Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
good thread
Fuck yeah, dead meme thread. Give me all the (You)s, triggered underaged warm scalps.
Sup Forums, I'm deadmeme
Never saw the movie, someone explain the context of this scene?
Fucks sake can you stop it already with this shitty forced meme?
You're CIA? No, we're CIA.
why did Bane say they expect one body in the wreckage brother when CIA was clearly lying about only listing 1 of the 3 prisoners on the manifest
that good looking guy died for nothing
the classic, I can dig it.
You are CIA? That means..
Someone get this hothead outta hereĀ”
You don't get to bring friends
>Dr. Pavel, the sauna is ready.
Hot. Head. Out.
>Smee open the door! It's not funny!
dead meme. let it go. it's for the best
originmemeing is the lowest meme. come back another day boooy
What did Nolan mean with this frame?
>Uhh, you get to bring F.R.I.E.N.D.S
>Tu magnus hominis
>you don't get to uh... live in manhattan with no visible means of support in a spacious apartment
Oh look, a free Dr. Pavel.
Yes, that's it, keep your cranial temperature nice and high, keep generating replies and rising the fire, wreckage brother.
kek, haven't seen this one before
>tfw 'baneposting is dead' is the next big meme
merr merr merr merrrrr
I don't think this meme will ever die. If anything it might become a religion in the far future.
It's just you bunch of faggots itt. Nobody cares about your shitty thread with your washed out meme anymore. Move on faggots.