailers
absolutely want this. Practically everything about WEaT besides bill getting shot and becoming a cibber was given away in the next time trailer

>No more preview scenes
Would be nice but I think they consider it necessary marketing now

>For future series get rid of the annoying fan show
I don't really care whether they keep it or not, it's non-intrusive. If it means Confidential can come back, then I'd have it axed in an instant though.
>Bring back Doctor Who confidential!
>Hire better poster promo makers
>Less scenes spoiled in next time trailers
>No more preview scenes
In an ideal world I'd love next time trailers and clips to go entirely, and for the show to genuinely feel like you could end up anywhere next week - but you have to advertise so what can you do?
The Simm thing was a fucking mistake, but that's partly the Sun's fault (but also the BBC's for trusting the Sun).

Clara already knew everything about the doctor and she's nothing like Rose. Only thing they have in common is a negro boyfriend

Looks like Freddy Krueger: The Dog

Hardly helps moral during the long waits between takes if the star of the show can't be bothered to show a bit of interest in the lesser mortals

I think that crowd is just an outspoken minority. Most people I know who watch Doctor Who and are well-adjusted really keep to themselves about it. The people who are outspoken and walk around with sonic screwdriver toys in public are the loud tumblr/twitter autists. I mean shit, my dad has been watching the show since literally the day it aired and I had no idea for years because he normally just watches Star Trek TNG reruns and old movies.

on a side note does anyone have that before and after picture of Jenna at a convention where in between photos someone asked her if her vagina was bigger on the inside and her expression changes from :) to :l

Eccleston literally said he left the show because the higher ups were treating the crew poorly and the working conditions they were in upset him.