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Excuse me?


Honestly it's not that bad of a concept if you have to do a modern take on Jumanji. The time shift works about right; Board games were old when the first was made and Atari is about the same relative age now.

This summer Rob Schneider is Professor Shelly Oberon

This is why Robin Williams killed himself.

Internet shitposting?

>hollywood turns a charming children's book into a dumb action film for teenagers
hmm, when has this ever happened before

Are you implying the first wasn't a dumb action film?

It wasn't even in the works when he died faggot

They call him the Rock because he sinks movies

So it's Greed Island now?

the whole point of jumanji is the kid finds a spooky board game. does a kid find a spooky video game console and game in the dirt in a construction site?

He's a big box office draw, actually

they took jumanji and turned it into a early 2000's creepypasta

at least it was aimed at pre-teens
but I was actually referring to the lord of the rings movies

Actually the point of jumanji was becoming a man and standing up to your father.

why the fuck are all these movies so devoid of genuine heart and soul?

bunch of fucking formulaic glib facsimiles that will be forgotten 3 months after they're released

I'm sick to death of this shit. the worst part is the fucking PLEBS go and see them


No the PLOT for Jumanji was some kids find a spooky board game, that wasn't the POINT.

You can tell the same type of story in different settings you know.

because jews and china.

Movies arent about actually telling good stories or even art any more. its just pretty lights for chinks to clap at and for jews to make money.

Will this movie make me piss myself hard like Baywatch? I have a kidney stone I need to get rid of.

surely these slit eyed dog eating cunts don't give a fuck about jumanji why not just call it "man goes to jungle" with a few guns and cgi donkeys so these city dwelling monkey drones can spend their monthly wage watching visual garbage

>Scrawny nerdy jew turns into Dwayne Johnson
>Nerdy frumpy girl tuns into hot chick
>Hot chick turns into Jack Black
>Black guy turns into black guy
was it fair?

>everyone chooses a different character
Immersion ruined.

I can feel it was made because Robin Williams death
>oh Robin's dead everyone miss his movies
>oh Jumanji was his classic lets make another movie
>urrr kids don't like board games nowaday they luv video games more
>hurrr lets turn it into video game
>reboot button on green

Why are you so triggered by this? I didn't realize Jumanji had such a dedicated fanbase.


You mean "Black guy turns into Kevin Hart"

I think Jumanji was one of those movies everyone watched as a kid. Like Sandlot. A lot of people don't want their childhood fucked with like this.

Hollywood movies used to have some humanity and charm about them.

that's what I'm angry about

Friendly reminder that Jumanji was actually a mediocre movie.

You shouldn't go to Sup Forums then.

>Ruby Roundhouse
>Killer of men


b-but muh childhood :(


I couldn't care less about the CGI and the rest it's ok.

Personally, I feel that this flicks approach to the concept of Jumanji is creative and original. Unlike the Ghostbusters remake, they took time to think about a new script. It's not going to be a piece of "art," and if that is your issue, grow up because neither was the original Jumanji.

That being said, I will watch it with my 10/10 girlfriend because she thinks Kevin Hart is hilarious and I want to watch Jack Black act like an Instagram thot.


Haunted video game doesn't even make sense as a concept. It's not detached enough from our time like an ancient board game is. It's unnecessarily updating a concept that still works fine in 2017 for the sole purpose of getting kids to go "Video games? I play video games!".


This is surprising to me, It had to be popular among kids or something because everyone I knew loved that shit.

There are tons of movies out there that kids and families love but critics hate.

>Kevin Hart plays himself

Does he get that he's suppose to be a child that isn't a shitty manlet comedian?

Also this... I watched a movie with the rock and vannessa hudgens... not art but was an entertaining movie for the kids

Kevin Hart is the new Chris Tucker who was the new Eddie Murphy who was the new Richard Pryor.


I prefer Chris Tucker tho. None of them compare to Pryor or Murphy imo. Not even close.

someone tweet this at him

Because that's what you grew up with. I don't know why it rubs me the wrong way when you faggots let your nostalgia blind you.

i got a nice chuckle out of this

I didn't grow up with Pryor he was old as fuck by then. Murphy was also before I was old enough to watch his stuff as well. I'm sorry if my opinion doesn't conform to your opinion faggot.

>all these people acting like the old jumanji was anything special, and not just a mediocre kids movie from their childhood

But Jumanji was only fun because of the monstrous wildlife causing mayhem IRL. If the vidya concept doesn't spill over to the real world, it'll be a waste.

My friend group in early high school used to be obsessed with that story of the haunted pokemon black cartridge

Jumanji isn't that good anyway. Just manchild nostalgia and a dead mediocre comedy actor.

t. underage fag

they were already talking about a new jumanji movie before his death

I wish this just didn't have the Jumanji name because it could be just fine without it. It could be entertaining for all I know though.

I really like Jack Black though. He seems like a sincere dude that just wants to entertain people. I was watching him on that Getting Doug with High show and how uncomfortable he was the entire time. Really showed how nice and normal the dude is

feel free to kill yourself any time

What made the first one work was the mystical aspects of the game but the emotional connection to the story told around it and how it was discovered by the kid and how it affected his friend and family and all that shit when he went in to the game... This is just generic remake #346,827 that looks just like everything else with too much CGI and for lack of a better term no heart.

As soon as Kevin Hart pops up and Guns n Roses starts playing it is 100% confirmed that this will be total shit.

What the hell is this shit

Does anyone else think that this would be just a comfy flick for those days where you just want to get drunk alone and forget your worries for a couple of hours?

This post is fucking dumb. Hart is talentless piece of shit who found success only to fill a racial niche for the sake of diversity. Tucker was just a funny little dude who could be entertaining in the right place at the right time that fucked it all up for himself. Pryor and Murphy were actual legit comedians and actors with raw fucking talent beyond looking goofy on screen and filling a spot that Tyler Perry and Ice Cube left open. You are a god damn retard.

no way, it's RAUNCHY and LITTY

Kid actors become Avatars. Where have I seen this before?


>Getting Doug with High show
Did Jack toke up? I can't stand Doug, marijuana is about as cool and accepted as cigarettes and he acts like it's dude lmao.


Who gives a shit?

you cared enough to comment, like I do :^)

How does this "retro" console somehow have like 4k resolution?

>"Black guy turns into Kevin Hart"

