Elderly father

>Elderly father
>Over 30 year old mother
Say hello to a future /r9k/ user

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We can only hope that America's Augustus Caesar (Peace be upon Him) will take as many redpills as possible in his upbringing.

People go to /r9k/ because they failed with women, and blame everything on white girls while suffering from autism/ADHD

He seems like a nice young man.

>melania trump will never walk you to school while reminding you of your orthodontist appointment after school in Czech accent

He's already surpassed his father

>a eastern european whore with a false visa will never walk you to school while you try to piece together a way to keep the kids at school from making fun of your whore mother

Lord Baron Harkonnen

Why do they always look so retarded.You will think having billions will ring a bell to learn how to look better but nah.They look like a satire characters and the most amusing thing is that they are still better in every way than hillary.

>Over 30 year old mother

who the fuck am I posting here with

Is having a mother that shat you out at 15 after a quick random shag in the bushes "redpilled" now?

>will take as many redpills as possible in his upbringing
tfw you will never take papa Trumps big ol' repbill from behind

[spoiler]I have an ace tho

wtf I like r9k now

Baron confirmed for Autism shoes

mommy bought them with his gbp

hahah hillary will win

nah he'll marry a pretty jewish goldigger

his mother is literally a third-rate porn "star". from the most disgusting part of europe no less. the entire family is degenerate garbage. no politics. just pure genetic degeneracy. the entire family is just fucking subhuman.

>the other kids who i assume are the same age

genetically superior

>tfw no slavic mommy to buy you american made autism shoes with gbp


>Over 30 year old mother

Since when is that a bad thing?


Since the time it causes autism. I.e. forever.

Autism isnt real, its a jewish lie
I would know, because doctors have been telling me I have Autism since I was 4 years old. And I seem as normal as most people.

>10 years old
>looks to be about 5'6-5'7 already, hasn't even hit puberty yet
>son of a billionaire and a world class fashion model
>all Trump children are successful, moral, and family oriented
There is literally no chance this kid ends up anything but a top tier alpha. He's going to be tall as fuck, attractive as fuck, well adjusted, non-degenerate, white, and rich. He'll literally be at the top of the male social ladder.

>world class fashion model

and then the DP porno vid appeared

>tfw you wore New Balance shoes as a kid as well

Something about seeing a BILLIONAIRE family buying their child New Balance, the poor man's shoe, seem so humanizing. The only explanation I can think of is that he has wide feet. New Balance was the only child's brand that carried wide feet.

You really are autistic if you don't believe that a proven psychological condition isn't real.

I have an autistic brother and live with an autist currently, so fuck off.

>hurt I live in squalor bland they live like royalty but they buy the same crap I do so it's okay I guess
You're a simpleton bro

>New Balance was the only child's brand that carried wide feet
same here, Baron is ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US

Except he's on the autism spectrum.

>ill Bill
>barren Barron
What the fuck is going on in America?

I feel you. I had to get them as a kid because everything else gave me blisters on account of my wide-ass feet. Had one cheap pair of shoes basically split open at the sides because they weren't wide enough. Thankfully I can get nicer ones that fit my feet now.

he looks like he has to take a huge piss or trump medicated him to suppress his inner rage

also his sister looks like a murloc

>autism spectrum because he doesn't care about boring politics

He's 10 years old, he just wants to be home playing Pokemon GO

dat dank bag pack tho

I'm an adult and I still spend most of my day wishing I was at home playing video games. Then I come home and don't play video games.


I want to make sweet love to Tiffany

Is there any proof of his autism?

>Pokemon GO
trump would never let one of his children play such a degenerate goyim game, only intergalactic 4D chess for little baron

nothing wrong with murloc love

[makes the sound of the murloc]

all chess is 4D

aspergers is a myth but autism is real and those doctors were right about you user

Politics is boring for a kid.

The possibility that a guy like trump may become the president of the USA says a lot about it's current state. Fucked. This guy is a complete joke. His whole family is a nightmare.
Jesus, I really hate Hillary but Trump is even worse.

What's wrong with NB?

>This is what we call a crowd.
Look at the fear in Barron's sway.

Donald Trump's wife, children campaign with him a rally in South Carolina

>aspergers is a myth but autism is real and those doctors were right about you user
sure thing, i know it's you again Dr. Rosenthal

>What's wrong with NB?

He's a fucking giant. Born to rule.

No seriously, tell me. In Europe you see them everywhere

they are nice shoes. They were known as autism shoes up until the last couple years. Now they are popular and all the cool kids wear them.

>In Europe you see them everywhere
Europoors confirmed.

New Balance is that brand your mother who works two jobs to provide for her autistic son buys.

>Now they are popular and all the cool kids wear them.

Then why are there so many kids on Sup Forums?

gee i wonder who is behind this post

Can Trump still get an erection naturally or does he have to take viagra?

i love this picture but i needs to be expanded
the don has enough allies and enemies to put a head on every piece here

yeah, I'm happy about them being popular with the "cool" crowd now. I can finally fit in

They are making a comeback in coolness

I can confirm that.


there are a lot of models of NB that are autism shoes, but not the kind barron is wearing here. if i know my NB right, these look to be 476's.

Baron Trump god of men, emperor of Amerika

Son of the god emperor.

Master of 10 Dimensional Checkers

No, you don't cuck.

Fuck off shill

Thank you for Correcting the Record!

Barron seems pretty autistic. I wonder if he inspired Trump to make that autism and vaccination tweet.

>implying trump would vaccinate barron

Being conceived by old parents increases the chances of having autism.

Check Wayne's twitter post:



"Does Trumps son has Autism? see for yourself."
Wayne Lambright

The future is bright... Lambright.

If you have a video of Barron Trump acting socially acceptable, then post it.

Please enlighten me, thanks.


It isn't a bad thing if his son has autism; if anything, it's good.

Autistic people are (unconventionally) the smartest people on the planet.

It's weird, man. I know Trump is 70 but I don't consider him elderly.

Before I tell you I want to know what Sup Forums has to do with politics

He's 10 years old, guys. He probably just wants to go home and play Nintendo or something.

Install these kents as the US Royal family when?

I would unironically support making Donald Trump the King of the United States.

Donald -- it's irresponsible to shoot semen into a fertile woman when you are 60 YEARS OLD.

Either Donald is an ignoramus, or he's irresponsible. Not suited to become president.

No they're not.

The smartest people on the planet are disciplined scientists. If you want to feel better about being a sperg living in your mom's basement, then just understand that there's no instruction manual to life, you don't actually have to do jackshit, nobody is keeping score.

But no point in lying just to preen your tiny malnourished ego.

wtf i hate dahnald now am #cruzmissile


>Say hello to a future /r9k/ user
/r9k/ -> /fit/ -> /asp/ -> Sup Forums -> /k/ -> /white house/

Implement laws forbidding men less than 50 years old from impregnating a woman

Implement laws forbidding women less than 40 year olds from being impregnated by a man.

Melania was 36 YEARS OLD when Trump 60 YEARS OLD shot his sperm into her, to create an autistic child. Is this not sick to anyone else besides myself?

More than* not less than* sorry I'm drunk

Autistic people shouldn't be forced to be born

Did you just reply to yourself to make the exact same statement?

He will be tall af when he grows up

Isn't it sick for a woman to birth a child by a man who is 24 years older than her?

Trump is a Clinton plant. Now it's becoming way too obvious.

>Melania was 36 when she gave birth to Barron
>Donald tweeted that vaccines cause autism
Barron definitely does have autism. He is like Robert De Niro, blaming autism on vaccines and not on the mother being old when she gave birth to the child.

I'm bumping this thread.

Sup Forums is so biased for Donald

This election should make you all realize that the two-party system is absolute shit.

Barron Trump
John Reviewbrah

How could you blame this on Melania? Donald was 60 when he shot his sperm into her. Donald should be blamed, not gold-digger Melania.

Trump, at age 60, should've felt lucky to even fuck her.

Why would he feel the need for her to birth a child for him?

It's disgusting. Now we're stuck with another autist in the world.


/r9k/, nay Sup Forums would never recover

>This election should make you all realize that the two-party system is absolute shit.
Then you should become an activist for proportional representation. It is the only reason the two party system exists.

this is no pepe

>if i know my NB right, these look to be 476's.

they are the 576's which are worn by hipsters trying to wear ironically ugly shoes.

The trumps bought them in the traditional colors which kind of defeats the purpose.

>proportional representation
Then a bunch of literal socialists, social democrats and general anti-freedom parties will be voted in like in Europe. The two-party system is a necessary evil to keep a stable political system.

>having pictures of your mother's tits all over the internet
that's a future school shooter

>if i know my NB